Big Brothers Choice

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Claws looked up to a big tank. Seeing someone's very familiar face in it. He was posed in a very cool position. Holding his big boomerang in one of his hands. Claw woman closed her eyes as she remembered the good old days.

"Come on! Come on! Come o-GAH!! This games cheating!!!" She threw her controller.
"You're just a sore looser Claws~" Quickman said as he smiled to her.
Claws was looking at the floor. She had lost to Quickman for the fifth god damn time and she started to actually break a bit.
Quick couldn't really see her face clearly as her hair was covering her face. But when he realized she was about to cry he quickly took her up into his arms.
"Brother!!" Claws quickly said. Her voice being a bit bobbly from almost crying. She was having tears in her eyes.
Quick smiled to her as he held her "I didn't mean to make you cry Claws." He said as he clearly felt bad now. "Let's run outside for a bit, shall we?" He asked.
He was really trying not to make her cry. It was probably the worst thing someone could do to her.
Claws looked up at Quick with kinda glossy looking eyes. But she nodded.

Quick man got her up onto his shoulders. He held her tiny legs. But he first made sure she was holding on tightly. She was holding onto his head. She was ready.
And with that he started running. Claws felt her hair just blow behind her. But it felt awesome! Like she was flying and every time Quick did this, it was amazing. He ran though the woods and soon got to the ocean. He let her down on the beach.

"You've gotten faster big brother." Claws said honestly to him.
"Of course I have. No need to slack off even if you're not fighting." Quick man said with a smile.
"That Megaman won't know what hit em'." Claws said as she winked a bit to him.

Quick petted her head and laughed. Claws held his hand on her head. She was adorable in a way. Quick man was honestly happy to have her as a sister in a way. She was very nice to him for the most part but also being very close with Metal man and shockingly enough Heat man, both being extreme hotheads.
Claw woman was a little sister to them. But she was still not fit for battle. Still having prototype gear on and her core not being very powerful yet. But it didn't mean they would hate her or something. They all appreciated her like an equal. Just not letting her fight yet before she's ready, Which was one of Dr.Wily's orders. But they choose it like they were protecting their family instead of it being just a stupid order.

Claws was looking out to the ocean. Her hair blowing in the wind swiftly. Quick man smiled as he watched her eventually start picking up small shells that were laying on the sand. They were very pretty of course. Which she loved.
"Are you going to give Bubble man those?" Quick asked as he stood beside her.

Claws nodded and got back up. The shells were blue and a bit greenish. She put them safely away in her arm. She looked up to Quick, a smile was on her face but it was hard to see though her mask. But it was clear she was smiling under there as her eyes gave it away.
Quick man took her up into his arms again and put her on his shoulder.

He walked with her for some time. She seemed normal now as she had forgotten that she lost against him in their game.
"You really have no need to cry over something so stupid Claws. You should save those tears for something really special.. or I guess something really bad happening." Quick man said honestly to her.
"Don't worry big brother. I will be fine." She gently petted his head. "I promise to save my dumb tears for you." She said.
Quick look up to her. Seeing her unmasked face softly smiling back to him.

"I kept that dumb promise, didn't I?" Claws said as she looked up at the robot master in front of her. "Big brother.." She smiled softly. People were walking around her. Watching the now deactivated robot masters. Claws smiled as she watched her brothers in their awesome poses, feeling actually better in a way to see what they wanted to do when deactivated. Show the humans and fellow robots who they were.

"Claws." Someone behind her said.
She looked to who it was. Still smiling.
"You sure do miss your brother huh? Sorry if you wouldn't have wanted to see this." It was Blues. Both he and Claws had their trench coats on. Claws was hiding her face a bit but her smile was still seen.
Claws walked up to him and hugged his arm. "It's alright Blues. I'm happy. I at least know my brothers are happy now." She looked back to Quick man.
Blues smiled as he looked to her. "I guess you two were close?" He asked.
Claws nodded."Yeah. Closer than what you could imagine." She said softly as she and Blues started walking outside.

Thanks for reading!

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