The Mute Muse

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Break man. That was the name of a hero. But this hero was misguided.
Misguided to the point where he follows the villain. Thinking his core inside was fixed which it wasn't in the slightest. Break could only hurt at this moment.  But he fought. He fought himself and everyone else. Just to know his purpose. But so was his mind thinking.

Break man came back to Dr. Wily's hideout. As he walked inside he noticed Wily standing in the middle of a room with a robot. It was clearly new.
"There. You should be able to finally use those legs for something." He said angrily as it seemed this robot had done something earlier.
"Wily." Break man said as he came closer to the two.
"Oh! Break man. Nice to see you again. And in perfect timing as well. Learn this scrap metal something useful. I'm too tired to even try with her." Wily said as he stormed back to his lab.
Break looked at the girl robot. She looked rather disheveled. Her eyes almost having no life in them. He quickly snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Are you alright? Something the matter?" He asked.
The robot didn't say anything. She just starred out into the dark. But she eventually looked up to him as well. Her eyes looked dead. It shocked him a bit. Break got down a bit to her. He looked closely into her eyes.
"Can you at least try speaking with me? What's your name? Your number?" He asked as he suspected something was wrong.
She opened her mouth. She looked like she was about to try telling him something but nothing came out. Her hands slowly came up to her face. She seemed to try doing sign language. Was she mute??
"Are you mute?..." Break softly touched her hair a bit as he looked at her with truly sad eyes. She didn't seem to deserve missing a part like that. "....How can he do something like that?... "

Break thought for a moment... "I will be back. Don't worry." He said as he ran somewhere in the castle. He got into Wily's lab. He looked around a bit as Wily seemed distracted. So when Wily wasn't looking to where Break was looking too he quickly and silently stole a tiny part on one of his tables. Break came back to the silent robot girl. She was standing in the same place she was left. But she was sitting on the floor now as she seemed like her spirit broke. Break kneeled down to her. And gently lifted her chin up. "This will only take a moment. I swear. I will fix you right up." He made sure he was going to be as gentle as possible for her.
He opened something in front of her neck. He carefully put the tiny part he stole into her neck. He very carefully fixed with some wires in there to make them connect to the device. He sighed in relief as he closed the opening in her neck.
"Try speaking with me." He asked.
"B-Break-" She tried saying but she immediately started tearing up. She covered her face as she started crying. She waled loudly as she finally had a voice.
Break man was silent as he listened to her crying. He understood how hard it must have been for her being mute. She hugged him quickly without warning. Break didn't push her away. He put his hands gently on her sides as he let her cry out.
"T-Thank you!! Thank you Break man!" She whimpered in his arms.
Break didn't say anything but he petted her head gently to calm her down a bit.

Days eventually turned into weeks. And under those weeks Break was always surprised to see her. He knew now she was called DWN. 95 Claw woman. But he called her Claws for short. He knew Wily made her for one purpose and one purpose only. To fight Mega man. She was a killing machine without armor as Wily was still making her claws. Her claws were made out from extra hard titanium which had been blacked out. They couldn't break. It was almost like Break man's shield. Unbreakable. But Break man didn't know that, after some of her armor had been finished she started wearing a mask. It was still in its prototype stage but she wore it anyways. She was covering up her face for everyone. And as Wily got more robot masters into the picture she started changing. She got cooky. Following the types of robot masters she was assigned with. But for the most part she was silent with them. Only speaking when told by Dr.Wily who she called master Wily. Break man spoke with her once in a while and she was completely different with him. Showing her face to him and smiling an adorable smile to him. She was forever thankful for giving her a voice when Wily had given up on her. It's because of Break man she was left to live and become a robot master with the others. Wily didn't like the idea of having a female robot master but when Break explained to him she could easily take Mega man down only because she was a girl. Having the same kind of mindset the old man had just to make him think of the great possibilities.

But eventually Break man became Proto Man. He finally realized what he was. A hero. When Dr. Wily kidnapped Kalinka. Dr. Cossack's daughter, something snapped in Proto. He was meant for much more. But before he left, Claws stopped him.
"...are you leaving?.." She asked. Sadness clearly showing in her eyes.
"Yes.... I can't do this anymore Claws." It was new for her to hear him say that. Him being in his new helmet. She saw some of his face finally after so long. But now she hated the fact he had to leave.
She made her mask disappear. "I hope you will find your way Break.."
Proto quickly hugged her tightly. Surprising her more than anything. His grip was strong but she understood why. She hugged him close.
"Call me Proto man from now on Claws.. Let the past me disappear from your memory. I don't want your voice to be tainted anymore of that name. You're the muse that let me realize how much I have to change." He asked and said as he held her close.
She looked up to him. She gently held his cheeks. Their foreheads touched. "I could never forget you... Blues... You're very dear to me by now." Claws said softly to him as she gave a warm smile.
Proto looked at her in simple shock. How did she know his real name?? But as she had been close to Wily when being mute she must have gotten a good look at all Dr. Lights robot masters. Even him.
Proto stayed like this with her for a while before they let go of each other and she let him go.

Claws breathed in as her coding was shocking her a bit inside. She quickly ran to the robot masters and Wily, screaming out that Break man betrayed them. She had to say it. Blues had told her to before he left. She was one of Wily's robot masters. She had to be loyal to him and only him. But deep inside she wanted to follow Blues.

More months passed and Mega man fought with Proto Man by his side. As they fought their way through Wily castle they were stopped. A girl walked out from the shadows. Big claws ready. Her eyes glowing green. Purple paint being painted across her eyes. A mask with a never changing sharped toothed grin. and an armor that resembled a ribcage. And a black helmet with big purple fins sticking out from both her sides which made her look like a bat with big ears. She was starring at Proto the most. She had become the thing she was meant to be. A killing machine. Proto Man let Mega man run ahead. Claws didn't care about the blue bomber. She let him go as she knew it was worse going alone. She and Proto finally started battling one another and both of them hated it. Hating the fact they hurt one another physically.
But it had to be done. But as the castle started collapsing around them Proto thought of the only thing he could do... Save her. Saving the woman who let him realize the good side in people. And realize his mistakes.

Thank you for reading!

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