.:The Ghosts Death:.

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A quick shot was heard coming from the training room as X walked there. He looked inside to see Lasher and Zero training together. Lasher had shot down five of the seven training dummies and she was proud over herself for doing so.
"You're getting better at this Lash." Zero commented with a smile.
"Really? You mean it??" Lash asked as her eyes twinkled with the realization of becoming better at her aim.
Zero nodded and petted her on the head. Lash looked like a child as her eyes were so big and she was also holder her face making her cheeks puff up a bit.
She and Zero had started to get closer with each other and X thought that was great.
"Zero's right on that Lash." X finally said as he walked up to the two.
Lash looked to X and she immediately ran up to him.
They both hugged for a solid minute as Lasher didn't want to let go.
"You can let go of me now Lash." X said as he awkwardly chuckled.
"Nope~" Lash stuck her tongue out a bit as she still held onto X. She hadn't seen him in forever it felt like.
"I know you've been with Ange a lot. But you have to let go sooner or later." X said.
Lasher chuckled. "Hmmm I think I can stay like this forever if I want to. I don't want my friend to run away after all." She said with a bit smile on her face.
X chuckled and hugged her close.
"Oh yeah. Ange. It's her seventy fifth birthday soon right?" Zero mentioned.
"Wait what?" X said. "How do you know that??" X asked with confusion in his voice.
"Whoops.. I guess you didn't get your invention yet?" Lasher said as she let go of him. "I will be playing a piece of music for her as my present. She learned me how to play piano some months ago and I thought it would be nice playing something for her." Lash said with a smile.
"You can play piano?" X wondered.
"I would love hearing you play." Zero said as he folded his arms.
Lash smiled to the two. "I hope you two come to the party then." She said with a cheeky grin.

And some weeks past after that and soon it was time to go to the party. Ange was Lasher guardian in a way. She was teaching Lash how to work in a society when she will maintain peace. But Ange is also a very famous artist. Being a very well known pianist and painter making her well known around the world by now.
She lived in one of the tallest buildings of the city. Having a balcony and seven roomed apartment.

X and Zero eventually appeared by the building and they both noticed some hunters actually being there as well. Ange was well known around the world but she was also very well known to the maverick hunters. She often played music that was dedicated for them and it was a nice gesture from her.
When they both eventually got inside they saw the sea of people. But from all people sticking out was well. Their commander. Sigma was even there and it was quiet weird to say the least. Both Zero and X were looking for Lash until they noticed their long haired friend. She was with Ange and also chatting a bit with some of the guests.
"Lash" X said with a smile as he walked up to her.
Lash looked to the two and soon smiled big. "Glad you two came." She was looking gorgeous in both of their eyes. Having a long black dress that showed one leg and her hair having some accessories in them and her ear pieces having what looked like wing like parts stuck to them.
X could feel his cheeks heat up a bit. Zero noticed and smiled.
"You look beautiful Lash." Zero said too her.
"Thank you Zero. Um X you alright there?" Lash wondered as she chuckled a bit.
"I'm alright." X said as he tried pulling it back together.
"Oh? If it isn't Zero and X. How are you boys doing?" A rather old sounding voice said. It was Ange. She was looking at the three of them.
Ange was of course an old woman in her late seventies. She was in a wheelchair. She had her hair pulled back a bit but still letting it out as it was gray and short. She was wearing a light blue dress and having a light gray whiteish shawl around her shoulders. She was a very nice looking woman for her age.
"We are doing alright. But how are you Ange?" Zero said with a friendly smile.
"How should I say? I'm seventy five and I'm still kicking. Don't take that literally. But I guess I'm not dead yet!" She said as she laughed a bit.
"I didn't know you were a comedian as well!" X said as he laughed a bit with her.
"Oh you charmer!" Ange said as she smiled happily. But eventually someone wanted to talk with her. "Oh well. Lash you can spend some time with the boys if you want to." Ange said as she rolled away from them.
"I will." Lasher said as she walked away from the crowd of people with Zero and X.
The three of them walked out to the balcony.

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