Meet NetNavi Claws.EXE 1#

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"Nice to meet you. I'm Claws.EXE. I'm your internet navigator. Or NetNavi for short." She said with a soft smile on her face as she soon got hugged by her new operator.

After a week of Claws being with her new operator it was soon time for her to go to school. She was in the eight grade which was pretty nice to know. But that meant Claws had to be faced with school as well as she was her Navi. She wasn't very excited for it. So was her operator.

When her operator was in class she took her PET out. Her teacher asking all her pupils to transmit their NetNavis to their own lesson. Claws' operator was really unsure as she wanted Claws with her. She had low self esteem and it was a new class for her. And Claws was her new friend and she wanted to be with her. "I will be fine. So will you.. Don't worry." She winked with a smile on her face. "I will be close. I won't run." Claws said. It made her operator smile and transmit her to the lesson for the Netnavis in class.
When Claws transmitted to the class for the first time she was surprised to see so many different kinds of navis. She had never been in a NetNavi school before. But she was a bit nervous about it too. She was practically the only girl in the class. Some time passed and Claws walked out of the classroom as it was break time. The boy Navi's were eventually annoying her a bit so she needed a tiny break from them. Her operator not picking her up at all as it seemed she was speaking with some new friends which made her glad. But by the way she was speaking it seemed she knew them already somehow.

Claws walked through the digital halls until she bumped into someone.
"S-Sorry." She quickly apologized as she helped the person who she bumped into up.
"It's alright." She said with a smile.
She was a very adorable looking navi. Having a cute little ponytail like thing on the back of her helmet with a green bow on it and a heart shaped on her helmet. Her emblem having a tiny red heart on it. Claws smiled back to her as she let go of her hand.
'There's other navis in the school huh?' Claws wondered.
They both eventually carried on and walked back to their classes.

When school was over. Her operator finally picked her back up again.
"Did you have a fun time at school?" Claws asked.
"I surprisingly did. Everyone was super nice. Even got to talk with some of my other friends from a different class." She said with a smile.
Her smile made Claws very happy.
"Did you have fun as well, Claws?" She asked.
Claws was about to answer her question but she was cut off as someone was screaming after her operator.

It was a girl with dark pink hair and a red circular hairpin that had a tiny yellow "cut" on it.
"Mayl? What is it?" Claws operator asked.
"Want to go to the mall with me today Emma?" Mayl asked with a happy smile on her face.
Claws operator smiled happily and said of course yes to it.
Claws had no idea what she meant by going to the mall. She had no idea about what the humans do on their free time. Only knowing her operator liked drawing a lot.

"huh? Is that?" Mayl suddenly said as she noticed Claws PET.
Claws operator nodded with an ever bigger smile on her face. Mayl smiled like no other. She knew that Claws operator had lost her last NetNavi. Which was truly sad for anyone if she should be honest.
"Your pet looks really cool now. It really works with you!" She said with a laugh. "Your navi is really pretty. What's her name?" Mayl asked excitedly.
"I'm Claws.EXE. Nice to meet you." Claws finally said as she looked at Mayl.
"She even sounds pretty." Mayl whispered to Claws operator. Which made the tiny Navi blush a bit.

When the girls eventually got to the mall Mayl suggested that they should let their NetNavis go to Netcity for a bit. It freaked Claws a bit out when she suddenly was transported to a whole new place. She saw even more navis. Walking among the streets like normal humans. Chatting with each other and even enjoying themselves. Claws stood where she was in a bit of awe until she noticed a familiar navi.

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