My snake admirer

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I am Claw woman. Or I'm mostly called Claws by everyone else that knows me. I'm a Wilybot. Dr. Wily gave me free will, or at least as much will as I would like. I'm mostly staying at his castle with the other robot masters. Being seen as a little sister to them. I hate to admit it but it's true in a way.
All though I was mainly based on a robot master made by Dr. Cossack. That robot being Skull man. I'm far different from how he plays out. I use close contact attacks like kicks and punches. But I mostly use my claws to claw through my enemies. Or in very rare cases dig myself a hole or a tunnel to keep myself safe.
But because I'm the smallest and youngest of all my robot brothers I've been looked at by some of them. But usually I go to my room to be alone and sometimes train. I haven't been out on a mission yet. Dr. Wily is still trying to make a team for me but at the moment he had a creation block.
Claws was in her room as usual. She was meditating. She felt something scrape against her long hair. She quickly looked to what it was but it was nothing there. She went back to meditating again but was immediately stopped by the sudden feeling of something slithering on her shoulder. She immediately freaked out by it and tried getting it off. It fell off quickly from her shoulder but when she got a good look at what the hell it was she got furious.
"SNAKE MAN!!!" She immediately stormed out of her room to confront him. He was very annoying to her as he a lot of the time made his snakes appear in her room. Some of the robot masters said he only did that because he cared but in her opinion she thought it was creepy. She hated snakes as they freaked her out by now.
"She's angry again." Spark man said as he cowered behind Needle man.
"Snake man needs to stop doing that. It's the fifth time this month.." Quick man said as he watched Claws walk to Snake man's room.
When she eventually reached his room she closed the door behind her. Claws loud voice could be heard even from behind its metal framing. Then a loud slap was heard coming from Snake man's room.
The door eventually opened and she was pulling Snake man out by his long snake tail on his helmet. He was literally getting dragged on the floor. As it was his job to get the snake out of her room of course.
Now they saw what the slapping sound was from. She had slapped Snake so hard his cheek was swollen.
Quick man's face said it all. He would never try angering Claw woman. She was brutal when angered. But she was taking it easy on Snake man once in a while as he actually admired her a lot. Which would explain the snake invasion in her room sometimes.

Soon Claws reached her room with Snake man tightly gripped in her hand.
"Get your snake out of my room. And then get your butt back in your room." Claws said firmly.
"I'm sssssorry Clawss. Don't be sssso angry about it." He said as he was let go by her. He slithered inside her room. He picked the tiny snake up from under one of her shelfs. "It'ssss not ssso bad Clawss. It'ssss tiny." Snake man said with a big grin on his face.
Claws wasn't having it. Her mask had a big toothy grin on it but underneath she wasn't smiling like him. And honestly no one but Wily knew how she looks underneath the mask.
"Now. You have your snake. Get out of my room." Claws said as she folded her arms.
"Oh. This is not the only one I have here." Five more snakes slithered out from under their hiding places in her room. They all slithered back to Snake man.
Claw Woman's eyes were just glowing by now with rage. She wanted him out. He had been way to creepy with her and mostly her by now. She didn't understand why but she didn't care to wanna know by now.

Much later after Claws somehow got Snake man out of her room with a well needed kick it was time for bed.
She went to her bed to get some sleep. She went offline as she laid down. Her long hair was out and all around her. It was covering a bit of her face as well. But soon Claws went back online as she felt something laying in her bed with her. Someone was underneath her blanket. When she looked at who it was she didn't scream. She just gave out a growling noice.
She gave a firm kick to Snake man who was under there. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She got up from her bed. Forgetting she didn't have her mask on.
She had kicked Snake down to the floor. He seemed to have been sleeping as well.
"Huh??? It wasss cold in my room. Your blanket wass warm ok. Eh-" Snake man looked up at her with wide eyes.
"You creep!- why are you looking at me like that?" She was confused at first to what he was looking so shocked for until she noticed the problem. She quickly got down at him. Claws held him down. "Snake. I hope you keep this shit secret. About my face. Understood?" She said firmly. Her teeth wasn't looking so different from the design on her mask. They were sharp. Just like his teeth.
Snake smiled creepily to her. "I can keep thisss a secret. Jusst for you Clawss."
"Thank god." She said relieved.
"But can I asssk you a favor?" Snake man asked.
"What?.." she looked at him seriously.
He hugged her arm gently. "Can't I sssleep in your room? Jussst for tonight. It'ss sssso warm here~"
Claws sighed irritatedly. She thought for a moment. "...What is the nice word?"
"Pleassssse?" He said with that big smile of his.
"Ok then. But no funny business Snake man or I will throw you out the window."
"Promissssse!" He said as he got up with her.
Claws laid back down in her bed. Snake man immediately jumped inside her blanket. He was laying a bit on her legs. She wanted to say something about it but she kept quiet. Some minutes past and she felt around a bit with her hand. She put her hand on his head. Feeling the scaly texture on his helmet. It was like she had a real snake there which for some reason didn't feel scary anymore. But eventually she stopped petting him and went offline.

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