Widowmaker x Reader: Smile

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Reader POV:

Me and Amelie go way back, ever since before her transformation and the assassination of her husband. I was even the maid of honor in her wedding. But even though she has no emotions, I can tell she's feeling down lately.The day she killed her husband is coming around the corner, despite her actions she still loved him deeply. 

It caused her to be more distracted on missions. Sombra even told her to her face that she was purple and she didn't even yell at her saying she was blue. 

As days roll on by, I couldn't just stand around and not say anything. I needed to talk to her.

It was late at night near the dining hall at Talon. There were giant windows that took up most of the wall, showing the cityscape nearby and the bright full moon. There Amelie stood as still as a stone, looking out the window with a blank stare. Unreadable. 

As I walked up to her, she didn't bother to turn around. Her golden eyes focused outside.

"Lovely evening, isn't it?" I broke the silence.


For a while, we stood side by side just looking through the window. Nothing but silence between us.

"You're worried about me, aren't you?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? We both know that day is coming up."

"You don't need to worry, I was trained not to have emotions. They're unnecessary." 

"But it doesn't mean you still don't love him. I've seen you go to his grave every year on the anniversary of his death, you can't lie to me."

There was a brief moment of silence.

"Y/N. You need to stop."

"Stop what?"

"You need to stop caring so much about me. I can't give you the love you deserve, you need to be happy. This is my problem. I killed Gerard, not you."

"Amelie, look at me." Amelie turned her head towards me, her face blank and cold. Yet through the coldness, I could see that this was tearing her up inside to the point where she could break. But she's incapable of letting out a single tear.

"I love you. And if you need anything at all, I'll always be there for you. You, too, deserve to be happy as much as I do."

As if it were magic, she smiled at me. For the first time since her transformation, she smiled at me. I felt tears of happiness coming down from my eyes.

"I feel happy when I'm with you." she said.

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