Suggested music:
(Human- Rag'n'Bone)

THEN-Daryl found himself in his bed with the girl beside him, he had a cigarette in his mouth as he took a couple puffs while she was laid there asleep

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Daryl found himself in his bed with the girl beside him, he had a cigarette in his mouth as he took a couple puffs while she was laid there asleep. He watched the smoke flow into the air above him as he took another puff. He kept wondering how he got here, or why he allowed her to stay in his bed after he had pushed her away.

I walked into the trading area and dropped a bag of fruits on the counter. The old man looked through it and smiled. "How you manage to find this?" He asked me. "I told you I would!" I said as he slid me a pack of cigarettes, and two bandages. All which i wanted to get for Daryl. "Thank you Beth." He said to me. "No thank you Mr. Henry." I took the items and shoved them into my pocket I could feel eyes on me as I looked up to see Dwight staring down at me. Then I heard whistling, Negan came in and everyone quickly kneeled. He came swaying over to me I went to kneel but he placed a hand on my shoulder, allowing me to keep standing. "You're released for the rest of the day." He said giving it a slight squeeze. "Great work." He said with a wink before walking past me. Mr. Henry looked at me and I let out a small sigh before waving goodbye. Anytime I was "released" from working it came with some sort or price or something has happened, it was never just out the kindness of Negan's heart. I headed to Daryl's room and slowly pushed the door open, I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. I noticed there was two bodies in the bed, my heart felt like it jumped out of my chest. Daryl was asleep cigarette burnt out on the table beside him. The woman was lying on her stomach her body revealed for anyone to see. I crossed my arms and took a deep breath. I was angry, I didn't know why but I was. The first day he's back on his feet he goes and sleeps with some woman. I didn't understand why it ticked me off but it did I could see the women beginning to wake up as she laid her hand on top of Daryl's chest. I quickly turned on my heels and stomped out the room, my feet not stopping, I looked down the hall to see Dwight standing there, his arms crossed. "What?" I snapped as I pushed past him. Dwight followed behind me "don't be upset." He said. "How?" I paused then stopped to look at him. "Why are you following me?" I asked. "I'm not following you." He said. "You sure about that? And how do you even? Can you just leave me alone!" I snapped. "Beth." Dwight said, as he held out a key. I slowly looked down at the key then back up at him. "Negan's playing a game here, and right now he's got y'all at game point. He gave me this for you and Daryl. Wanted you two to share a room, it'll help, won't have to keep working for two different rooms." He said. "Of course he did.. what game could he be playing?" I asked. I slowly took the keys and looked at the red chip that was attached to it. "Whatever game he plays in his head." Dwight said. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "I owe you, your stuff is already in the room." He said turning on his heels and walking away. I didn't understand what game Negan was trying to play, why did Daryl sleeping with some girl matter to him? Did he think that would bother me? What silly game was he trying to play? I shook my head to clear my head of a million questions and located floor A, room A223. Once I arrived to the door I slid the key into the hole and twisted it, then twisted the knob, the room was large then the one I had stayed in before. It had a single double bed that sat in the corner of the room, a couch, a dresser, a line of counters against the wall behind the door and a table with three chairs. I looked at my stuff that was laid out on the bed, a stack of fresh clothes and a note on top of it. I listened to the door shut behind me as I walked over to the piece of paper, and lifted it up and unfolded it. 'For all the hard work you've put in.. enjoy sunshine. Negan.' It said. I crushed up the paper and threw it across the room, I threw myself back on the bed letting my arms spread out across it. I stared up at the ceiling and slowly dozed off.

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