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Suggested Music:
(Make It Rain: Ed Sheeran)
I walked down the streets I had remembered walking down so long ago, it felt like memories flashing through my head. I remembered walking down the same pave, it was dark at the time, Daryl was sitting outside on the porch fiddling with his knife, he had seen me across the street staring at me. He had stopped, stared at me, then stood up, turned on his heels and opened the front door, he then looked back at me and left the door wide open. I remember those were the times we hadn't spoken about our relationship to anyone else in the group. Things were different at the type, they weren't aware of how much time alone we had spent before we got splitter up after the prison, or even after we escaped from Negan. I walked across that road, went inside the house, we sat on floor and just talked. Eating whatever I decided to cook that night. We stayed up until the crack of dawn, I remember sneaking out and finding my way back to my house just down the street, Maggie was knocked out on the couch, she had stayed up waiting for me but had eventually fallen asleep. I felt like a teenager all over again, once she heard that front door close behind me she woke right up and questioned me. The memories made me smile. I walked across that street just like I did before, I walked towards the porch and slowly went up the three stairs and stared at the door. "Beth." Judith called out. My head quickly snapped to the voice of the girl, she was standing in the grass staring at me. "What are you doing?" She asked me. I looked up at the door I front of me, I didn't realize I had opened it, I could see the living room from where I was standing, the room was empty, the couch I remember falling asleep on some nights was no longer there.

I slowly closed the door, turned on my heels and went back down the stairs. "I'm not even sure." I admitted to the girl. "Did you used to live there?" She asked me. "No, but I know someone who did." I said. She began to walk with my across the side walk. "No one lives there now since Uncle Daryl left." She said to me. "Do you know Uncle Daryl?" She then asked. "Very well." I said with a smile. "Where is he? I haven't seen him in a long time.. I really do miss him." She said to me. "He's been very busy, but I'm sure he'll come see you soon." I said to her. "You think so?" She asked. I nodded my head in response. The girl stopped and looked over at a house. Below was a window that had bars on the inside of it. "What's this?" I asked the girl. "Can I show you something?" She asked me. I simply nodded my head again and followed her towards the window, she tapped against the glass and looked through. "Hey! I know you aren't sleep in there.. I have someone here for you." She said to whoever was behind the glass and bars. I lowered down to my knees and waited for someone to speak. "Do you now?" The familiar voice said. I felt my heart completely drop. "Negan?" I called out. It was silent, for almost a minute. "Beth?" The voice said. Judith then pointed towards the stairs that lead to the cell. I looked at her, then the stairs and began to follow them to the door that lead to where Negan was being held. I pushed the door open, a man sat outside asleep. Negan slowly stood up stepping into the light. "Now I know I haven't sniffed to much dust." He said looking over me. "And I sure as hell don't believe in ghosts." He said. "Negan." I said looking over him. "Hi Bethy." He whispered. "I thought you were dead." I admitted. "I could sure as hell say the damn same." He said. "But I see they got you locked up.. you deserve it." I said looking over at the man who fidgeted a little. "I know." Negan admitted. "I deserve a lot." He whispered. "More then you could possibly know." I whispered. "Daryl know you alive?" He asked me. "First person I came back too." I whispered leaning against the wall. "Bet he's a happy motherfucker now, was walking around here with his tail up his ass since you was gone, till he disappeared on me. God was he some entertainment to watch from down here." Negan tried his best to keep his voice low as he spoke. "What's got you back here? You finally coming home?" He asked. "Ran into some trouble, gotta get my community safe." I said. "Your community? I'll be damned, you come back and take over for yah sister huh? I always knew you'd come along.. could see you running a whole damn army if needed." Negan said. "I do what I gotta do." I shrugged. "You've changed." He said. "And not just from cutting yah hair, your eyes, they ain't got that bright little sparkle anymore.
Starting to look a lot more like a survivor, a leader." He said leaning as close as he could behind those bars. "Things change, people change." I said. "Yeah, years will do that huh?" He said with a chuckle. "What made Rick change his mind?" I asked him. Negan leaned back and looked out the window. "Carl." He mumbled. Of course it was Carl.. I crossed my arms against my chest. "Things changed Beth, I've changed.." he suggested. "For the better?" I asked. The door creaked open as Michonne came in, her arms crossed as she looked at me the at her prisoner.

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