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Suggested Music:
(Natural - Imagine Dragons)

THEN-There was a lot on my mind as I sat waiting for Daryl to return, my foot tapping as I tried to make sense of what I had agreed to

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There was a lot on my mind as I sat waiting for Daryl to return, my foot tapping as I tried to make sense of what I had agreed to. Was it right? Was it smart? Would it work? All of these questions ran through my head. I heard a knock on the door as someone called my name, my heart stopped. I stood up, walked to the door, and slowly turned the door knob. Dwight stood there a look on his face. "Come." He said. I didn't ask questions I knew something was wrong, he took me outside to where they had returned too.
Daryl was on his knees, a bruise on his face from where someone had hit him. "What happened?" I said as I looked at Negan who was wiping his hands on his pants. "Your dog needed to be taught a lesson." He said. "Daryl?" I whispered looking over him, he was pissed. I could see it written all over his face. Then I seen it, loads of stuff that came from Alexandria, Ricks revolver, and a couple other things I had seen before. I walked towards it as I looked over the stuff I was so familiar too.
"What did you do?" I said to Negan, the anger rising in my voice. "Watch your tone." He warned. "Maybe you should keep watch... Negan." I threatened. "Beth." Daryl mumbled, Negan smiled. "Pardon me little lady and excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but did you just threaten me?" He asked. "She ain't say nothin'." Daryl mumbled trying to defend me. "Nah, Bethy Boo and all her sunshine just went cold on me." He said leaning to the side. "I'm aroused." Negan let out a laugh before yanking Daryl up to his feet. "You'll be working extra hard tomorrow, that's IF I don't throw your ass back in that goddamn room and play some damn twinkle toes music to go along with it." He said. Daryl grabbed my arm leading me back inside. "I don't need you to do that!" He snapped. "So you get to act out and it's okay?" I asked, trying to keep up as he pulled me. "I ain't actin'." He said. "Well I ain't either, not anymore. Look at what he's doing to our people! OUR people! They can't survive like that." I said. "We will figure it out! But right now, we can't afford to be put where we started. If we wanna get the hell of of this SHIT, we gotta play smart!" He said. "Is that why you have that bruise? Did you do something smart?" I questioned. He stopped and looked at me. "I ain't arguing with you." He said. I let out a sigh before parting my lips to speak. "I can take care of this.." I whispered. "What are you talkin' about girl?" He asked looking at me. "Trust me." I calmly said. Daryl nodded his head and allowed my arm free, he mumbled okay and continued to head to the room. "Daryl." I called out, stopping him in his tracks. "What we do.. it's all for Glenn, for Abraham." I firmly said, he turned his head and looked at me giving me a nod.

I had went to see Sherry that night, she was holding a bottle of pills. "What's this for?" I asked her. She looked over it before sliding it into my hand. "For Negan.." she whispered. "Okay.." I said nodding my head, I looked down the hall to make sure we were still in the clear. "Just slip it into his drink." She paused "And Beth, please be careful." She added. I had told Daryl I had a night shift, he didn't question it but I really hated having to lie to him. But this was important, he'd try to talk me out of it if he knew what I was doing. Sherry had given me his location and anything else I needed to be safe. Some bar I'm the basement she had said, a place the women usually stayed away from. I had found myself outside the door, peeping through the glass window in the center of it. I could see Negan sitting on the stole talking to a group of men, a woman sitting on his lap. I opened the bottle and took two pills and shoved it into my pocket, throwing the bottle into the my back pocket. I took a deep breathe before pushing the door open the noise sent the men's heads flying towards my direction, they all looked me up and down before licking their lips or whistling. Negan looked confused to see me there, he tapped the woman's thigh queuing her to get off of him. "Well if it ain't Ms. Sunshine." He said calling me over. I looked at the half naked women who walked around showing off their bodies, the red headed woman at the bar cleaned a few glasses as she looked up at me. "Darlin' you too pretty to be up in here." She said with a warming smile. "Ain't She." Negan said smiling as well. He tapped on the stool beside him. "What can I do for you?" He asked as I sat down beside him. "What can she do for us?" One man said, Negan threw up his hand telling him to shut up. "Wanted to apologize for earlier." I lied. Negan tilted his head before shrugging his shoulders. "I told yah, I liked it." He whispered putting his hand in front of the right side of his mouth, then he winked. "Would you like a drink?" He asked snapping his fingers at the waitress. The men started up a conversation as me and Negan turned towards the bar and continued to talk. "Sure." I said, the woman placed two glasses and looked at me. "What would you like sweetheart?" She asked me. I didn't know what to tell her, I had only drank a couple of times, once with Daryl, then that time when I had got here.. it felt so long ago.
"Ahhh just get us some Rum." Negan said. "We ran out last night Negan." She said. Negan looked at her then at the bar which was getting low. "Well shit me not.. just get us some moonshine dammit." He said shaking his head. She grabbed the bottle and began pouring it into our cups. I watched his cup and felt my heart begin to beat faster and faster. "Some you wanna talk about?" Negan asked. "Actually wanted a change of work." I said sitting straight up. Negan looked around and chuckled "I hope not to this." He said. I smiled and shook my head "of course not, would've gave my daddy a heart attack if he seen me in this place. He was a biblical man, really trusted god and his word." I said. He smiled back at me and tilted his head. "You still believe in that shit? After all this?" He asked, I paused before looking up at him. "I try too... try to keep faith, there ain't no point in livin' without it." I admitted. Negan looked at me with a certain look, he went to speak but was interrupted by the men. "Yo Negan, tell this son of a ass won't give up what he owes me!" One man said. Negan turned and looked at the men who were arguing over some watch. Negan chuckled "I don't give a rats fat ass about whatever tha' hell you ladies are arguing about." He said not paying attention, I reached into my pocket putting the pills in the palm of my hand as I waited for the bartender to look away. I leaned forward then quickly stopped as Negan turned around. "Don't mind these asshole, they drunk, and assholes." He whispered. "Used to drunk assholes." I joked. Negan smirked and lowered his eyes. "Where is your doggy boy? He allowed you down here?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders before taking the glass in my hand. "I don't need his permission." I said. Negan scoffed and took a sip of his drink. "I'd be damned, thought y'all was married or some. The way y'all look at each other. Hell the only reason I ain't advance on you yet." He said with a charming little smirk on his face. "Married? Oh.. no.. me and Daryl are-" the two men began to yell as they interrupted what I was saying, Negan turned to watch the two argue over the same thing earlier, this was my shot. I quickly dropped the pills into the cup as they dissolved slowly. The two men began to push at each other, Negan entertained he began laughing at the men. "Fuck you, you son-of-a-bitch." The man said shoving him, the pills were dissolved and I looked over at the men, the man was turnt towards us, the other man, who was much strong pushed him causing him to fly backwards, his elbow knocking Negan's drink on to the floor. My eyes grew large as I watched it drop and break against the floor behind the bar, i put a hand over my mouth as Negan turned and looked at the broken glass. "Really assholes!" Negan snapped a the two men stopped. The bartender sighed and began to clean up the mess. "One of you pansy assholes will pay for that!" Negan said shaking his head. "Yes sir!" The man said as he took a step away. "Get the hell out." Negan said picking up Lucille which sat beside him and pointed her towards the door. I watched the men exit like Fire was under their feet, the bartender threw the glass away as she looked up at me. I looked away and slid him my glass. "Thank you Princess." He said chugging it down. "Sorry to ruin the night, but this man, is taking his ass to fuck his wives." He said laying the glass on the bar and getting off the stole. "Next time you wanna see me, ill come to you. I don't wanna see you around here." He said as he swayed Lucile in his right hand exiting the bar. I watched him leave before looking at the woman. She was holding a piece of the glass, she then looked at me. "Be careful, whatever they got you doin', they not doin' it for you." She said dropping the glass into the trash can. I didn't pretend to not know what she was talking about, I knew she knew. I slowly nodded my head before standing up and leaving the bar. I headed towards the stairs when I heard people talking, I looked at the empty space that allowed entrance to underneath the last flight of stairs, I slowly walked over and looked over the corner to see Sherry standing there, Dwight whispering in her ear, when she spotted me she pushed him away forcing him to stop talking.
They both looked at me, I looked at her then him and then quickly turned away heading around and up the stairs to my room. "What are you doin'." Daryl's voice made me jump as I looked up at him, he stood at the top of the stairs. "What are-" he interrupted me "What were you doing Beth?" He asked. "Nothin.." I said continuing up the stairs, I went to pass Daryl, he reached towards my back pocket grabbing the bottle out. "Tha hell is this?" He said reading the bottle. "Daryl! Give me it!" I said reaching for it, he held it high above me as he lowered his brows. "Tha fuck was you thinking?" He growled. "Not here!" I mumbled as I looked down the stairs. "Come on." He said as he gripped the bottle in the palm of his fist, he didn't say a word until we were in the room.

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