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Suggested Music:
(Eyelids- PVRIS)
I laid on Daryl's chest for what felt like such little of time, outside the door was a shadow then a knock could be heard. "Beth.. Daryl.. it's Henry." Tiaras voice forced me to sit up when I heard her speak Henry's name. I knew I must've done something, anything. I quickly slipped out of the bed allowing Daryl to sit up. I throw on my clothes as Daryl told her we'd be out soon. Once Daryl was dressed he opened the door, Tara held out a letter for him. I could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't good. "He went after her? Didn't he?" I asked, pulling my short hair into a ponytail. Daryl quickly looked at me, a frown on his face. He nodded his slightly before shoving the letter into his back pocket.

"Daryl.." I said reaching my arm out to grab him. "You don't have to be the one to go." I whispered, I sounded selfish when the words came out of my mouth, but we had just promised to leave, to be with each other, to take a break. I needed that, I wanted that.. "I have to be." He said. "Why?" I whispered. "Because I would've done the same." His words hit me like a tone of bricks, he did.. he went after me when I was taken so long ago, back at that funeral home. "I did." He placed his hand on top of mines, slowly unloosening my grip from his arm. "And I still would." He said. I couldn't disagree with him, I couldn't fight him, or beg him. I knew he wouldn't stay no matter what I did, he was right. Daryl has done exactly what Henry is doing now, and he wasn't wrong for it. "Bring him back.. and bring them both back." I said, I watched him give me another nod, he picked up that crossbow and left the room I had wanted to lock him in. Tara looked at me "He'll be back, he always comes back." She whispered. "I know.." I said. I looked out the window and watched Daryl as he began to go out the gates, before the gates could close behind him, I seen his head turn and his eyes slowly pear up to the window I was looking out of. He stared at me for a few seconds before turning his head and the gates closed shut behind him. I could hear Maggie's voice as she came through the door. "Where's Daryl going?" She asked me. I slowly turned my head and looked at her. "To find Henry, to bring him and Lydia back" I said. Maggie looked at me, she knew what we were doing was right. "You'll lead these people in the right direction, the only direction they should go Beth. You don't need me here to do that." She said. "Your going back home." It wasn't a question, I knew the way she was dressed, how her words seemed like a goodbye and not a 'I'm proud'. Maggie took a step towards me, and nodded her head. "I'm not needed her anymore Beth, the people trust you, I trust you! And I gotta get back to my son." Maggie took a couple more steps, taking my hands and holding them in hers. I closed my eyes as tight as I could before exhaling. "I understand." I softly said. Maggie gave me a small smile, I gave him one in return. "I'm leaving in the morning, Daryl should be back by then." She said. "I'll send people along with you." I said. Maggie shook her head. "It's easier, and much faster traveling alone. I'll be just fine." She said to me. I nodded my head as she released my hands. "I gotta get back home before anything gets any worse here.. no matter what, you be safe. If this place goes down, you do not go with it." She slid a piece of paper from out of her pocket and shoved it into my hand, clasping it. "Get some sleep, he'll be back." She said turning on her heels and leaving the room, Tara following behind her. I looked down at the piece of paper, it was directions, directions to where she was going. I knew she was giving me a location if I needed to run.

That morning I helped Maggie pack up her carriage, Enid petted the horse as Maggie sit the last box in the back. I looked down at the ground digging my boot into it. Maggie looked over at me, a frown on her face. She quickly came to me wrapping her arms around me. Daryl still had not returned.. I wrapped my arms around her as tight as I could. "Please be safe." I whispered. "Always." She said to me. She placed a kiss on my forehead, hopped into the carriage. Enid smiled at Maggie one more time before we watched her depart. I let out a large sigh before looking over at Enid, she took my hand into hers and squeezed it. "No matter what happens, we will always be a family, no matter the distance, or the circumstances.

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