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Suggested Music:
(Easier -Mansionair)
"I'm stuck here in my skin.."
I sat up from off the bed and looked into the mirror on the wall my hair was down and messy, my tank top hung low against my chest, and my clean white underwear was the only thing that covered my lower half, the sun was peering through the open window, the wind lightly blowing the curtains. It had been three days since we got to Alexandria. Daryl laid next to me, the blankets only covering the lower half of his body, his arms spread across the top of my pillow. His hair was messy over his face, he looked peaceful. I felt today was going to be a good day, it was the day of the fair and I knew everyone from the communities would be around. I threw my hair up in a quick ponytail before jumping back on to the bed placing a kiss on Daryl's cheek. He flinched slightly before peeping open his left eye once he got a good look at me gave me a small smile, his arms wrapped around me as he pulled me closer. "Mornin'." He mumbled. "Morning." I said with a smile. "What got you smilin' so much?" He asked me. "I don't know.. it's just a good day." I couldn't help but smile at him, it was a good day, the sun was shining, wind blowing, I felt good. "It just started." Daryl mumbled finally letting his grip of me go. "Your right, but I'm speakin' it in existence." I said sliding over to my side of the bed. Daryl slowly sat up and stretched out his arms. "Think ima stay here durin' the fair." He said. "Huh? Daryl..." I sighed. "Somebody gotta keep a watch on Lydia, it ain't Alexandrias responsibility to keep up with tha girl." He said. "I was hoping she'd come, her and Henry both. It'd would be good for them to get some fresh air." I said to him. He looked up at me, tilted his head and nodded.

"Alright." He agreed. "You should try changing it up, maybe?" I said looking over at the closet of clothes Michonne had given Daryl. "Ion think see sunshine." Daryl slid to the edge of the bed and slowly stood up, his pants low on his hips. "What about this?" I said racing to the closest and pulling out a black button up shirt that was clean. Daryl mumbled something under his breath as he went towards the window and peered out of it. "And! You could wear these jeans!" I said pulling out some denim jeans to go with the shirt. "What I gotta get dolled up for?" He asked me. "Your not gettin' dolled up, just Sunday finest." I mumbled. "Uh huh" He said walking towards me, he grabbed the clothes out of my hands and threw them on the bed. "This is the first time I get to see the communities together for my own eyes, I wasn't here when things were the way they were after the war.. I'm excited." I admitted to Daryl. "Ain't nothin' special bout it." He shrugged. "There is something special about it Daryl." I said. "I can't help but think about Rick and what he dreamt of, how he wanted to start this new world, we are doing it for him, my dad, Glenn, Abraham, everyone." I said. Daryl puffed out a sigh "yeah." He agreed.

The ride to The Kingdom was quiet, RJ and Judith sat in the back of the carriage playing with RJs toys, Lydia and Henry both talked to each other and Michonne rode her horse closely as she watched carefully for any walkers. Daryl adjusted his shirt about a thousands times, he had his crossbow across his back. I watched him and began to count the amount of times he mumbled or cussed about what he was wearing. Three, four, ten, and twelve. I couldn't help but giggle at him. "Somethin' funny Greene?" He growled. "Oh nothin'." I said. I turned to look at the kids as I watched RJ and Judith. "They are somethin' special." I said to Daryl. He quickly glanced at them and smiled. "Looks just like em." He mumbled. "You think so? I think RJ looks more like Michonne." I disagreed. "Nah, all Rick." He said. I could see ahead The Kingdom. Judith and RJ stopped playing and began to examine their surroundings. "Wow." RJ said as he looked at the amount of people entering the community. There were tables everywhere inside the community, signs, different stalls and attractions, and children running around. I could see the emblems that had Hilltop, Alexandria, Oceanside, and The Kingdom. They all hung on a building that sat center of the community. I looked to see the king and Carol sitting together. Lydia looked around her eyes were filled with curiosity, she seemed to enjoy the sight. She smiled at Henry as he began to explain that this was his home. "You lived here?" She asked him. "Yes, and that, that is my father and my mother." He said pointing at the pair. Once the carriage was stopped, Henry quickly jumped out, helping RJ, Judith and Lydia out. He quickly took Lydia to his parents as he hugged them both. I slipped out the seat as Daryl tied up the horses.

Her light, his fire Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz