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Suggested Music:
(Like a river- Bishop)

Daryls POV:
"There's been rumor about The Kingdom, word that this winter will be harsh, too harsh for the walls of Kingdom to stay up... I wanted to address theses rumors.. The Kingdom will take shelter at Hilltop until we are out of this storm. It will not be permanent, but it will cost the communities a lot. Alexandria will help escort The Kingdom." Michonne had announced to the community of Alexandria. I adjusted the scarf around my neck and nodded. "I'd like to take a group, maybe ten.. if any of y'all are willing to take such a risk it would be very appreciated." She then added. "This winter will be hard, I won't force anyone to risk their lives out there." Michonne looked around the faces around her. Daryl stood up and agreed to go, along with Lydia, Henry, Magnas and a few others. "Okay." She said. "What about Negan? We can't live him down there.." Gabrielle said. Judith looked over at Daryl, a look of guilt. "Chain him up, keep him with the others." Michonne said. After I unlocked negans cell I didn't check to see if he stayed or if he left, I sat outside the chapel watching Judith play with Dog, she noticed me and quickly came over. "Do they know?" Judith asked. "Know what?" He mumbled. "About.. Negan?" She whispered, leaning towards Daryl. "I dunno.." Daryl shrugged his shoulders and looked at Gabrielle who was talking with Rosita. Then I seen a man leading Negan out, he stayed, even after I gave him every reason to go. Judith looked at me with a smile. "See." She said.


We got to the Kingdom, we helped everyone as they headed out of the gates of their home, Ezekiel was hurt.. he hated watching this place go down. "I wanted this place to make it through winter to honor Carol." He said to me. "I know.." Daryl mumbled as he gave him a light squeeze on his arm. "Shit man... I know how you felt bout her." Daryl added, Ezekiel nodded his head almost as if he was defeated. "It's gone for now but not gone forever." He said. Daryl gave him a small smile before parting once Henry game over, he helped his father along as they looked back one last time. Lydia came over as she looked over the group. "I don't think I ever got to properly thank you Daryl.." She said. "You ain't gotta." He said. "But I do... if it wasn't for me, so many people wouldn't have died, and Beth would still be here.. do you not hate me for that?" She whispered. "Nah, ain't have nothing to do with who lives or dies or who even leaves. Beth left because she had shit she had to deal with, shit she couldn't get off her chest. Them people dyin' ain't on your hands, that blood on your moms." Daryl said to the girl, she stared up at him listening. The wind was cold and sharp against there skin, the snow slowly falling above them. They were not too far from The Kingdom. They stopped along the road so the kids could potty before it got too cold. Daryl stood talking with Michonne about Hilltop.

"Daryl! There was a carriage spotted! Headed towards The Kingdom." King Ezekiel said as he stood at the top of the hill. Why would there only be a carriage headed to The Kingdom? That's when he thought about it.. could it? He grabbed his knife threw it into the holster and rushed to the nearest horse. "Daryl?" Michonne said as she stopped what she was doing. "Someone's headed to The Kingdom." Daryl quickly said. "Is it her?" Lydia asked. "I dunno.." he said before he hit the horse with his boot and began to head straight to hilltop. "Daryl wait!" Michonne called out but before she could even move he was off. Henry and Lydia quickly stood up as they watched him go flying up the hill, and over the bridge. Daryl rode as fast as he could, The Kingdom was abandoned and he didn't know if any whisperers or any threatens were around, whoever it was, he wanted to make sure they were safe. The ride was fast as he quickly jerked the horse to a stop, he hopped down and seen the gate was pushed open, it hung of the hinges, the snow leaving its marks on the ground. The carriage was sitting there, with tones of boxes in the back.

Then he could see, someone standing, her blonde hair tied up, she had on a black jacket, jeans that were clean, her boots brown in color, a grey scarf around her neck. She slowly turned her head, her eyes were low and glassy. Once they caught his, his heart felt like it had sunk into the depths of the earth. He then flew to her, his body colliding with hers, his arms wrapping around her small frame as he lifted her off the ground. "Daryl." She mumbled as she held him as tight as he held her. When he was done holding her he pulled away and kissed her lips a thousand times. She smiled underneath his lips as she took in his longing touch, she missed him, and he missed her. But then reality sunk in.. she came back to nothing. The Kingdom was in complete ruins.. Daryl slowly placed her back on her feet as he stumbled back a little, looking around the place. "I'm sorry Beth..." He whispered. "What happened?" She then asked. Daryl lowered his head and let out a sigh "Things fell apart.. Without supplies The Kingdom won't last through winter.. I tried Beth.. I tried." Daryl told her. "Then what are you sorry for?" She softly said to him., she took her hands and lifted his head. "You are alive, our people are alive, that's all that maters Daryl." She softly said. "I wanted to keep this place safe, to keep the world a bigger place for you." He mumbled.
"The world is already big Daryl, and we have a home, they are all going back to it, and what is a home without the people you love most? You did everything you possibly could, you got them out safe! When Eugene contacted the commonwealth I was so afraid that.. that you were dead, that hilltop and Alexandria, that it was all gone... But it's not, because you and the people are still alive, The Kingdom will still stand." She mumbled. "Commonwealth?" Daryl questioned he looked down at the badge around Beths neck, it had commonwealth inc. written above her name, then a headshot of her. He then looked back up at her. "Aunt Beth? Is it safe?" A voice said as the boy popped his head up from under the cloth that hide him, the two both turned their heads and Beth smiled. "It is honey, but I want you to stay in the carriage okay!" I said to him. Hershel Jr. nodded his head and took the cover off of him and his cousin, the blonde boy was younger and slightly shorter. Daryls expression changed as he seen the other boy. "Daryl... there's something I have to tell you." She said to him, taking his hand into both of hers, he slowly looked back at her and seen the expression on her face.

Daryl helped the carriage back to the rest of the group, Beth could see Michonnes eyes glow as she seen her, she ran to her in full speed, she wrapped her arms around her in a tight huge as she smiled from ear to ear. "I'm so glad your okay!" She said. Aaron stood up and smiled as he locked eyes with Beth, Daryl helped Hershel and Elliot out of the carriage, Eli on his hip. Once she had greeted her friends she looked at the people who were covered in blankets and jackets, the had fought a battle well. "I know what terrible conditions your home is in.. I'm aware the sacrifices and risks you all had to take, I will open up our gates to you as a temporary home, and I pray you feel as if you can call Hilltop a second home, as I've grown to call it mine." She then turned her eyes to Daryl, who stood there, his son holding his hand tightly. Daryl was smiling, something she hadn't seen in so long. Beth placed her hand out waiting for them to join her, she knew people would have questions so she wanted to announce them to everyone.

"While on my journey to find my nephew, I found a miracle.. my son, long before I returned to hilltop I was pregnant, I thought I lost the child, but I didn't.. and I was lucky enough to be reunited with him." I said looking down at Elliot who ran to grab my hand. Everyone looked at the boy, confused yet happy. Michonne put her hand over her mouth as she looked at Aaron who smiled back at her. Aaron looked up at Daryl, he nodded his head and smiled. Daryl nodded back as he stayed behind watching Beth and his son. He didn't know how to react, when Beth introduced him he broke down, he fell apart with the boy in his arms. He didn't know how to be a father and he didn't know how to care of the both of them, but he made a promise to himself that he would try. He had grabbed Beths hand and made that promise out loud to her, and she knew he meant it. The two both felt something drop on their faces, they looked up at the clouds and could see the snow beginning to fall.

Authors note:
Thank you so much for those who have supported and followed this story! I have decided to end this series here, I felt as if it was the best place to end it! I didn't want to drag out the story or make it boring! So here is the final chapter! Again, thank you for the support and love! I'll see y'all on the next one.

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