[1] New Girl

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[Chapter 1]
New Girl

     I could see everyone staring at me, beneath my black and tinted motorcycle helmet. My motorcycle roared at anyone who was in the way as I rode into the parking lot of West Coast High, my new high school. Everyone immediately parted ways in order to avoid getting trampled.

     I parked at a sweet spot that was just right in front of the school entrance. People were staring at me with intense curiosity but I've gotten used to it, given that I had to transfer to a new school quite a few times. It's inevitable. Plus, I've just transferred to their school in the middle of the semester so I guess it would be a little odd to see an unknown biker chick stroll into their school. At least they were only staring because I was new, not because I had a famous father — not until they find out anyway.

     I really hope they don't.

     I already have enough on my plate as it is, I don't need other people poking their nose into my business, nor do I need to have them watch my every move, like how the paparazzi used to.

     I took off my helmet, revealing my face to the curious eyes. I ran my fingers through my blue-violet hair as I got off my motorcycle. I lifted the seat that held a storage compartment and replaced my backpack inside with my helmet. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and readjusted my leather jacket.

     I didn't bother sticking around to entertain the small crowd I've gathered and immediately walked into the school hallway. I've already taken the liberty of memorising most of the school map as well as all my classes and my designated locker number — just so I don't have to socialise.

     God, I hate people.

     I walked down the hallway until I found my locker and when I did, it was surrounded by what it appears to be a group of varsity jocks. I groaned internally, realising that I'm going to have to spend the rest of my senior year next to a bunch of people I already don't like. I may be new but I've switched schools enough times to recognise the popular bunch at each school.

     They're always the same because they lack independence and clearly depend on staying in a group to withhold their authority over their peers. I glared at them as they laughed and joked amongst themselves, totally oblivious to anyone who was in the same hallway as them. It's as if they think they own the whole place and expects everyone to walk around them instead of moving out of everyone else's way.

     Looks like it's time for a change.

     I walked up to them with crossed arms and cleared my throat loudly, hoping it would be enough to get their attention. But as I expected, they were totally oblivious to it and were still sucked up in their own little world. I attempt to get their attention the second time. "Excuse me." I said monotonously but loud enough for them to hear me. I see that the one in the middle took notice of me but chose to ignore me anyway. Their laughter grew louder as he continued to tell his story that was so hilarious.

     I rolled my eyes in annoyance as my patience was wearing thin. I fucking hate humans. "Oh my god," I muttered under my breath. "Move!" I raised my voice and shoved away anyone that was standing in front of my locker.

     They stumbled among themselves from the shove I gave them and immediately stopped talking. I carried on and unlocked my locker, totally and utterly unbothered by their stares. As they stare at me in awe and disbelief, I started placing textbooks in my locker, acting as if I didn't just create a scene.

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