[11] PINK

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[Chapter 11]

After my shift on Saturday, I had asked Diane if I could take the day off on Sunday. Thankfully, she was kind and understanding enough to let me do so — saying how she had more than enough people working at the diner that day. So since I had to make it up to Kathryn from bailing on her, I let her drag me along to all her favourite places in the shopping mall.

Judging from our last Gym class, Kathryn was not one to excel in sports. I've gathered that she's someone who would rather sit in the shade and read a book than to go swimming on a hot, summer day. She knows that she's incapable of anything that requires athleticism and she's okay with it. When we were on the topic of sports, she claimed that her stamina does not exist, despite having the brains to explain the science behind it.

Although, I think she might be underestimating herself on that one.

I can confidently say that shopping with Kathryn was the most tiring activity I have ever done in my entire life. My pits were all sweaty, my calves were aching and my feet were full of blisters from walking all over the mall. Kathryn, on the other hand, was completely fine. She even had to wait for me when I needed to stop for a while to take a break.

It took me two whole days to recover from those blisters. When Monday came around, I had to waddle down the school hallway with a stiff manner, wincing in pain whenever a blister rubbed against the inside of my shoe — the bandages weren't helping so much. I was trying my best to walk properly but I didn't think I was fooling anyone. I was receiving odd stares and weird looks for the past two days, but luckily for me, almost no one dared to say anything that'd irk me.


If every step I took didn't feel like I was walking barefoot on broken glass shards, Leo would've been a dead man that day. He took advantage of my pain those last two days. He mocked me every chance he got, since he knew I was too sore to pull anything on him. He even temporarily took away some of my belongings, knowing that I couldn't chase after him for it.

That's exactly why I took the liberty to do a little something that'll sure to rile him up just as much, and that meant I had to memorize his locker combination in order to execute the plan.

I had to wake up a little earlier than usual so I could set up the prank, since Leo always seemed to arrive at school before I did. It was a small price to pay, but was totally worth it. I watched from around the corner of the hallway, practically fidgeting with excitement as I waited for Leo to arrive and open his locker.

"Hey, Flo!" An enthusiastic voice exclaimed, my ear drums bursting from the sudden, loud volume. I jumped in surprise and whipped my head around with a startled expression, ready to pounce, only to see a confused Kathryn.

"God, Kat, you scared me." I breathed out heavily and gave her a playful glare. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

She laughed, then crossed her arms and eyed me cautiously when she saw what I was doing. "What exactly are you up to this time?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. I gave her a large, toothy grin and her face went pale as she furrowed her eyebrows nervously. "Oh god, what did you do?"

"Nothing extreme." I shrugged honestly, an evil grin still stretched across my lips. I peeked around the corner to see that Leo was just about to open his locker. I excitedly pulled Kathryn next to me, ignoring her bombarding questions. "Just watch." I whispered and she huffed in frustration, finally giving in.

Leo yawned and rubbed his eyes tiredly as he slowly turned the lock to the correct combination of numbers in order to open his locker. Before opening his locker, he dug around his bag for something as he whistled a tune to himself, utterly oblivious to his tempered locker. He took out a textbook and finally swung his locker open. He froze at the sight before him.

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