[14] A Small World

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[Chapter 14]
A Small World

     Leo's been trying to track me down ever since calculus class, when a technical difficulty occurred within my robotic system of emotions, causing me to accidentally break down and actually spilling a few tears. I'm still so confused to why Leo's words hurt me so much. I've always been good with hiding my feelings from people, with the exception of Olivia and George, of course. Given that I've been at it for eight years, I've always managed to put on an unbothered facade no matter what anyone said to me.

     This was usually the time where I'd cook up some evil scheme to truly make him pay for everything he's said to me. But I didn't want to fight fire with fire this time — not when his future is on the line. I didn't want him to hate me even more than he already does. I didn't want our playful banter to end and I definitely did not want a grim, cold war to begin. I was content with how things were at the moment and I wasn't ready to give it up just yet. I was feeling things I've never felt before and it terrified me.

     When Leo looked at me with those vicious and furious eyes, I could see the pure hatred behind them, so intense that it darkened his usual honey, hazel eyes into oak brown. It wasn't like any glare or scowl he's ever given me — it was venomous and toxic, fully intended to hurt me. The way he spat his words at me like I was a beggar on the streets, full of disgust and repulsion, completely mortified me. His harsh words had such a sharp tone to it that it had personally cut a wound in me, so deep that I'd probably need stitches.

     All these thoughts and complex emotions were all so new to me — I was angry, confused, frustrated at myself all at once because of them. I was so clueless about what I was feeling and why I was feeling it. I didn't know why and I didn't want to know why, but the thought of Leo actually hating me, just scared me. It drove me insane thinking about the endless number of dreadful possibilities that, that could happen if he ever spoke to me again.

     The thought of having him look at me with such rotten hatred because of something I did, sent shivers down my spine, and not in the good, mischievous way I've come to love. I wanted to avoid those chances as much as I can, and the only way I could do that was to avoid him entirely.

     For now, anyway. I have to talk to him some day, or he'll never be able to save his scholarship.

     With all that being said, I wasn't really in the mood to attend a football game. I wanted to curl up on my couch and watch movies with Olivia but Kathryn had somehow managed to persuade me into coming. I really didn't want to go to an event that would only remind me of the last person I would want to see at the moment. But unfortunately for me, here I am — at the football game that Kathryn, along with everyone else, was raving so much about. I wasn't gonna lie, the number of people who turned out for this particular football game was absolutely astonishing.

     Deafening noise filled the air as the students screamed out passionate school chants and boisterous cheers from the overflowing stands. Everyone was on the edge of their seats as the game progressed, getting more and more intense with every score that each team made. So far, we were trailing behind by a few points as Seaside High took the lead.

     Despite the enthusiastic atmosphere put on by the astounding crowd, my mood only worsened with every passing second. Kathryn, who insisted on us seating in the front row, was utterly oblivious to my lack of excitement towards the game as her focus never once shifted away from the field — not that I blame her. I sat down with my chin in the palm of my hand in a bored manner, pretending not to notice a certain pair of hazel eyes that has been glancing in my direction ever since he spotted me in the stands.

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