[6] Olivia

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[Chapter 6]

George stared at us with wide unblinking eyes, absolutely speechless by our appearances. He looked at us from head to toe with a horrified expression plastered on his face. His expression soon turned into anger and pointed to me in accusation. "Flo, this is your fault, isn't it?"

Leo was shocked that George called me by my first name, confused to why his principal was talking to a new student so casually.

"You don't know that!" I exclaimed, attempting to defend my guilty self. Leo snickered softly and I proceeded to give him a subtle side glare.

He narrowed his eyes at me, leaning over his desk. "But I do know you and it was you, wasn't it?" He accused me once more, staring at me with disappointed eyes. I sensed that he was being more serious than usual, so I couldn't help but admit to my own wrong doing.

I sighed and reluctantly nodded in defeat. "Yeah, it was." I mumbled incoherently, hating how serious the atmosphere was. I've never felt this sorry for getting into trouble with my past school principals before. I guess it's different when it comes from someone who personally knows and cares about you.

George then turned his head towards Leo and shook his head. "I would have never expected this type of behaviour to come from you, Mr Archer. You do remember our terms and conditions that we've talked over before you got your position as varsity football captain, don't you?" He raised an eyebrow, giving him a pointed look.

Leo nodded his head firmly, pursing his lips. "Yes, sir." He said apologetically.

Terms and conditions?

"Very well then." George sighed and crossed his arms sternly, leaning back in his chair. "I don't know what happened to cause you two to get into this mess nor do I want to know. What I do know is that the both of you have just bought yourselves a week's worth of lunch detention. Oh, and one after school detention for you on friday, Flo."

I gaped at him in betrayal. "What? Why do I get more detentions than him?" I frowned, almost pouting.

"Because you started it." He shrugged.

I actually didn't mind having extra detention. I'm practically immune to it by now. But I just hate that Leo was present to witness the ruling of my extra detention. He's going to use it as his leverage, I just know it. Just as I suspected, at the mention of my extended punishment, Leo sent me a smug grin in which I replied with a fake, over exaggerated smile. The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. George ordered us out of his office, complaining about how we're getting his newly bought carpet dirty. Leo and I then went our separate ways down the hallway without another word.

I met up with Kathryn in the girls' locker room when I went in to pack up my clothes. She couldn't stop rambling, asking me so many questions that I had to physically stop her by shushing her with my index finger. Thankfully, she stopped immediately — especially when she realised I had touched mud with that hand. I gave her my phone number, promising her that I'll answer all of her desired questions later this evening.

By taking one look at the showers, I knew that driving all the way home in my dirty, uncomfortable clothes just to take a shower would definitely be worth it. The condition of the showers weren't that bad, but I definitely would not take the risk of stepping in there with my bare feet.

I got out to the parking lot and everyone just stared at me with the same way George did — horrified by my dirty appearance. I ignored all the snickers and stares, heading straight for my motorcycle. The mud had thankfully dried by now so I didn't have to worry about dirtying my beloved motorcycle.

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