[27] Explanations: Leo

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[Chapter 27]
Explanations: Leo


Leo took my purse and the takeout out of my hands and handed me the supposed 'comfy' clothing. I looked down at the folded clothes he gave me, unfolded them and held it in front of me so I could see what it fully looks like. It was a pair of basketball shorts and our school's football jersey.

I looked at Leo confusedly. "Wait, these aren't my clothes."

"Nope." He said as he placed my things in his car. "They're mine."

I looked at the clothes once again, then looked at him, then scrunched my face in mocked disgust. "They look like your workout clothes. Did you even wash them?" I sniffed them, and pretended to gag.

It actually just smells like him, which as much as I'd hate to admit, gave me a sense of comfort.

Leo rolled his eyes, despite the ghost of a smile on his lips, and crossed his arms. "Are you stupid? Of course I did." His eyebrows shot up for a second in realisation. "Oh right, I forgot." He rummaged in the backseat, to pull out a pair of sneakers that looked to be my size.

"These are Kathryn's shoes. She gave them to me since you guys were apparently the same feet size."

As he handed me the pair of shoes, I sent him a weird look. "If you were already picking these up from Kat's house, why didn't you just get clothes from her too? It probably would've been better if I wore her clothes instead."

Leo smirked. "Kathryn told me that you'd prefer my clothes better."

Kat, I'm going to kill you.

My cheeks heated up instantly, and the light illuminating from the restaurant exposed the redness of my face, causing laughter to erupt from Leo. "Hmph!" I turned my cheek in attempt to hide half of my embarrassed face and shoved the clothes into his chest. "Like hell I would!" I exclaimed and crossed my arms in a stubborn manner.

"Alright." He sang slyly. "But that would mean you're gonna have to be stuck in that tight dress and walk in those death traps you call heels until you get home."

Still arms crossed with my head facing the side, I glanced back at the comfortable looking Leo's clothes I had given back, then up at his stupid smug face of his. I puffed out my still rose-tinted cheeks and snatched his clothes away from him. "Fine. They kinda look comfortable anyway." I mumbled.

"I'll wait in the car." He chuckled and ruffled my hair playfully, which resulted in a glare from me, even though the saturation of red on my cheeks said otherwise.

I scoffed at him while slipping on Kathryn's sneakers, then turned to go back into the restaurant. After asking the hostess if I could use the bathroom, I headed in the same direction I went in when I went to find Joey. I went into one of the empty stalls in the lady's bathroom and changed out of my uncomfortable date clothes into Leo's comfy looking ones.

As I pull the large, baggy clothes over my head, I couldn't help but breathe in Leo's signature scent. I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it smelled like but it definitely made me feel like I was hugging him. I breathed out in relief when I was done changing and exited the stall so I could see my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I smiled to myself when I saw how big and baggy Leo's clothes were on me but at the same time, my 5'7 stature made it look like it suited me somehow. I hugged myself and sighed contently at how comfortable it felt to be in Leo's clothes.

It then occurred to me that Michelle has probably worn Leo's clothes more times that I could count when they were dating, probably even recently since they got back together. Right, he's with her. The thought made me frown instantly. I looked down at my body, now wishing I was wearing Kathryn's house clothes instead.

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