[15] Crush

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Hey! This chapter was difficult for me to write for some reason so I would really appreciate it if you'd VOTE and COMMENT. Thanks! :)

[Chapter 15]

     "So, Flo, I saw you playing with Jeremy just now at the playground. Is that a little crush I see?" My mom teased as she turned around from the passenger's seat to look at me.

     Despite scrunching up my nose in disgust, my cheeks said otherwise as they heated up in embarrassment. "Ew, no. Boys have cooties. Every girl knows that." I scoffed as I crossed my arms.

     That made my mom burst out in laughter upon hearing of such ridiculous words from her seven year old daughter. I didn't know why she was laughing at the time because I, for one, was dead serious.

    "So every girl really knows about this?" She asked and I nodded once more. "And how exactly would you know about it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at my dad in accusation.

     I shrugged. "Daddy told me." I answered without hesitation as I confirmed my mother's suspicions.

     "Really now?" My mom asked, giving my dad a knowing look. He whistled innocently, attempting to avoid my mom's disapproving stare by keeping his eyes on the road.

     I nodded. "Yep. He told me that cooties are a dangerous disease and that I would die if a boy ever kisses me." I shuddered.

     "James!" My mom gasped, softly hitting his knee. "You can't tell her that!"

     My dad laughed as my mom glared at him. "Why? Boys are disgusting — isn't that right, pumpkin?" He grinned at me through the rearview mirror.

     "Yep!" I agreed enthusiastically even though I didn't fully understand what I was agreeing to. My eyebrows knitted together in thought and after a moment of silence, I spoke up. "I kind of like Jeremy, though. He's cute." I stated bluntly, causing my dad stop the car abruptly and my mom to crack up with laughter.

     Everyone knew high school relationships never last and yet, in all the schools I've transferred to, I'd always witness couples come and go. They'd go from constantly showing PDA during their honeymoon stage to breaking up in the middle of the hallway and causing a huge scene. I mean, it was good entertainment for me but it was still annoying. They would cry and mourn over their failed relationship but after a while, they'd find someone new and the cycle would soon repeat.

     I'd scoff and roll my eyes at them every time, shaking my head as I muttered to myself about how stupid and naive they were to willingly let someone into their life who could potentially end up hurting them. I never understood why they'd do that to themselves, then I'd remember how they probably have living, loving parents who'd be there to catch them whenever they fall.

     Lucky bastards.

     I tapped my foot anxiously as I stood outside of the school library, currently waiting for Leo to arrive. After all that's happened yesterday, things have been tense and awkward between Leo and I. We've even been avoiding each other entire day and despite glancing at each other from time to time in class, neither of us have said a single word to each other. Although now that school has ended, it was time for Leo and I to meet for our tutoring session which means we're gonna have to start talking again.


     I froze at the sound of his voice, then slowly looked up to meet his eyes. Light from the late afternoon sun shone against him through the windows, making his hazel eyes look like pools of warm honey with a hint of green in them.

     "Hi." I responded, sounding slightly breathless.

     Leo cleared his throat awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously while I looked down at my shoes as I leaned back and forth on the heels of my feet. "So, should we get started?" He asked, giving me a small smile.

     "Yeah!" I replied a bit too quickly — not even a second after he finished his sentence. I bit down on my lip as I tried to contain my embarrassment, my cheeks flushed red from doing so.

     This was so unlike me.

     I've never had real feelings for a boy before and I've never allowed myself to. Given that my dad has deeply influenced me with his actions, I never liked showing my feelings to people nor was I any good at it. It would help me keep both my feelings and boys at bay. I do have meaningless eye-candies from time to time though, more so on crushes when I was younger, in which my mom would take the liberty to tease me about in return.

     Still, I wasn't going to let another guy into my life, who I know would only leave me devastated, when I already have one in my life who does. And to make sure of it, I'd always portrayed myself as someone who had the emotional capacity of a rock. With all that being said, I couldn't let whatever weird or confusing feelings I may have for Leo break down the wall I've built and maintained over all those years.

     Leo smirked at my red cheeks, his awkward and nervous demeanour immediately evaporated into the air as he stepped closer towards me. "What's up with you?" He asked with a small, sly grin, even though he fully understood why.

     "Nothing." I coughed, avoiding his gaze as my cheeks heated up even more. What the hell is wrong with me? I thought to myself as I did all I could to distance myself from him by backing away.

     "Oh, really?" He raised his eyebrows at me as his smirk widened. He came even closer to me and my eyes widened when I felt the wall against my back. He placed his hand on the wall, right beside my cheek, trapping me with his tall physique. He gently tilted my chin up, forcing me to look at him and when I did, he stared straight into my eyes, with a glint of mischief twinkling in his.

     I felt a large volume of blood rush to my cheeks as I finally blew a fuse, my cheeks glowing in bright vermillion, red. I clenched my jaw as I attempted to control the butterflies I was feeling in my stomach, shutting my eyes to avoid his smug stare.

     "Well, come on." Leo suddenly said after a long period of silence, sounding like he was further away than he was a few moments ago. I peeked through an opened eye to see him standing in front of the glass doors, ready to enter the library. "Aren't you coming?" He asked mockingly as he grinned cheekily.

     I narrowed my eyes at him as I pushed myself off from the wall and walked towards him. Still embarrassed, a light tint of pink lingered on my cheeks as I sent him a resentful glare for his actions. As I took my first few steps into the library, Leo grabbed my wrist as he instantaneously turned me around to face him. He pulled my body closer to his, with his other hand securely wrapped around my waist. He smiled slyly when I froze at his sudden touch.

     "So, you get nervous around me, huh? Already developed a crush on me, I see." He chuckled lowly.

     I rolled my eyes and yanked my wrist out of his grip, pushing against his chest to create some space in between us. "Yeah, right." I snorted as I pretended to scoff in a sarcastic manner, successfully covering up my true emotions. I turned around and walked towards an empty table before he could see through my lie, only hearing his soft laughter behind me.

     Fuck, he was right. I think I have a crush.

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