[4] This Seat's Taken

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[Chapter 4]
This Seat's Taken

Lunch time came and went, and so did my detention time. I was surprised at myself for actually staying in detention like I'm supposed to and not ditching. I was feeling unusually worn out from all the ruckus I've been causing and took a long nap during that free time. My stomach grumbled, practically gnawing on my stomach lining to let me know I need some food in me pronto.

There was a quite a lot of hall time left before the bell rang so I head to the cafeteria to get a snack from the vending machine. At least, I hope there is. When I entered the cafeteria, it was almost vacant, with only a few people lingering around chatting and some of them trying to finish up their lunch. I scanned around the room and finally spotted a vending machine, along with a certain brunette having some troubles with getting the snack that she paid for.

"Ugh, stupid vending machine! You ate my dollar, now give me my chips!" Kathryn scolded the unanimated object in frustration.

"Kathryn?" I called out to her, staring at her with pure amusement in my eyes.

She turned around and raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Hey! I didn't see you come in for lunch today. What happened?" She asked, temporarily forgetting about her issue with the vending machine.

I shrugged. "Nothing much. Just lunch detention." I told her casually as I walked towards her and the vending machine. "I have one tomorrow too."

Her jaw dropped in shock and stuttered to say out what she was thinking. Astonished  by my casual demeanour towards detention, she couldn't help but fumble over her words. "J-Just? Just detention?"

I nodded sarcastically. "Yes, it's what you get when you do something bad. Understand?" I explained to her slowly like I was explaining to a toddler.

She huffed out air and rolled her eyes at my sarcasm. "Yes, I know what detention is. My question is, why would you put yourself through that torture?" I couldn't help but laugh at how serious she is about all these things. She even considers getting detention as torture. She really is the pure definition of a good girl. How innocent. "It's not funny! What about your permanent school record? What about college?"

I chuckled and placed my hands on her shoulders to calm her down before she starts hyperventilating about my future. "Look, you need to calm down. You don't need to worry about my future, trust me." I reassured her then turned towards the vending machine. "What you can worry about is how the hell you're going to get what you paid for."

I observed the vending machine carefully and the gears in my head started moving at a quick pace. I hit the vending machine at certain places in hopes it would work. And luckily, it did. Just moments later, Kathryn's desired snack fell into the take-out port. She gaped at me in amazement as I took the small bag of chips out and handed it to her.

"How'd you do that?" She asked in amazement, immediately tearing the bag open.

I smiled slyly. "Let's just say I don't exactly follow the rules to get what I want. Most of the time anyway." I hinted as I put a dollar into the vending machine. This time, the candy bar I ordered fell into the take-out port easily, which I gladly obtained.

We both then proceeded to exit the cafeteria and enter the hallway. Since Kathryn already had all of her books ready for her next class, like the organised freak she was, we headed to my locker instead. Once we got there, she asked to look at my class schedule so I gave it to her.

"Oh, cool! We have AP Chemistry first period, AP Calculus fifth period and Gym together for our last period." She smiled excitedly and handed back my schedule to me. I smiled back and took out the books I needed for AP Calculus which was our next period after this.

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