[3] The Principal

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[Chapter 3]
The Principal

     I arrived at the school's front office and sat down on one of the chairs outside of the principal's office, as I was told to do so by one of the teachers at the front desk. As I waited, I looked around my surroundings. There were a few teachers doing their work in silence as well a few lingering students.

     My ears perked up when I heard the jiggling of a doorknob. The door to the principal's office opened and out came a really pretty girl who couldn't look more relieved — like she's just escaped from a bunch of hungry wolves. She had dark auburn hair and bright green eyes but you could barely tell they were green since it was hidden behind those thick-rimmed glasses she was wearing. She looked like someone who could do no wrong which made me a little curious to know why she was in the principal's office.

     She took notice of me and her eyes immediately turned apologetic. "Oh, sorry to keep you waiting. Um, Principal Evans asked me to tell you to come right in."

     "Oh, no worries. Thanks." I said as I got up. She nodded and stared at me for a moment until her eyes lit up in recognition.

     "Wait, you're the girl that told off Leo Archer!" She exclaimed a tad bit too loudly, causing a few teachers to send a few glares of warning in our way. I snickered. She winced, acknowledging her loud voice. "Sorry." She whispered, causing those few teachers to shake their head in disapproval.

     I guess Hazel Eyes has a name. A pretty name to fit that stupid, pretty face of his.

     I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess I am. Is it really that big of a deal?" I asked, slightly amused.

     Her eyes widened and looked at me, wondering if I was joking or not. "Of course it is!" She exclaimed once more, causing those same few teachers to turn and glare, shushing her as they do so. "Sorry!" She whispered loudly. I laughed softly, already taking a liking towards her.

     "Anyway, as I was saying," She continued in a much softer voice. "Leo Archer is the king of this school. He'd always manage to get what he wants and everyone would always listen to him. Everyone loves him because he's hot, he's charming—"

     I interrupted her by letting out a snort of disbelief, rolling my eyes. "Charming? Really?"

     She smiled and chuckled at my dislike towards the boy. "Well yeah, he is actually. Anyway, he's incredibly talented in football and he has one of the highest GPAs at this school. He just has such a big presence. No one ever dares to confront him or put him in his place because all the guys respect him too much and all the girls always get distracted by his charm. Not me though." She shook her head. "Studies come before boys. Boys may give you a sense of satisfaction in your love life but it definitely does not pay well." She nodded sternly, totally serious about her priorities.

     Hearing her say that genuinely made me smile. "I like you." I told her with a wide smile. "And I especially like the way you think."

     She smiled back and beamed at me. "Thank you! I like you too. It's refreshing to see another person at this school who doesn't kiss the ground Leo walks on." She joked. "My name's Kathryn Anderson." She held out her hand for me to shake.

     I shook her hand. "My name's Flo." I told her, purposely leaving out my last name.

     I know people wouldn't immediately link me to my dad when they hear my last name since people can be unrelated and still share the same last name but I've been doing it for so long that it's become a habit.

     She nodded, then her head tilted slightly in confusion. "Wait, so what's your last--"

     "Excuse me, what is taking so long?" A deep, male voice interrupted Kathryn. We both looked to the source of the voice to see a tall, middle aged man with graying facial hair — Principal Evans. "Kathryn? What are you still doing here?" He asked her, confused.

     Kathryn's eyes widened in panic. "I-I'm so sorry! I-uh-" She stammered.

     As much as it would amuse me to see someone stutter and stammer in fear, I like Kathryn too much to watch her drown in her nervousness.

     "It's my fault." Both Kathryn and Principal Evans turned to look at me. "I was telling her why I got sent to the principal's office and I just got carried away talking about other stuff." I answered nonchalantly.

     Kathryn gave me an apologetic yet grateful look while Principal Evans gave me a disapproving one. "Well, you should be answering to me, not an innocent bystander." He said with a stern voice. "Get to class, Kathryn." Kathryn nodded furiously and scurried away not before giving me another thankful glance.

     "Now, Ms MacIntyre. My office." He ordered, pointing to his office.

     "Whatever you say, Evans." I said sarcastically, following him into his office and closing the door behind me. He sat down in his big chair behind his desk while I took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. I leaned back on the chair and placed my hands behind my head, making myself at home as I rested my feet on his desk. "So, what's up George? How are the kids?"

     George narrowed his eyes at my informality, pure disgrace in his eyes. "It's Principal Evans to you, Ms MacIntyre. And get your feet off my desk." He flicked at my Converse shoes.

     I chuckled and removed my feet from his desk. "Oh come on, George. We're practically family. What's with the formalities?" I asked, resting my hand in my palm.

     George stared sternly at me for a while before his eyes softened. He sighed. "Florence, I may be your godfather but that doesn't mean I won't hesitate to do my job properly. I cannot be biased here."

     I shrugged. "And I'm not asking you to. Just do what you have to do and I'll do my part."

     He gave me a knowing look. "If you're trying to get me to expel you, it's not going to work. Your father put you into this school because he trusts me to handle you well as a guardian and as a principal." I feigned a yawn at his explanation and he glared at me. "This is serious, Flo. Your father's career can be at stake here and it's important for you to realise the consequences you and your family will face if it does."

     I rolled my eyes and scoffed in incredulity. "And what will the consequences be? He goes back to a normal working class father and actually starts paying attention to how he raises his only child? Yeah, I'm sure that'll be terrible." I agreed, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

     George's eyes softened with sympathy, recognising the intention behind my sarcasm. "I didn't mean it to sound that way. Your father loves you and he's only doing this to make sure you'll have a bright future as the only heir to his company."

     I huffed in frustration and picked at my nails. "It sure doesn't seem like it. If he loves me, he would do his part as a father and not get sucked up in his work all the damn time." I could feel the lump in my throat forming which was why I got up quickly before things got too emotional. "Well, this has been fun, George. I'll see you here this time next week, yea?" I smirked, only half joking.

     "Florence, you don't always have to be so strong." He said with sincerity. I stared at him blankly and he sighed, realising I'm not going to give into my emotions so easily. "Right, well. You have lunch time detention today and tomorrow. But please, make my life easier and try not to get into too much trouble?" George pleaded.

     I laughed at his attempt to get me to behave. "You're my godfather, you should know I won't do such thing." I grinned cheekily.

     George rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "Right, I forgot who I was talking to. Well, run along now and get to detention."

     Before I left, I decided to ask him something that has been on my mind ever since I bumped into Kathryn. "Wait, George?" I asked. He hummed in response. "What was Kathryn doing in your office? She seems like someone who could never do anything troublesome."

     "Yes, how I wish you were like that." He sighed dreamily and I rolled my eyes, entertaining him with a fake laugh. "Well actually, she didn't do anything wrong. She turned herself in because she turned in her project a day late and while doing so, the still wet paint accidentally smudged on her teacher's blouse."

     I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief.

     That girl could not be any more opposite from me.

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