[5] Gym

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[Chapter 5]

     It was finally the last period of the day — Gym.

     Today has been such a long day. Too long of a day, as a matter of fact. It's actually crazy to think how much had happened in just one day.

     I was never one to excel in sports or have any talent in them but I wouldn't say that I completely sucked at them either. I was on the average spectrum when it comes to sports and athleticism. I mean, I exercise from time to time to keep fit but I would never have the motivation or energy to solely commit to one sport.

     As a child, my mom would always make sure I'd stay active by putting me in all sorts of sports. When she saw that I had no interest in them, she'd make sure I'd stay active through games and pranks. She'd play tag with me all the time to make me run and we even had a little prank war going on between us. Pranks were introduced to me after she randomly gave me some Oreos when she came to pick me up after school. But instead of the normal cream filling, she filled it with toothpaste.

     I didn't notice at first because I just assumed it was mint flavoured. We both laughed but eventually my stomach started hurting because of the amount of toothpaste I've ingested, which kind of backfired on my mom. I remember laughing at her failed plan and swearing to her that I'll get her back.

     As Kathryn and I changed into our gym clothes, I listened as she complained about Gym class. "It's such a waste of time. Gym isn't going to get me into Yale or Harvard. Do you have any idea how much homework I could finish within this period?" She huffed as she puts on her gym shorts.

     I chuckled as I put on mine as well. "Kat, do you actually have any homework left to even do?" I questioned her, placing my hands on my hips.

     She opened her mouth to answer but closed it when nothing came out. She then cheekily rubbed the back of her neck and shyly grinned. "No, not really."

     I raised my eyebrows and sent her a knowing look. "Exactly." I crumpled up my clothes and messily threw them into my locker. All except for my leather jacket, the only clothing which I carefully hung on the hook of my locker. Kathryn noticed this and gave me a confused look.

     "What's with you and the leather jacket?" She asked, folding her own clothes and placing them in her own locker.

     I stared at the black leather jacket hanging in my locker for a while before shutting it close. "It was a gift from my mom." I smiled sadly, distinctively remembering the day I got it. Still, I managed to hide my emotions enough to make it seem like I was thinking of a fond memory since Kathryn didn't question me any further. We both then headed out to the gym where our teacher was. Coach Davis was his name I think.

     He was a fat middle aged man who wore a worn out baseball cap to hide his obvious bald spot. He wore a tracksuit with a grease-stained white shirt inside — at least, I hope it's grease. He had a mean look on his face as if he hated his job but didn't have anywhere else to go, which was probably the case. He looked around the gym and knitted his eyebrows together. "Alright, today you brats are going to be running laps. Now, hit the tracks." The class collectively groaned in despair but reluctantly followed him out towards the track field anyway.

     "Ugh, seriously?" Kathryn whined, rubbing her face grudgingly.

     I laughed at her detest for the activity and because I wasn't looking where I was going, I accidentally bumped into someone, making me trip over myself. A hand wrapped around my wrist, preventing me from falling on my ass. I looked up to see my saviour, only to meet eyes with Leo. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Great, you're in this class too?"

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