[17] An Even Smaller World

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[Chapter 17]
An Even Smaller World

     For most of my life, I was never one to have many friends, or to even have any at all. 

     Even as a child, I was always the one sitting in class alone during recess while everyone else was outside playing tag in the playground. Of course, I'd join in on the fun sometimes when my mom persuaded me to, but I've always liked my alone time and it never bothered me that it left me with little to no friends.

     I never liked people and people never liked me — especially girls.

     God knows why most girls had a natural dislike towards me and it always bothered my mom. Not me, my mom. Being the natural-born social butterfly she was, she couldn't stand the idea of me only having one or two friends in my class. No matter how much I hated it, my mom would always introduce me to other kids my age in hopes that the number of friends I had would increase.

     After my mom died, my hatred towards people grew tremendously, especially in middle school when my classmates had nothing else better to do than to make up rumours about me. Girls would even go as far as calling me names like 'motherless freak' or 'class loner' and everyone else in my grade would soon catch on. Up to a certain point at that time, it all became too much for me to handle, so I snapped.

     I started to talk back and stand up for myself, going even further as to physically fight them when they wouldn't leave me alone. I'd pull pranks on my classmates for revenge, causing them to tell on me, which got me in trouble with the teachers when I wouldn't listen or apologise. It'd gotten so bad to point where the school had no other choice but to give me my first ever expulsion.

     Hearing upon those news definitely woke my dad up a little in which he gave me a long, strict lecture, for the first time in years since my mom died — I didn't mind it at all. In fact, it felt incredible knowing that he still cared for me and was willing to scold me for the trouble I've caused.

     I guess that's how it all began.

     With all that being said, you could imagine how happy I was to finally have someone as true of a friend as Kathryn. I've never had anyone to rant to about my problems nor have I had anyone to scream with when something good happens. I had Olivia to go to, sure, but it wasn't the same as having someone who was the same age as I was. You wouldn't believe how excited I was to tell her about what happened between Leo and I. Unfortunately for me, she didn't pick up any of my calls which left me no choice but to wait till the next day to tell her.

     It's been years since I've woken up before the alarm clock went off and the first thing that popped into my mind was him. Butterflies from the day before were still roaming around freely in my stomach and I couldn't stop smiling. Leo and I may or may not have gotten a little off topic after our first kiss — let's just say we had to end the lesson a little early due to some technical difficulties.

     Nothing serious happened, of course.

     I've never felt this overwhelmed or excited over a simple kiss before, and if I was being honest, I'd say that I'm kind of scared. All these different emotions were new to me and it terrified me knowing how intense they all were. A large, defensive part of me was telling me to push away any feelings I had for Leo and run away from the danger before it was too late. I was really tempted to do so and yet, a smaller and more persuasive part of me was telling me to take the leap and just go for it.

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