Chapter 28

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It's now been nearly week now since the notorious Ash has disappeared into thin air. I've gone to the extent of going to the pokemon center and asking Nurse Joy about him. I'm at a loss. 

On the chair sits a physical entity, but a hollow mind. Uninterested in the lesson, my eyes stare out the window looking upon the dull weather. The sky is filled with smoke, blocking the scenic beauty of the environment. The vision being blurred with each passing moment, the image becoming unclear. 'I wonder what he's doing right now'...

I focus on the clear substance running down smoothly against the rugged surface, gaining mass with each movement. The attention and buildup eventually leading to its downfall, parting from its kind and taking on a new journey. 

My attention changes to the peers currently located within the classroom, I stare at them with a blank expression. They're all doing the same thing as I am, stuck within an endless cycle. How many times have we been through this already, hundreds, thousands of times? I get up, prepare myself for another dreadful day, eat, return to school, get an education, go home, do more work, sleep, then repeat.

I let out a sigh 'What am I even thinking... This isn't me.' I take another look at all the students, chatting with each other about something. My eyes fall back upon the window, the stare continuing. The voices dissipate into inaudible sounds, trying to pry the sound barrier against my ears. 'Ever since Ash left nothing happens now-a-days. Everything is back to the usual, but this usual doesn't feel like the usual I know. With him I at least had a temporary goal that motivated me in some way'

All the sounds stopped at once, not bothered with it I didn't bother checking what happened. I simply proceeded to glance at the window in deep thought. A single sound could be heard from a distance, with each passing moment the volume increasing until I felt a hand come in contact with my shoulder. I turn my head, shocked to see the professor standing by my side and of course I already knew what was coming

"Ehm, Serena. Now that I finally have your attention, is something the matter? It looks as if something is on your mind, pondering" The professor deducted to my surprise, with thoroughness in his voice. I shook my head before giving him my reply "No... Just feeling tired lately, sorry I'll try my best  to retain my focus"

The professor nodded and then on his way back said "If it isn't too much of a problem, I would like for you to go to Sycamore's office later, I'll notify him. This type of behavior is not ideal for your education" I sighed 'Great' I thought to myself, while hearing snickers coming from around the room, I decided to ignore them and send the professor a nod.

I slouched back on my seat while picking up a pen and followed the lecture. Although it was such a pain, I managed to barely get out the of class before falling a sleep. Fortunately for me, it we had half an hour of lunch break. I celebrated mentally and carried on towards the cafeteria. I spot my friends sitting at a random table mixed between others. I see Dawn wave her hand at me, and I raised my hand as well. I walked over and placed my tired self on the seat by the table.

"Had a fun lesson?" Dawn asked, clearly already knowing the answer. "Oh yeah, it was great fun. I was disappointed when it was over, I wanted to do more work." I replied sarcastically. We both laughed it off and joined the group in their conversation.

"In all honestly, Lance would crush any of them. His Dragonites could overpower anything that could be sent his way" Gary said to the others, picking up quite quickly I understood that they were discussing which Champion was the strongest 

"I strongly disagree with your sentiment, although Lance is a powerful trainer he would be crushed by either Steven or Diantha. Unlike Lance, their pokemon have the ability and capability of mega evolution giving them a much greater chance." Calem said, explaining his opinion to the others. Drew nodded, demonstrating that he agrees with him. It was a bit of a boring topic, but it's not like there is much else to talk about anyway.

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