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I sat there silent. "John, come out and we can talk. Let's just talk this out." She said and I ran down the stairs and ended up in my room. I calmly walked up the stairs.

"Hey Ashley let's talk." I said calmly. I stuck my hands out as to say stop. I back up and sat down on the sofa. "Let's talk this through. What's going on?"

"John I wanted you, I really did. But then I realized I would never get you. So then I decided that I could spilt y'all apart, but y'all wouldn't split so I decided I would have to make y'all split." She said and I stood up. "Bradley, Bradley, he's in danger. Harry and Jacob are really out for him."

"What where is he?" I asked walking slowly towards the steps.

"But I can't let you go." She said pulling out a gun.

Bradley's POV
I decided to take a walk to try to get everything out of my head. I was walking around my neighborhood when something washed over me. I glanced around, I found my feet carrying me back to my house. I walked inside and closed the door. I sat down and tried to call John but it went straight to voicemail. I looked at my ring. "I love you John." I whispered. Just then my front door opened and I turned around to see if it was John. "Who are you?" I asked.

John POV

"Look Ashley Let's talk This out please." I said. "Why me? What have I done to you Ashley?"

"You really don't remember me John?" She asked.

"No! That's why I'm asking." I groaned.

"We dated in eighth grade."

"What?!" I said. "I don't know what school I went to in eighth grade."

"Yeah, well I was in you class, I was the lead cheer leader."

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, um Ashley...Yeah I remember." I said nodding my head. "So what?"

"You were so mean to me." I laughed.

"I was in eighth grade Ashley no ones relationship lasts in eighth grade."

"I know but you cheated on me in front of me." I laughed.

"Just like What I said before."

"I know every girl you've dated."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "So what?!"

"You gotta apologize to all of em and I'll quit following you."

"Swear." I said not know what I just got myself into.

"Swear." She said and she handed me a page and a half of names. Don't worry it was double spaced.

"This is a lot." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah all of em, check em off when you've found em." She said. "And apologize."

"I know now let me go, I have to go find Bradley." I said and she nodded. She called someone and i left. I pulled up to his house and ran inside. "Bradley!" I yelled and he sat there looking at a long list. "What everyone you've dated?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"No, everyone I've had a one night stand with."

"Oh, what you gotta do fuck em again?"

"No just tell em." He said and i nodded.

"Hey Bradley a bunch of crazy stuff is gonna happen over the next few months, the only thing we can do is forgive and forget. If it's really bad just forget it till  both our lists are at zero, then we can talk it over ok? Cause that's the only way we're gonna make it through this."

"Yeah I know." He said and I stood up. I grabbed my laptop and sat down beside him. I pulled up Instagram and looked up the first name on the list. Vanessa Hills. Her Instagram was filled with pictures of her. I DM'd her and moved on. Before I could even get to the next person she replied.

Hey it's me John can we meet up at some point?

Yeah where u live

D.C. you?


Cool I have a game there next week maybe we could meet up then?

Yeah sure! 😉

I sighed and looked up the next person, Zoey Rodriguez. "Shit." I said out loud.

"What?" Bradley asked leaning over to look at my screen. "Follow her if she sees someone who's got millions of followers wants to follow her she'll accept." He said. I nodded. After hours of searching I had only found four girls.

"Ok I've gotta meet Brooklyn tomorrow at ten." I said rubbing my temples. "What you got?"

"Boy you think a bunch of hoes are gonna just let me talk to em." Bradley said and I laughed. He grabbed my list and looked at it. "You used to be straight."

"Yeah I guess you broke my ruler." I said and he laughed and hit my arm.

"Shut up." He said and he leaned against me. I kissed him softly on his forehead. He sighed and fell asleep like that. I took a picture of us and posted it on Instagram. Then I went to sleep. "John John wake up it's nine your gonna be late." Bradley said tapping my shoulder. I jumped up and ran and threw on a shirt and athletic pants. I grabbed my phone and ran out the door. "Wait!" Bradley yelled and I ran back inside. "Kiss." He said and I smiled and kissed him. "Be Safe." He said and I nodded.

"I will." I said. I got in my car and pulled up to the Café we decided to meet at. I sat down at a table and pulled out my phone. About ten minutes later someone sat down across from me. "Hey." I said looking up and putting my phone away. "How have you been?"

"Good." She said smiling. "How have you been?"

"Good." I said. "So what do you do now?" I asked. I couldn't help but notice she had on at least four thousand dollars on her. And that was just her shirt and skirt.

"Oh I'm the lead fashion designer for Chanel." She said and I nodded.

"Pretty big job."

"Yeah." She said. "Your a baller for the Wizards if I'm right?" She said.

"Yeah I am, starting PG."

"Mhm. Now why did you wanna talk to me?"

"Um well I knew I dated you freshman year. I treated you poorly I'm sorry." I said and she smiled.

"Thank you." She said still smiling. "I heard your settled down." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah. I am."

"So why are you telling me your sorry."

"I don't know I just felt bad I feel like I didn't treat you like i should have. I treated you different and i don't know why." I said shrugging.

"Oh." She said. We made small talk the whole time. Finally I left.

"Ugh." I groaned and I drove to the stadium. I ran I side and threw my shirt off because I didn't have another shirt. "I'm sorry I'm late..." no one was here.

"John today is Sunday." Kelly said and I sighed and grabbed a ball.

"Yeah it is, sorry I just have so much on my mind."

"Yeah I can tell, Hey you wanna go grab a few drinks."

"Sure." I said swishing a three.

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now