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I never wanted to let him go. I never wanted to be apart from him. Nothing like that would ever have happened if I would have stayed with him. I wouldn't be forcing myself to unwrap my arm from his torso. I kissed him softly to wake him up. "Baby wake up." I whispered in his ear. He smiled and rolled over.

"Don't ever let me go." He said and I smiled and I leaned my forehead on his.

"I won't Bradley, ever." I said and he nodded.

"I can't imagine what I'd do without you."

"Yeah." I said. "Hey Bradley you know they might tr..."

"Yeah I know, don't talk about it." He said and I nodded. "As long as were together right now."

"Well still be together then." I added and he smiled.

"Forever and always." He said and I smiled.

"I love you." I said bopping his nose. "Now let's go to practice." I said and he nodded. We got up but I immediately reattached myself to him. He smiled.

"Let me change." He said and I nodded and kissed his temple. "Stop John or i won't wanna go to practice."

"That's my goal." I said smiling. He smiled at me and kissed my lips softly.

"Well it's not mine, it's just a shoot around anyways, why are we calling it a practice?"

"I don't know same thing."

"I guess let's go though." He said. We changed and left. Until we got to the stadium I was always in physical contact with Bradley somehow. We got out and i pulled him against me as we walked. "Someone's clingy today." He said when we walked in. I smiled at him.

"But is that a bad thing?"

"No not at all." He said and i nodded.

"I know." I said. I let go of him and grabbed a ball. I passed it to him. "I touched that ball." I said and he laughed.

"Your so stupid." He said and I laughed.

"I know I am." I said smiling and I sat down. "Man where's my phone?" I asked no one in particular and I got up to look for it.

"I don't know." Bradley said shrugging.
Three months later

"Man Kelly called me like eight times last night." I said and I shrugged. "I'll just wait for him to get to practice." I said and coach cleared his throat behind me.

"Let's talk John, you to Bradley." He said and we nodded. "Look I don't know where on this universe you were last night but we're all convinced it wasn't D.C." He said as we sat down in his office.

"I'm sorry, what's going on?" I asked leaning back.

"Look we made a Trade last night." He said and me and Bradley froze.

"No not y'all." He said and I sighed.

"What benchy for what benchy." I said.

"John, he wasn't a benchy. There's a reason Kelly called you eight times last night." Coach said and I stopped.

"What why? Why him coach? He was gonna be so good."

"I know, but we got Ariza."

"Ariza my ass, that's my bro. I did everything with him! Can't you think about someone other than yourself for once. If not me then at least him!" I said and I got up and walked out. I snatched my phone off the chair I left it on. I walked outside and called him. "Come on pick up, pick up."

"Hey it's Kelly you know what to do, leave a message after the beep." He said. I sighed and sat down on the steps.

"Hey you ok?" Bradley asked sitting beside me.

"Naw I'm not, He was the first true friend I had on this team. We did everything together, he was the one that left with me. He said he'd always be there for me, he was gonna help me through things." I said and it went silent till my phone rang. "Hey Kel." I said quietly. "You still down here? Can we meet at my house? See you then." I said and I stood up. "He wants to see you to." I said and Bradley nodded. It was silent on the way to my house. I walked in to Kelly sitting on the stairway. He stood up and I hugged him.

"Man I ain't gonna miss this city, I'm gonna miss yap. If y'all were here I woulda left a ling time ago." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah, you were always there for us." I said and he nodded.

"Hay y'all are my bros, remember that. If anything goes wrong call me." He said. "Just cause I'm Fine doesn't mean y'all have to fight. Keep y'alls relationship just how it is now. I'm gonna miss y'all, you were my brothers." He said and he looked away. "I ain't crying cause I'm leaving this team, I'm crying cause I'm leavin y'all." He said. "Y'all were there for me, when I was a rookie you told me I was gonna do great, I was gonna make it. You helped me through so much. We left together John because I didn't want you to feel alone in a lonely place." I didn't wanna say anything cause I didn't wanna cry and me crying would make the whole situation worse. I just nodded.

"I'm gonna miss you bro." I said and i hugged him. "You got me to where I was today." I whispered and he smiled. We didn't say anything for a long time.

"I'm gonna go." He said and me and Bradley nodded slowly. "Thank y'all for everything man, both of y'all mean so much to me." He said and Bradley barley smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you Kels." He whispered and he hugged him. After a while he left.

"That just happened. Kelly ain't on my team anymore." I said and I walked off. I went upstairs to my office and I sat there for a long time. There was a knock on the door and I knew it was Bradley so I just let him come in. "I'm gonna miss him." I said when he walked in.

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now