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"Hey." I said walking into practice.

"You know you say hey every time you walk in and no one responds to you." Kelly said.

"Shit up dude." I said pushing him.

"I'm serious, but maybe it's because we all know your trying to get Brads attention." He said and he winked at me. I laughed and we t to lean against Bradley but he moved and I fell to the ground.

"Bradley!" I yelled and he ran away. I jumped up and ran after him. Obviously being faster I caught up to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he yelled. I laughed. "Why'd you do that?" I asked him laughing.

"Cause you always lean on me, one of these days your gonna forget how to stand straight." He said laughing. I turned him around to where he was facing me.

"But don't you like me pressed up against you?" I asked him smirking and trying not to laugh.

"Only sometimes." He said smiling.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked him. His eyes locked with mine and we got closer and closer.

"Ok, ok, that's enough!" Kelly said pushing us apart. "No kissing in the practice facility." I frowned at Kelly and he hit my arm.

"Once." I said.

"No dude no one wants to see y'all kiss."

"So, at this point in my life I don't care about what y'all want." I said and he laughed.

"I don't think you ever did."

"I cared about Bradley though!" I said and I wrapped my arms around Brad.

"You're so annoying." He groaned.

"Hey that's not nice." Bradley said and Kelly started to laugh.

"Shit i don't care y'all are wearing me out just kiss once." He said and without hesitating i kissed Bradley.

"Thank you Kelly." I said and he shook his head and walked away laughing.

"Y'all are cute!" He yelled. I laughed. Just then the door opened and closed. Otto came in and Bradley pulled me against his chest.

"Oh now you like me against you huh?" I said smiling at him.

"I've always liked you against me." He said smirking. I kissed him and laughed.

"Your Sweet." I said. "It's cute that your overprotective of me."

"I'm not." He said.

"Yes you are. You wouldn't have pulled me against you if you didn't care that Otto walked in."

"Ok maybe." He said and he kissed me. "I just wanna make a point."

"Is there really a point to prove though?" I questioned him.

"Stop now your making me look stupid." He said laughing as we made our way across the court to where the team was slowly gathering. He never took his hand off of my side though. Kelly looked at us and smirked.

"Ok, John and Bradley y'all are captains. Otto your on John's team and Kelly your kn Bradley's team. Rest of y'all figure it out." He said. I love it when we do nothing during shoot arounds. I grabbed a ball and threw it to Bradley.

"Why do they get to start?" Dwight asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Because I threw em the ball."

"It's because he wants to pass to Bradley." Kelly said and I laughed.

"No I just wanna destroy Bradley." I said and I nodded at Bradley. He started the game. A few minutes later Bradley ran into me and I fell down. He went to help me up but Otto ran and pulled me up. I frowned at Bradley but then smiled and lightly hit his butt when I walked by. Bradley passed me the ball. I passed to Otto and ran around the pick Dwight set for me. Otto passed it back and I shot a three and made it. Otto ran by and hit my butt. I frowned. Bradley looked like he could breath Fire. "Hey baby forget about it. It's ok." I said guarding him.

"No it's not he's not gonna be touching my man like that." He said and I smiled.

"I love you to now forget about it, I'm fine your fine." I said and he ran past me and posterized Otto. "Didn't know you had that in ya." I said smiling. "Feel better now?"

"Mmm maybe." He said smiling at me.
I thought practice went well, and of course like I said that's what I thought. Now I'm sitting here. Kelly, Otto, Bradley, and I are the only ones left. I was sitting looking at my phone when Bradley and Otto started to bicker. I thought they'd work it out, but they didn't. That's why I'm here, I'm in the middle of one of the most heated arguments I've ever seen Bradley in. "Brad." I said standing up after I realized I should be doing something to stop them from hurting each other. "Bradley!" I yelled over their madness. I touched his arm and he slapped my hand away. I stepped back knowing he was mad. "Bradley can we please talk?" I asked him and he sighed and looked at me.

"What John?!" He snapped.

"I know y'all are mad and yelling about me."

"Yeah we are cause he doesn't care half a shit about you John, it's obvious! It's obvious and it's annoying cause I care, I care so much for you John, and I just feel like every time something come up the obstacle just gets hotter or worse." He said and I laughed. "Stop laughing John!" He yelled at me.

"First of all Baby you ain't on Yo period you a man shut up. Second of all that's stupid, everything you just said was stupid. So what if other people like me, there's millions of people out there that like me, but do I care? Naw, cause all I care about is you, you're the only person that I care about that loves me Bradley. Your just being silly fighting with him about this. Now you can get mad at him all you want about everything that happened in practice, but don't be yelling about me please. You know I ain't gonna love nobody but you." I said and the room went silent.  I sat down and looked back at my phone.

"Well that just happened." Kelly said breaking the silence. Us three laughed.

"You ain't going no where." I heard Bradley said soon after and I looked up to him standing in front of the door.


"Naw, I'm not talking bout off the court stuff I wanna talk bout practice today." He said and I nodded and lightly smiled knowing this was gonna be good.

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now