Leah Pt. 2

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"Damn Bradley who were you talking to the other day at that Café?" Kelly asked scrolling through his phone.

"What?!" John snapped and he grabbed Kelly's phone out of his hand.

"John it was Leah." I said and he sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said and I nodded.

"It's fine." I said and he nodded. He kept looking at his phone.

"You do look like your a little to comfortable with her though." Kelly said and I shot him a death glare.

"Huh?" John said and he took Kelly's phone again. "Bradley." He said sounding disappointed not mad. He looked at me in a sad way. "Please don't take advantage of what your doing."

"I'm not." I said and he nodded.

"I know your not but please don't start to."

"I won't." I said and I sat down beside him and leaned on his shoulder. I opened my phone and someone texted me. I opened the text and immediately turned my phone off.

"What was that?" He asked me.

"Nothing Leah Just texted me."

"Yeah what photo did she text you Bradley." He asked.

John POV

"Yeah what photo did she text you Bradley." I said starting to get mad. Not at him but at Leah.

"Just a Photo." He said and he slid his phone in his back pocket.

"Oh I've touched your ass enough to not care what pocket you out it in." I said and I slid my hand under him and took his phone out of his pocket. I unlocked it and my eyes grew huge. "She Senf you This." I asked and he nodded.

"I didn't ask for it I swear."

"No duh you didn't ask for a nude." I said and I gave him his phone back. I shook my head. "Please stay away from her."

"Obviously." I said and he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry I'm being controlling." He said and I smiled up at him since I was leaning on his chest.

"It's fine I understand." I said and he just lightly smiled. He shot Kelly a glance and Kelly walked out.

"I just worry one day you'll think I'm to protective and you'll leave me." He said and I frowned at him then smiled.

"Of course not, you being protective is cute." I said and he actually frowned.

"Yeah but it's not cute all the time, it's kinda obsessive."

"No it's not, not yet at least. If I ever got uncomfortable with it or something I'd tell you."

"You sure?"

"Of course." I said and he nodded

John POV

I'm gonna kill that girl. I thought I smiled down at Bradley sleeping on my lap. Why are we up this early? Oh Kelly. I sighed and closed my eyes. I guess I fell asleep because Bradley shook me awake.

"John, John please get up John I don't know what to do."

"What?" I asked groggy.

"Leah is..." I heard a bang on the door and I stood up.

"Stay here." I said and I ran a hand over my face. Then reality hit, i was about to open the door to the girl who was trying to hit on my man. I was immediately awake. I opened the door.

"What do you want?" I snapped at her. She eyed my whole body and that's when I realized I was still only in my underwear. "I said what do you want?"

"I wanna talk to Bradley."

"Yeah, I figured, and you ain't talking to Bradley."

"It's you are not going to talk to Bradley."

"Oh so you admitted it?" I said sarcastically.

"No I was correcting your grammar."

"You mean my accent? Oh that ain't going away, neither is Kelly's so I guess ya don't like him anymore." I said and she gasped.

"That's disgusting."

"What you sent my husband was disgusting." I said and she looked shocked.

"He showed you that?"

"We Show each other everything, but no I was sitting beside him when you sent it." I said. "And I just wanna let you know that ain't cool, I ended up eating lunch with y'all, you know how close me and Brad are. It ain't cool to try and tear something like that apart."

"I know."

"No you don't know or else you wouldn't have done it." I snapped. "Just never show back up here again." I said slamming the door and locking it. She knocked and I opened it. "What do you want?!" I snapped loudly.

"I guess he forgot to tell you about the other night then."

"Oh shut up Leah no one believes you at this point."

"He was wearing a blue suit with a dark blue tie and black pants with black dress shoes, you really think something didn't happen three nights ago?"

"Shut up you stalker." I said.

"I don't think Bradley and his nine inch think the same as you John."

"Shut up." I said trying not to believe her but the more she talked the more it sounded like he cheated.

"We used a large condom, don't worry." She said winking. I fought back tears as I stood there.

"What did he do?" I asked cause only I knew how Bradley actually acted in bed.

"He was different than how he acts around others, more rough almost. He always wanted to be in control no matter what I did. He's growl and whisper in my ear and..."

"Shut up! I don't wanna hear anymore." I said and I slammed the door in her face and looked at Bradley.

"John I swear."

"You fucking swear what Bradley?!" I snapped, all my emotions were turning to anger.

"John I swear I don't have sec with her, I did a while back, but never recently. I'd never ruin what we have John I love you to much." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"How'd she remember exactly what you were like in bed?!" I snapped.

"John you didn't let her finish! She could have said something that made you know it didn't happen." He snapped at me.

"Oh shut up Bradley." I yelled and I threw my hand in the air and he flinched backwards. I stopped and my body slowly relaxed. "Baby." I whispered. "Baby I'd never hit you." I said and I walked closer to him. "Not in a million years would I ever do anything like that to you no matter how angry I am. I'll never lay a hand on you." I said and I touched his shoulder and he flinched. My heart broke. A tear fell down my face. "I'm so sorry Bradley for what ever I've done. I never wanted you to ever think I would hurt you because I would never just you baby i Swear i Love you so much. You love me and trust me right Bradley."

"Of course I do John it's just i know how mad you can get sometimes and... I was just worried." I pulled him against me and i birdied my face in his neck and shoulder.

"I would never hirt you." I said looking back up at him. A few tears fell down my face. "Damn you make me emotional, I'm supposed to be tough." I said.

"But only true men cry." We both said.

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