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I snuggled into Bradley's chest. "Mmm What time is it?" I asked.

"It's early, go back to bed." He whispered and I nodded and closed my eyes. He kissed me head and I smiled. I woke up as the light shone through the windows. I sat up stretched and got out of bed. "Hey." Bradley said in his morning voice and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I smiled.

"Since when have you been so lovey?" I asked him turning around to face him.

"I don't know, is it a bad thing?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"No it's not a bad thing at all." I said smiling. I kissed him quickly then walked away. "I'm gonna take a shower and change then I'll be out with the team you can come when your ready." I said shutting the door.  I took a shower and changed I walked out and Bradley was smiling at his phone. "What you over there smiling about?" I asked him.

"Just looking at a picture of us that someone posted." He said and I nodded.

"Well I'm gonna be down with the team for a while you can join when your ready." I said and he stood up.

"Ight I'll be there in a few." He said and i grabbed my phone and walked out. I stuck my foot in the door before it shut. "Bring the room key!" I yelled and then I shut the door. I walked down the stairs and met the team in the lobby. "Hey what's up, what we doing today?"

"We don't know, thinking about chilling my the beach."

"In March?" I asked.

"Man it's LA it ain't cold." Otto said and I nodded.

"Yeah ok." I said then I got a text. "Oh shit I can't go for a while, tell Bradley I'll text him in a few." I said and I walked outside leaving the team confused. I walked down the street and slid into the empty chair st the table. "I'm sorry Vanessa, it's good to see you again."

"Haven't changed at all." She mumbles and I laughed.

"I'm truly sorry the team planned something and I totally forgot."

"Oh." She said. "So you with someone now?" She asked and I nodded. "They treat you right?"

"Yeah." I said nodding. We started to talk and laugh when my phone buzzed. "I'm sorry one second." I said and I answered. "Hello?"

"Where are you? Oh never mind I do know where you are I just don't know why you wouldn't tell me and what about that text I was supposed to get what maybe two hours ago John? I saw the way y'all were laughing..."

"Shut up Bradley you know it ain't nothing, I ain't with no one but you I ain't playing ya." I said.

"Yeah right talk to you later John." He snapped and he hung up.

"Sorry." I said.

"Bradley?" She said. "Like yo team mate?"

"Yeah were just close friends though." I said shrugging.

"Oh ok." She said. We stated to talk again and somehow we got on the topic of our past relationship.

"I remember some good things about it." I said.

"I remember some good things about you John." She said smirking.

"Shut up." I said laughing. "It ain't happening again." I said.

"You shut about that?" She said raising her eyebrows. "I'd give you a great time. Just once no one will know." She said.

"Maybe." I said sighing.
"What do you mean, you were playing around with her John I walked past y'all!" He yelled.

"Ugh Bradley can you please drop it, it was one girl that i don't have feelings for what so ever. If your gonna react like this to all of the girls then just leave cause obviously you can't trust me."

"I can't trust you John because I know your past and you have that long ass list of ex's for a reason!" He said and I laughed.

"Touché." I said. "But Bradley I ain't like that anymore I swear, you my one and only. I don't wanna mess us up, But I guess you just can't see that." I said shrugging and I sat down. Just then my phone went off.

"Who was that?"

"Vanessa." I said and he grabbed my phone.

"Dude Stop i ain't doing nothing with her!" I snapped.

"When you wanna mean up?! Kissy face, winky face! Yeah you totally aren't doing anything with her." He said and he threw my phone at me.

"I swear she literally asked me if we could have sex again and I made it clear that the answer was no." I yelled at him.

"Why are you yelling at me?" He asked.

"Because I'm mad that you'd think I'd go cheat on you with some hoe! You know just fuck this I'm out." I said grabbing my things.

"Where are you going?!" He asked as worry swept across his face.

"Let Ashley win the bet I ain't staying with you for no long ass year if it's gonna be like this." I said and he stopped.

"You aren't leaving me are you John?" He asked.

"Shit i don't know Bradley." I said. "I can't take you always saying I cheated." I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked out. I walked downstairs and Kelly was sitting on the sofa in the front. "Hey." I said walking by. I pulled out my credit card and walked up to the front desk. "Hello." I said and they said hi back. "Ok this might sound complicated, but I have the captains sweet under the last name Wall, I was wondering if I could keep that room and also get another room?"

"Um well what I think your saying is you wanna keep that room and get a new one?"

"Yeah." I said. That's what I just said.

"Ok well we can't do that, but what you can do is just pay for an extra night in the captains sweet and I can put you in another room off of that."

"Sure." I said and she smiled and I handed her my card and ID. She gave me the room key and told me to have a nice day. I walked back up to my room and sat down. "Why do we always fight if we love each other?" I asked myself. "At least I know I love him, he was being so sweet this morning though." I said shrugging. Just then the door opened and I jumped.

"Currently this weekend my last name is Wall also." Bradley said and I sighed and motioned for him to sit down.

"Why do we always fight? What happened to us talking things out before just fighting?" I asked him.

"I don't know John." He said.

"I know I love you and it hurts me when we fight, but do you really love me?"

"Would I have married you if I didn't love you John? Would I have agreed to spend my whole life with someone I didn't love?" He asked.

"Well I Hope not." I said and he laughed.

"I ain't like that John I woulda told ya then that I didn't love you but I do so I said yes John cause I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." He said and I smiled at him.

"I know you aren't like that."

"Good, now can we cancel this room and go back to ours?"

"Duh, I wasn't gonna sleep in here alone anyways."

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now