Plane Ride

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"Ugh Bradley do we really have to fly out to San Francisco today?" I asked rolling out of bed.

"Your always complaining." He said laughing.

"Hey stuff only happens once so I only have one chance to complain about it." I said shrugging.

"Dude Your so stupid." He said. I know it sounds stupid but the word dude just kinda stuck in the back of my mind. "What?" He asked. I assume I stood there staring at nothing for to long.

"Oh um nothing I'm gonna get a few things together." I said.

I was looking through my stuff when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. "I know your upset, what's wrong?" He asked me and I sighed.

"It's nothing I'm just tired." I said shrugging his arms off me.

"You sure cause I'm pretty sure I can tell when something's bothering you." He said smiling at me.

"I'm fine now go do something that doesn't involve worrying about me." I said laughing. I pushed him away and I grabbed a few things. "You ready?" I asked walking out.

"Yeah." He said. "One sec." He was walking around spinning his ring on his finger.

"You looking for this?" I asked and I threw him his wallet and phone.

"Yeah thanks." He said.

"Don't text her again please, she's just a girl you had a one night stand with not someone your into." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I know." He said and I rolled my eyes. "What?!" He asked as we walked out the door.

"You obviously don't know." I said getting in the car. We yelled at each other the whole way to the airport.

"Johnathan Hildred Wall shut up!" He yelled as we got out of my car.

"I'm not gonna shut up Bradley Emmanuel Beal because I read the stupid texts and I know you knew what you meant when you sent them, I mean fuck you don't even text stuff like that to me!" I yelled and I grabbed my bag and walked onto the plane. I sat in my usual seat in the back. Bradley sat down somewhere else and I looked up. "Hey Bradley, come here." I yelled loud enough for him to hear. He got up and walked over. "Sit." I said and he sat down. "I'm sorry this is another moment I'm just gonna have to forgive and forget i love you and i know you love me." I said and i kissed him quickly. "You forgive me for yelling at you?" I asked him.

"Yeah I do I'm sorry for yelling back at you I truly do love you John." He said and I smiled and nodded.

"Hey John, Brad heads up!" Kelly yelled and he threw Brads carry on bag across the plane. I reached over Bradley and grabbed it. He laughed. "It was in my spot." Kelly said and we nodded.

"Y'all could have blow each other up out there." Dwight laughed across the plane.

"Naw." I said and Bradley leaned against me. I grunted and he looked at me. "Nothing it just surprised me." I said and he nodded.

"I can move." He said.


"Oh ok." He said and me smiled at me. I pulled it my phone and it had blown up with messages. I pointed my phone at an angle Bradley couldn't see and I read them. "What?" He asked laughing and he took my phone out of my hands. "Dude she's crazy don't meet her." Bradley said.

"I have to."

"Just say you did."

"I can't She is in contact with all of them somehow." I said shrugging.

"Can I come?"

"You can't be seen again she got mad at me, sir in the car." I said and he nodded.

"I just don't want her to hurt you."

"A girl hurt me, John Wall? Never." I said smiling at him. "I'm tough."

"Hah." He said and I pinched him. "Ouch!" He yelled and everyone turned and looked at us. "He started it." Bradley said.

"I did not you said I wasn't tough." I said hitting him.

"Stop abusing me!" He yelled.

"John, Bradley shut up." Coach said.

"I can't until he stops." Bradley said.

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Can't y'all stop your married now, can't y'all start to die down on your excitement?" Kelly groaned. "Can't y'all start to get into I'm stuck with him for life mode?"

"I am." I said smiling.

"I hate you." Kelly said. "Y'all make me sick, I've never believed in true love till I saw y'all." He said shaking his head. "Y'all yelled and bicker and then two minutes later your making out in the back seat. You can't stay mad at each other."

"We know." I said leaning against Bradley.

"Can't y'all not have any type of body contact for more than a minute?"

"Yeah we will in a day or so when we're playing." I said and he laughed.

"I don't know y'all seem to brush shoulders a lot during games." Kelly said shrugging.

"Maybe." I said and I winked. Bradley started to play with my left hand and I hit his leg.

"Ouch! John!" He whined.

"Tough it up." I said and he gasped.

"But you hit me and it hurt."

"Well I'm sorry." I said and I kissed him quickly. "Just stop playing with my hand while I'm talking to someone." I said.

"Now you sound like a father." Kelly said. I shrugged.

"Well he's a child." I said and everyone laughed.

"Stop John im not a Child." He said and I laughed.

"Well your a cute child." I said and I bopped his nose and he scrunched his face up. I kissed him and he smiled.

"We're still here." Kelly said and I nodded.

"Yeah I know, what's taking so long for take off?" I asked and I stood up to go talk to the pilot. Bradley grabbed my hand.

"Don't go." He whispered and I sat back down.

"What?" Kelly said. "Didn't you just get up to go talk to the pilot?"

"Yeah but that wouldn't do anything." I said shrugging. Just then they told us to buckle up and everything. Bradley sat up and I laughed at him.


"If you wouldn't have been leaning on me you wouldn't have had to do all of that." I said and he punched me in the arm. We started to laugh.

"Shut up! I'm trying to go to sleep." Kelly groaned and I stuck my tongue out at him. Bradley laughed and I kissed him.

"I love you so much it's crazy." I whispered and he smiled at me.

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