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"John I'm gonna go meet some girl that I you know, anyways she's on my list." I yelled upstairs to him.

"Oh yeah ok!" He said and he smiled.

"I'll be back in a few." I said and he came down the stairs.

"Wait don't go!" He said jogging down. "You can't leave without a kiss." He said and I smiled.

"I love you." I said and I patted him chest quickly then stood straight up.

"Love you Bradley, remember im back at the House."

"I know baby." I said. "Love you." I said and he laughed. I shut the door and I drove to the address she told me to meet her. I pulled up to a small Café. "Oh this is the one John has been telling me about, I feel so bad though cause he said he wanted to be the first one to take me here." I said and I got out. "Hey Leah!" I said getting her attention. "Can we go somewhere else?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Yeah." She said. "I'm driving myself though." She said and I nodded.

"Ok." I said. "You know another place you wanna go?" I asked.

"Yeah I'll text it to you." I nodded and got in my car. I got her text and went to a other small restaurant. "So um hey." I said sitting down. She laughed.

"Don't act weird, I'm just another person to talk to."

"Oh ok." I said and I shrugged. We talked for a long time till someone pulled up a chair beside us.

"Hope I didn't interrupt anything." His perfect voice crashed through my thoughts. I smiled and looked at him.

"No you didn't, but why are you here?"

"Just came to eat, and you were here."

"Or you followed me."

"I wouldn't do that." He said seriously. I nodded.

"I know, anyways John this is Leah, Leah this is John." I said and they said Hi.

"You and John are a couple?"

"How'd you know." John said shocked.

"I can tell just by how y'all act around each other, when you talked Bradley immediately smiled."

"Oh." We both said. We all talked for a while. "Well I'm gonna get going." I said standing up. "It was nice to see you again Leah, I hope to see you again someday." I said. They both stood up. We said our goodbyes and John wrapped him arm around me as we walked back to our cars. "I'll see you in a few." I said stopping at my car. He smiled and kissed me. I smiled against his lips.

"See you." He said and I got in. I left. I pulled up and a few minutes later John did. "I didn't like her." He said. "She knows she can get you if she wants."

"Baby she can't get me, only you can." He said and I smiled and laughed at him as he kissed my neck.

"Not tonight Bradley." I said and he frowned at me.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm just not up for it."

"Yeah but I am." He said and I smiled at how cute he was.

"Maybe." I said knowing it was gonna be a long night. He kissed me quickly and I smiled at him. "Hey I have to head out for a while but I'll be back ok?" I said.

"Oh ok, but we just got back."

"I know I just remembered." I said and he nodded.
"Your Home." He said sitting up in bed.

"I'm sorry I was so late." I said.

"It's fine." I took my shirt off and slid in beside him. I wrapped myself around him and pulled him closer to me. "I love you John."

"I love me to." I said and he laughed. "But I love you more." I said.

"Your stupid." He said and I laughed.

"Your mean." He rolled over and looked at me. I smiled and I kissed him.

"Your needy." He said and I laughed.

"I'm needy your the one who wanted to fuck tonight."

"Yeah and I still do." He said and I smirked at him.
"Hmm looks like Bradley got it last night." Kelly said and I walked away to let him defend himself. I laughed and sat down. Otto sat down beside me.


"Oh hey." I said.

"Can you meet the team after practice?"

"I don't know." I said looking at Bradley and Kelly Argue. "It depends on what Bradley wants." I said and he nodded.

"Y'all are cute." He said and I nodded.

"I get that a lot." I said and I looked over and he wasn't over there. I shrugged but then I felt cold water run down my back. "Bradley!" I yelled. I jumped up.

"You shouldn't have just left me." He said and I laughed.

"I'm sorry baby, but was this necessary?" I asked as I took my soaked shirt off.

"N-Yes!" He said and I threw my wet shirt at him.

"You just like me the closer I am to naked." I said and he smiled.

"That's the best version of you." He said and I laughed. "No I'm jokingly any version of you is the best." He said and I kissed him softly on the lips. "Mmm John Stop." He whispered smiling.


"Cause were in front of all of these people."

"Who Kelly and Otto?"

"Well yeah."

"One day I'm gonna have you wrapped around my finger so tight that you won't care their watching."

"I think I'm wrapped as tight as I can get around your finger John. It's just my personality."

"I know baby." I said and he smiled at me.

"Look at you trying to be all romantic."

"I'm not trying, it's just what you do to me." I said.

"Awww ok ok now shut up we all understand that we all envy halls relationship and want one like it but we can't." Kelly said and we both laughed.

"I'm sorry you can't find someone pretty boy." I said and he laughed. I wrapped my arms around Bradley.

"Can y'all go five minutes without touching each other?" He asked.

"No." We both said.

"Y'all are I don't know something else."

"It's called love Kelly." We both said and then we looked at each other and laughed.

"I don't know but what ever it is y'all got it bad."

Soooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. I started a new book! I know for it to have taken so long to update this chapter stinks! I'm sorry, but I'll get back to writing now!

-Kyrie_MVP 💕

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now