Never Really Leave

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"Finally." I sighed walking inside. "I did it."

"You did what?" Bradley asked me.

"I finished my list. Britany was the last girl, now I have all the time in the world to spend with you." I said and he smiled as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I only have one more girl and we're meeting on Friday." He said and I smiled.

"That's good, what do we get out of this again?"

"I don't know." He said laughing. I smiled and kissed him.

"I'm gonna go shoot around a little bit, you can come if you want."

"Sure." He said smiling and he skipped past me and walked out back and into my "court room" as we both call it. I grabbed to waters and walked out. I went to open the door when someone cleared their throat behind me.

"Where's Bradley."

"Look i don't know what you want. I don't know why your all of a sudden showing up after fifteen years but you need to leave." I growled.

"Oh look at John being all defensive of his boyfriend. Well you know what, he's my son and at the end of the day I get to chose who my son dates or not. And he can't date you."

"Ok, we're not dating." I said shrugging.

"Well duh you are." He said and I smirked.

"We're long past that stage." I said and his eyes got wide.

"Shut up." He said and I laughed. "Where is he!" He yelled and I suddenly my freaked out. He went to walk past me but I stepped in front of him.

"He He hes not in there." I said.

"Ok well if he's not in there then let me in."

"No dude that's where my court is. I'm not just gonna let you roam my house. Look can't you just leave him alone please, no wonder he hates you." Slap. I touched my face. "You must not know who your messing with." I laughed and I punched him once hard in the jaw and he stumbled back. He jumped at me but I moved over. "I'm pretty fast you know." I said and he mumbled something. It dawned on me that Brad was gonna start to wonder where I was. As if on cue he walked out. I jumped in front of him. "Just stay back, he's mad right now." I whispered.

"Hey baby boy." His did said. He tried to walk towards him but Bradley backed away.

"Dad I don't wanna see you, you fucked up my life." He said. "I'm happy, I'm happy with my life I don't want you to ruin it again. Please just leave." I frowned and moved out of the way a little so they could talk. "Dad I love you because your my father, but you fucked up bad. Shit ive got scars from what you've made me do. So I don't wanna see you again for a ling time." He said and he walked inside. I followed after him.

"Hey Bradley." I said and he stopped and turned around. Tears were falling down his face.

"I can't be reminded of all of that." He whispered. "It becomes to much."

"I know baby." I said and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his softly. He smiled at me.

"Your so sweet." He said and I smiled and kept kissing him. "You know what I haven't had in a while?"

"What?" I asked smirking.

"I think you know." He whispered in my ear. I kissed his neck and he moaned. I felt myself get hard. I kissed him on the lips again. I pulled him to our bed room. lets just say it was a long night. I woke up to him sleeping against me. I smiled.

"I've missed this." I whispered to myself.

"I have to." He said rolling Over and looked at me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love you John."

"I love you Bradley." I said and I pulled him closer to me. "How are you, you know since yesterday."

"Oh I'm fine. As long as you're with me nothing can go wrong." I smiled.

"I like to think that to."

"I know it I don't think it."

"Ok stop I hate being all romantic." I said and he laughed.

"But your always romantic around me."

"Not always."
I know it's forward but it's true

"I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed. When I'm lying close to someone else. Your stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it. If I could do it all again I know I'd go back to you." I sang sitting on a chair during practice.

"I thought Mr. Tough only listened to rap." Bradley said sitting beside me.

"That's the song I listened to when I left for Milwaukee." I said and he leaned against me. "I'm not Mr. Tough ever since we started dating."

"You've never been Mr. Tough you just like to act like it." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah I guess so." I said. "I'm not anything I make myself out to be." I said and he frowned. "Not in that way." I said and he laughed.

"I think your perfect just the way you are." He said and he kissed me.

"I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed. When I'm lying close to someone else. Your stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it. If I could do it all again I know I'd go back to you." I whispered as the song ended.

"John." Bradley said and I looked at him. "What if they trade you?" I shrugged.

"I'll always be there for you." I said quietly. "But I'm not traded yet."

"Yeah but the Pelicans and Pacers...."

"Let's not talk about it ok?" I said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry it's just I don't want you to leave."

"I'll never really leave you Bradley." I said an he smiled.

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now