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"As if on cue." I said and I stepped outside not letting them in.

"I know he's here I haven't seen him since Highschool."

"Yeah and it's probably best it stays that way." I said and I walked inside and shut the door.

"Who was it?" Bradley asked.

"Nobody" i said lying. "Just a solicitor."

"Oh ok." He said and I sat down and pulled him into my lap.

"I love you." I said smiling at him.

"I do to, I'm so nice aren't I?" He said and I laughed and kissed him.

"You are though." I said and he smiled and leaned against me. We didn't say anything but we didn't really need to. I sighed and stood up. I went to get a drink from the fridge when I noticed a car in the driveway. "They haven't left." I mumbled to myself. "Hey Brad I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check the mail." I said and he nodded and pulled out his phone. I walked outside and tapped on his window. He rolled it down. "Can you fucking leave my house?" I snapped.

"Watch Your Dirty mouth around my son." I laughed.

"Oh he's said worse." I said. "Now can you..."

"John...Dad?" I stopped and turned around.

"I told you I was checking the mail, why wouldn't you stay inside?!"

"Mail doesn't come on Sunday John I'm not stupid. You picked it up yesterday anyways." I sighed.

"Let's Go in, ok?" I asked Bradley more like a Kind demand. "And you are gonna leave." I said. He rolled his eyes and pulled out. I jumped back right before he ran over my feet and hit my side. "Come on." I said and we went inside.

"It's like he knew I was talking about him." Bradley mumbled. I wrapped my arms around him. "John I'm scared."

"Of What?"

"Him, he knows where I am now."

"But why are you scared when your with me? You know I'd die before anything happened to you."

"Yeah I do know that and that's one reason I love you John because you actually love me." He said and I smiled into his kiss. "I'm never scared with you John it's when I'm with out you."

"You'll never be without me." I said and he smiled.
"NOO Bradley you do this." I said running over and showing him what to do.

"Oh I get it ok im sorry." He said and I smiled.

"It's fine." I whispered. We ran the play a few times. Then practice was over. "Hey Brad! I'm gonna head out you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine love you." He said and I kissed him quickly.

"Love you." I said. Kelly followed behind me.

"Do y'all always tell each other you love each other and kiss when ever one of y'all leaves?"

"Yeah I guess pretty much." I said and he laughed.

"Damn anyone in this world would die for your relationship."

"Thanks I guess." I said and we both laughed.

"Wait John!" Bradley said and he ran and pulled me back right before I got in my car. "Don't go." He said. "Stay here."

"What why?" I asked him. "I mean I'll stay but why."

"Dad." He said and I nodded.

"What?!" Kelly said and we both laughed.

"Nothing." We both said and he looked at us weird. "His dad." I said and he laughed.

"Kinda impossible Kelly." Bradley said. I laughed.

"Anyways can I talk to Brad alone?" I asked and Kelly nodded. "How do you know?" I asked.

"He texted me."

"What how did he get your number."

"I've never changed it."

"Gosh Bradley, change it!" I snapped frustrated. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to get mad I'm just worried about you." I said and he smiled.

"It's fine and don't worry about me, he'll hurt you before me."

"Thanks for that." I said smiling and he laughed at em.

"Well I'm gonna go home and deal with him why don't you stay here."

"No John don't, he's dangerous please."

"I'm fine." I said and I kissed him softly but meaningly. "I love you."

"I love you John." He said and I smiled and got in my car. I drove home and walked in. I sighed when no one was there. I went to go plug up my phone when I felt something think and cold on my neck. I gulped, I knew what was coming. My past didn't get me to far back then. I took a deep breath in.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked him calmly.

"I came to see my baby boy."

"He isn't a baby anymore he's almost twenty six." I said. I took another deep breath in to attempt to calm my nerves. "Can I turn around?" I asked him.

"Another word and I'll leave you here to die on your own."

"Dad I've missed you so much." Bradley said obviously faking it.

"Brad." He whispered and he turned around. I leaned against the wall for a second trying to get back into reality.

"Daddy, i haven't seen you in forever." Bradley said smiling. I went to move but his dad turned around.

"Why are you hanging around with John Wall?"

"I'm not dad." He said.

"Well then why's he at your house."

"We're married." Bradley said and his dad stopped and looked at me. I gulped at the events that were about to unfold.

"Let's Just talk This out ok? Here let me go get some water for all of us." I said and Bradley nodded. I knew his dad wouldn't do anything to him. I walked by and I stopped because I felt the same cold feeling against my neck. "Sir." I whispered knowing Bradley was now behind us.

"Dad." Bradley said with panic in his voice.

"Brad don't say a word or else my hand'll move."

"No!" Bradley yelled. "Dad please stop I love him. Please that would be like you watching someone slit my throat. Dad he's my everything please daddy I love him so much. I can't live without him."

"Yeah but you can live without me."

"Dad because I never knew you loved me. I know he loves me dad, my whole life I felt like no one loved me, and now that I know someone does your just gonna take that person away from me?" He said.

"He doesn't love you Bradley I do."

"I know you do dad but so does he. Dad you want me to be happy and I'm happy with him." I closed my eyes when I felt him start to move his hand.

"I love you Bradley." I whispered.

"Dad No!!! If you kill him then I'll kill myself i can't live without him!" He yelled as tears fell down. His face. "Why would you do this to me, to us. You would lose someone also." He stopped and dropped the knife. I closed my eyes and didn't wanna say anything. I don't know what they said but I heard a door close then I felt lips against mine. I kissed him back. He stopped and started to cry. "I don't know what I would have done without you John." He cried. "I can't go through anything like that again."

"Neither can I." I said and he smiled. "But you saved me, when I told you I'd save you."

"Things Go two ways." He said and I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah two ways."

Challenges [Fourth book of the Bad At Love series]Where stories live. Discover now