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"Naw, I'm not talking bout off the court stuff I wanna talk bout practice today." He said and I nodded and lightly smiled knowing this was gonna be good. I leaned back in my chair and Kelly sat in the chair beside me.

"This about to get good." He said to me and I nodded.

"Maybe I should go get my husband out of this." I said and Kelly squealed. "What?" I asked aggravated.

"That's the first time you've ever called him your husband."

"Chill Kelly." I said and I sat up straight. I tuned into their conversation.

"Shut up Otto you know you meant to do it, you can't accidentally run from half court and help John up while seeing I was right here, your hand can't accidentally hit his ass! You wanna know what else you did wrong during practice that was an accident!" He yelled. Kelly looked at me and nodded. I understood and I stood up. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Bradley. He pushed me off of him and I stumbled back.

"Bradley." I said walking up to him.

"Shut the fuck up John Wall!" He yelled at me and I was mad.

"You wanna start a three way fight now huh?" I snapped at him.

"I don't think I started the first one."

"You know you could have just dropped it all! You know I love you Bradley but sitting here and watching you curse out one of our teammates isn't the best thing for me and you Bradley. And that ugly attitude isn't handsome either." I snapped and I pushed past them and walked out the door. I jumped in my car and slammed the door. I sped home and pulled in. I got out and walked inside. "I can't believe the nerve he has!" I snapped. I threw my stuff on my bedroom floor. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and ended up staring at my background for a good ten minutes. "Even though we fight we still love each other. And yet even though sometimes I feel like i could Just strangle him, or I would just be better on my own, I can't imagine life without him." I sighed.

"Your Sweet." He said behind me and I jumped.

"Oh you um heard all of that?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"Well I guess since I have nothing to hide, I did mean it." I said.

"Duh you did, you thought I wasn't home."

"Did you hear me yelling?"

"No?" He said and I sighed.

"Good." I said and i leaned against the bar counter that was off to the side of my living room.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah I wanna know, what did you say?"

"I can't believe the nerve you have." He laughed.

"I know, and I'm sorry. After I made you mad I just kinda stopped I knew it wasn't gonna get any better it was only gonna get worse and your right. My ugly attitude isn't handsome." He said sounding hurt.

"Aww Brad I didn't mean it that way! Don't say that!" I said feeling bad for what I said. I wrapped my arms around him. "Don't say that ok?" He nodded and i smiled and kissed him quickly. "Good cause I was just kidding sometimes I think it is kinda cute."

"Damn you love me to much." He said and I laughed.

"Maybe I do." I said shrugging. "But I don't think I can ever love you enough." I said. "Hey can you just not tell at our teammate again?" I asked him. He stepped away from me.

"Now your standing up for him?"

"No, it's just I hate it when you yell at people."

"Are you Sure, you've never really seemed to care until Otto was involved." He said and i groaned.

"I'm not gonna fight about this right now Bradley." I said walking into the kitchen.

"Don't walk away while we're still talking John."

"That's the thing Bradley we weren't talking." I said and I chuckled. "You just can't let things go."

"I just can't let things go?! John I just wanna know if your fucking around with your boyfriend or not."

"Shut up Bradley, your my boyfriend." I said and as soon as that came out of my mouth I regretted it. He stopped and I went to say something but he cut me off.

"I'm your fucking husband John!" He yelled and his voice cracked. "You put this ring on my finger how could you forget that!"

"I didn't mean it Bradley." I said. "I know we're married."

"No you don't John!" He yelled and his voice had a hint of sad and his eyes looked so hurt. I leaned against the counter and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

"I'm sorry baby, I truly am. I didn't mean to call you my boyfriend I was just going along with what you were saying. I was trying to make a point."

"Yeah well you didn't end up making one." He snapped.

"I know that smart ass."

"Don't call me that."

"Oh yeah well I just did." I said and he laughed.

"Just forget it John you can't even remember we're married."

"No Bradley!" I yelled but not in an angry way. "I love you so much but if your gonna leave me then leave."

"Why don't you leave then?!" He snapped at me.

"Cause I can't walk out that door. I can't throw everything away!" I yelled.

"Why John?!"

"Because I fucking love you Bradley!" I yelled and it went silent. "Now if you want me to leave why can't you?" I asked him quietly. "Why can't you leave all of this behind Bradley? Cause obviously you don't want to cause you asked me to."

"Because I love you." He said and we didn't say anything for a long time.

"Did we just have a romantic fight?" I asked breaking the silence. He burst into laughter. Him laughing made me laugh. He stopped and looked at me and burst into tears. "Bradley." I said. "Come here baby, what's wrong?" I asked while holding him against me.

"Why would you ever stay with someone like me? I'm so mean and cruel to you John but you always forgive me. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to live my life in luxury like this, your so sweet to me John. I love you so much but that still doesn't mean I deserve this." He said.

"No Bradley I don't deserve you. Your perfect and im the farthest away from perfect that you can get, I started our fight tonight Bradley. I could have talked it out but I walked away and yelled at you. I just always jump to conclusions. I love you though, I always yell at you and yeah you yell back but no one is gonna stand there and let someone yell at them. The thing is though I never have anything I need to fight with you about. I should never yell at you because your perfect to me Bradley. You can't do wrong in my eyes. I mean yeah you can cause your truly not perfect. But as I was saying." I said that and he laughed. "I don't deserve you if anything Bradley, but that won't stop me from loving you."

Hey guys us there anyone will reading this book? I might stop updating because no one seems to be reading it. Also if you are still reading this who put up a better fight at the end, John or Bradley? Lol I'm just curious. Anyways please let me know if anyone is reading this story, I'll save it even if it means only one person is reading it.
-Kyrie_MVP 💕

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