I promise

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"I need to go to my kingdom Emma. I can't just disappear without leaving anyone in charge." I press my point to the princess but she shakes her head.

"No I ca-"

I quickly interrupt the sentence that falls all too frequently from the blonde's lips. "Look Ms. Swan. You have my heart, literally. I'm not going to NOT come back for it, but i have a job a responsibility Emma. My people are just now trusting me to be a proper queen. I can't disappear now. Let me go."

Emma's eyes fall to her feet as she comprehends what I've just told her. "Fine. But please.. come back."

"I have to."

"I didn't mean.. just please." The princess slowly raises her gaze to mine and I tilt my head and give a slight pout.

"Of course your majesty. Take care of Henry while I'm gone. Let him eat or have what I send him." I pull the blonde into a warm embrace as my lips press against her cheek.

"Yes my queen."

We part and I see her face drop. I honestly don't want to leave, I know I have to. "Hey Em-ma one of the guards won't let me into a certain wing of the castle." The annoyingly obnoxious brunette fumbles into the room before wrapping her arm around the princess's waist. "Oh Regina good. Could you-"


"No? You do as I sa-"

"No means no Kelly." I purposely call her the wrong name just to watch her face burn red. "I am a queen, Emma is a queen. You are simply some collateral damage I had to drag to this realm because you wouldn't let Henry come with me." I open my palm and a flame appears.

Fear strikes in her eyes and I can't help but smile. "So no I won't. I have a kingdom to run while you just have to watch who you're talking to."

"Emma?! You're going to let her talk to me that way?!" Kelsey panics as Emma just shrugs.

"Her majesty is right. Rules are different in this realm. Regina is a queen. Prisoner or not she is to still be treated like a queen. You're behavior would call for execution, but since you're new you've got one more chance or exile is your punishment."

The slim good for nothing brunette quickly shuts her mouth and bows her head.

"You're free to leave Queen Regina. I do so wish you come back sometime." The princess bows and gives a goofy smile.

"I will." I return the bow and silly smile as I give a small wink towards the blonde. "Thank you Queen Emma. I promise my princess I'll be back to visit."

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