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A gust of wind blew my hair gently, the strong scents of teenagers were in the air. Soap, flowery scents, overpowering scents of cologne. It whet my appetite as I licked my lips, my throat quenched as I could hear the hearts pumping blood into each body. 

I quickly looked at the blackboard and found my name and seating arrangement amongst the mess of the classroom. I dug out my plasma pack hurriedly and quickly gulped it down. I couldn't afford for people to see my eyes change colour and fangs come out on the very first day of school. 

"What you drinking there?" I choked on my blood as I didn't expect the question to come up this quick. 

"Strawberry syrup." I replied back to the girl who was twirling her hair as she obviously eyed me up and down. I smirked at her knowingly before I heard the loud squeak of the chair next to me as someone pulled it to sit down. 

I turned to introduce myself but his scent stopped me. It was none like any other in this room. He smelled natural, as if he was from the forest. He smelled like me, but different. I couldn't grasp it. I tried reading his mind from where he stayed, but he was...unreadable. It was as if all I hear from his mind is white noise, which is not normal. Not humane, but yet I could smell the blood pumping off of him. I knew I was going nowhere with this, so the only thing I could do now is introduce myself. 

"Hi I'm Hyunjin." 

"E-erm, hi. I'm Felix." The kid had a deep voice, hot. Wait what? Stop it Hyunjin, you're not gay! Hmm... firstly let's figure out if he's a vampire. 

"So what year were you born in?" ha! if he's like me, he wouldn't know. I don't either. 

"2000. I mean, which other year can I be born in if I'm in this class." He laughed awkwardly. This is bad, he didn't even hesitate. Meaning he is actually 17. But why can't I read his mind then? 

"I-i'm sorry but can you stop staring at me? I feel uncomfortable." He stuttered cutely even with his deep voice. I apologized before looking away. His scent was so powerful, it was almost impossible for a human to have this smell. But I couldn't recognize it. My mind boggled the entire 3 periods of lessons, not even realizing the hot chick stomping off as i zoned out. 

"Yah! Hyunjin hyung!" I snapped out of my trance as I saw Jeongin in front of my table. I raised my eyebrows at him, wondering what he wanted. Well, I knew he wanted to eat lunch together from reading his mind, but I read in a book that in order to avoid suspicion, I have to act like I don't know what he wants to say. 

"Let's eat lunch together. I heard they've got really good fried chicken at this school!" I followed suit with him even though I couldn't eat human food. Technically speaking, I can. The same way a human can eat paper if asked to. We were about to leave the classroom when I felt a small tug on my uniform. I recognized the scent anywhere and I already knew who stopped me. 

"Yes Felix?" I asked before I even turned around which I realized was a mistake on my part and I have to fix that before people noticed. 

"I don't have friends to eat with yet, can I go with you?"  He asked in a quiet voice. He seemed so timid, there was no way I could say no even if I wanted to. I put my arms around him and dragged him with us without replying. At the corner of my eye, I saw him smile a little with a pinkish blush spreading across his face. I couldn't help but smile too. 

"Hyunjin-ah!" I flinched as I heard the raspy voice charging towards me. But I grinned, happy that I already have friends who'd come running to me. 

"Hey Changbin. I see you've made a friend." I gestured towards the cute looking guy next to him. Not as in good looking cute, but literally a fluffball cute. They made themselves comfortable next to Jeongin, but I guess I can't complain since I have Felix to myself. Oh my god stop it Hyunjin! 

"Yep, this is Jisung. He's really fun, I invited him to sit with us. I hope you don't mind." 

"Of course not! I mean I have Felix and Jeongin here with me, I have no right to say anything about minding this." 

We all then found a sit together in the cafeteria, I volunteered to sit at the table to reserve it in case other people took it since I wasn't eating. 

"Hyunjin" Felix called out as he sat next to me with a bone in hand with rather little meat in it which he took out from his lunchbox. He had a very serious aura. Serious and me, do not mix.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Thank you. For being my friend. I've been home-schooled my entire life, this is the first time I'm going to a public school. I didn't think I'd be able to make any friends on my first day because of how quiet I am, but-" 

"You're rambling." I chuckled lightly as he blushed from embarrassment. 

"I'm so-" 

"You don't need to apologize for being yourself Felix." I said while ruffling his hair. It was soft, like fur. He smiled brightly as he rubbed his head at my shoulder, like a dog who wished for affection. I placed my arm over his shoulder for a while before bringing it back to my side, for I felt something extremely strong about him that was telling me to stop. 

I went home feeling disturbed. I was happy, I felt like nothing in the world was wrong. But I couldn't brush off the feeling that i did something unforgivable. 

"I'm home!" I called out to my parents once I reached back home. But almost immediately, i was tackled by my own parents, cornering me with fangs in full view. By instinct, my animalistic nature came out, as we bared our fangs at each other and hissed. We sniffed each other to make sure we knew we weren't in trouble and that these were no impostors. 

After our ritual, we changed back to our human forms, our eyes changing back to hazel brown. 

"What was that about?!" I scolded my parents, I did not exactly appreciate being attacked the first thing when i got home. 

"You smell." They said with a face of pure disgust. I looked at them with the most shocked and done look. Did they seriously attack me because of a teenagers's body odour? 

"Gee mum, thanks for all of that simply because i smell bad." I sarcastically answered back before walking to my room. 

"You don't smell bad. You smell like...a werewolf."

Immortality ~ Hyunlix (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now