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"Chris?" He looked like some nut job. Why on earth would Felix know someone with such an English name, we live in the countryside of Korea for heaven's sake. What is someone like him doing here? 

"Yea, I moved here from Australia approximately when I was 12? But then I had to leave a few years after due to some nasty vampires moving here. Our family had to take some extra measures to make sure we're safe, so here we are." He finished, looking satisfied with himself. I looked at him with a "really dude?" sort of face because that's all I could think of. 

"Um, Chan? Hyunjin is a vampire." Felix sort of had to break it for him with an awkward grit on his face. Okay, I don't know what the hell his name is at thus point, but Chan slash Chris' face dropped instantly and just like any other wolf in the presence of a vampire, he transformed and growled at me. 

"Okay, what the fuck Felix. Who the fuck. And why in the fuck." His wolf spoke out in a deep tone that only urked me. My vampire was itching to come out but I tried to stay as humane as possible for Felix.

"He's just a friend Chan, calm down. We're just classmates, we sit next to each other."

The friendzone. Ouch. I didn't know how to feel about that. But if it was going to get all of us alive and well, I'll suck it up.

And it did. Almost immediately, he changed back to his human form and gave me a friendly smile. He raised his hand out to shake mine.

"Well since you're just friends and since you haven't harmed Felix, I guess it's fine to be friends with you." I shook his hand hesitantly, he didn't exactly strike me as someone who accepted vampires that easily, since his family actually moved.

But I didn't need to make enemies. Especially ones that are close to Felix.

"So! Felix!" Chan suddenly clapped his hands together and turned to look at Felix, who was ogling over him not that I cared.

"I came back here for you."

"F-for me?"

"For him?"

"Yes. For you. To make you my mate." 

"I-I'm not a full wolf Chan, you can't mate me." Felix was a stuttering mess and I was most definitely not happy with that. If there was anyone else who should make him a stuttering mess, it's me. 

"I don't care. I love you Felix, I have since we met years ago when we were just kids going through puberty. There hasn't been a day where I didn't miss you, and there will never be that day. Please, at least date me and then decide. Don't reject me." Chan got on his knees and held Felix's hand to his face. 

I couldn't take this anymore. I grabbed Felix other hand, we were going. Except that we didn't. Or rather, he didn't. He stood there, standing his ground. No matter how hard I pulled his hand, he didn't move an inch from where Chan knelt. 

It clicked. This was his choice. He chooses this guy over me. Without another word, I left the cabin. Secret place my arse. Supporting him my arse. I held my breath, trying to fight back my sob. But it only got harder. I felt my shoulders shaking irresistibly, each step got heavier before I collapsed on the forest floor. 

I felt my vision getting clouded as my head started to pound really hard. But it meant nothing, the pain was nothing. Since when did I like Felix this much? Why did I let it get this far? All my questions left unanswered as I felt myself losing consciousness. 

After waking up

I felt someone shaking me. I squinted my eyes against the blinding light. I didn't recognise my surroundings, however I did recognise who was around me. And thank goodness it wasn't Felix. I can't really bear to see him right now. 

"Hyunjin, are you okay?" Minho's voice was soft and demure, but it was concerned stricken. His eyebrows were shaped weirdly, but it was the kind where it showed worry. 

"Yea, my heard hurts a bit but it won't kill me. What is this place?" Now that my eyes had pretty much adjusted to the lights, all I saw were crystal chandeliers and shimmering gold in each corner of the room. 

"We're at Jisung's place. But enough of that, I found you on the forest floor. You were foaming, you hit your head against a rock. What happened?"

Just by his very words, what I've completely forgotten that occurred a few hours ago, came back to me like a whirlpool. My emotions flooded back into my heart and very soon I felt the waterworks starting. I told Minho everything, from how we went to the arcade to me collapsing in the forest.

By the time I was done, Minho's expression was grim. It was dark. His eyes were shadowed and his lips pursed tightly to the point it turned purple. Veins protruded from his neck as he had to take deep breaths to calm himself down.

"There's only one way to fix this." The voice was sure. The voice was certain, but it was neither mine nor Minho's. It was Jisung's. He stood by the doorway, I don't know since when he has been there but he must have heard it.

"Murder? Oh I'll murder him alright..." Minho's voice was ice cold and knife sharp.

"No stupid, make him jealous. Make him realise what a stupid mistake he has done by choosing that dude over Hyunjin." Jisung rolled his eyes before making his way over to the bed and hugging me close to him, to give some comfort. I honestly appreciated it, as he rubbed my shoulders. I know I can't go to my parents, not right now.

"By doing what?" I asked. I don't know  if I was really on board with this whole jealousy idea because I mean I am jealous of Chris, and I don't know if I want to inflict that kind of pain on Felix.

"Minho should pretend to be your boyfriend."

"Ouh that's a great idea!"

"WHAT?!" Okay what the hell?

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" I can't possibly get in between Jisung and Minho. And what if Felix gets the wrong idea?

"He's supposed to get the wrong idea, genius. And also, nope, we aren't together. We decided not to be together until he's out to his parents. Not my decision, his." Jisung explained in a as a matter-of-factly tone.

"But what if he decides to stay with Chris even after seeing Minho and I?" The thought of this plan backfiring scared me. I didn't want to think about it, but I knew it was a possibility.

"Then you know where you stand. And that's more important than any relationship." Jisung's words hit me like a ton of bricks but I knew that's what had to be done. That it was the truth.


"And I mean I'm fine with a polymarous relationship" Jisung stated. I know he was half-joking by his expression, but I knew he was staying the truth. And the fact that someone had my back, that was really reassuring.

"Thank you." I whispered. I lost my voice, I didn't know what to do. I was so grateful for friends like them.

"You're welcome sweetheart. Let operation get felix back start!"

Immortality ~ Hyunlix (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें