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Hyunjin POV

I sauntered lifelessly towards my bed, feeling dead inside and out after the confrontation with Felix earlier. I took a deep sigh as I recollected the things that occurred just over an hour ago. I had tried so hard, so so hard to find it in me to forgive Felix. And if I was being honest, a slither of me had already forgave him. But I couldn't put the events past me. 

Call me a coward, I didn't want to subject myself to more pain and tears. Of course, every part of me was aching and longing for his very presence to be by my side, but was what we had toxic? No communication and we jumped in too fast. It had to be, there was no other way to describe it. 

I made the correct call. Every part was screaming at me saying no, but I knew myself best. I knew he wasn't good for me and he would never be. Self-care was important. That's what I kept telling myself as I pulled the covers over my ice-cold body and closed my eyes, bracing myself for a painful school day of sitting next to the said boy. 


I was early. Too early. It was 6am and I was already trudging my way to school, too tired to walk any faster. I got  close to zero sleep the night before, for no damn reason. It wasn't as if I wasn't overwhelmed with fatigue but some part of my mind kept me awake. After all, it was truly a fearful thought on how I was going to break it to my parents that my wings were...well bones. 

Which was also another reason why I just had to leave the house earlier, before they woke up. They would immediately sense something was up. I just knew it. However, each step I took closer to the school, the heavier my heart got. As if something was horribly wrong. 

My slow trudges turned into light steps, which soon turned into a full blown sprint. Ignoring this feeling was like ignoring an elephant standing on your chest. It was simply impossible. Every single cell, vein, artery, chamber, organ was telling me to go faster. That something was in grave danger, or rather someone. 

And my feelings were never wrong. Police officers, paramedics, and an ambulance was covering the entrance to the school. I followed the crowd of teachers up the stairs, realising slowly that it lead to my homeroom. 

"T-there! That's his seat partner! Hyunjin honey, these are the police. Felix was found here this morning on the floor passed out. Do you know what happened?" Mrs Lee suddenly said as she pointed to me. 

The police immediately started walking towards me slowly, notepad in hand. I could already smell their suspicion radiating off them like sewage water. I had nothing to do with this, I-I'm sure of it. But I need to throw them off my scent either way. 

"I'm a-afraid not officers. I-I r-really had nothing to do with this. I-I went home straight yesterday. Felix... I couldn't have done anything to him. Believe it or not, but I love him! I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend." I said with a little sniffle as tears came down my cheeks. My heart was heavy, deep down I knew this was my fault. 

All wolves has a mate. I knew I was his mate just from the way he looked at me. He looked at me like I was his entire world. Like no one else mattered. But I let my jealousy for Chris overtake me. Overtake my love for him. And I rejected his love in return. And every wolf suffers the moment their mate rejects them. I did this. I caused this. 

And now I have to make this right. 

A/N: Hello hello~ im here, sorry for an extremely late update my dudes. Im just so upset with the way this book has turned out and realising starting this at 15 was a huge mistake. I know many of you actually do appreciate this story, so i'll be finishing it off at the next chapter. Thank you all for sticking by me in this journey of self-indulgence to self-denial and eventually to self-acceptance. I promise I'll be back with more books, but prob with OCs instead. I'll explain more in my next chapter, until then, thank you :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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