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Felix POV

I slammed open the classroom door, seeing Hyunjin crouch in his own little squat. Body quivering like it was 3 degrees out. His wings were broken and bleeding, his eyes sore and red from tears. Busy whimpering to himself in pure agony and sadness, he hadn't even heard me opening the door.

"Hyunjin!" I shouted. As the seconds went by, my heart only seemed to ache more as i watched Hyunjin slowly break down. He turned to face me slowly, as if he was hesitant to believe I was here.

"Felix...? What are you doing here?" He stuttered. His tone as if everything was alright, but body trembling like a feather. He shook as he stood up on his feet, like he was going to fall at any moment.

"I came here to tell you something..." I walked over slowly, hands reaching out to him. However, his body flinched as I inched closer with each footstep.

"Please. If you're just here to tell me that you're with Chris, I don't need to hear it. You've made me suffer more than enough for one eternity." His voice was low and croaky, empty. It held no depth, but yet I knew he meant every word. Instantly, I felt so terrible about everything I've done to him.
Like everything was a flashback, I started to realise how insensitive I've been.

"Hyunjin, please understand. It was never Chan, it ha-"

"Chan Chan Chan. It's always Chan this, Chan that. Why is it Chan with you but Chris with everyone else. You guys are obviously on some close name basis, somewhere I won't ever be with you. I'm not special. I've never been special. Not to you at least. Just. Just leave me alone Felix."


"Excuse me? Felix, you're in absolutely no position to tell me no. You've put me through so much, you don't have the right." Hyunjin scoffed and folded his arms. He was right. I had absolutely no right to tell him no. But that doesn't mean I'm about to give up.

"I know. But I reject rejection. I'm not taking no for an answer. Let me make this right. Please." I pleaded, my hands clasped together. Despite my words that were full of confidence, I was already on my knees. Practically begging for this second chance. I saw that through this action, Hyunjin was ready to break. His expression didn't seem to be stern anymore, and he looked like he was thinking. I immediately put on the best puppy dog eyes I had and inched closer to him. Slowly wrapping my hands around his waist, glad that at least he didn't flinch at my touch now.

"You have a minute to convince me. And hands off." I took what I could get. Hands immediately raised in a surrender motion, I began to explain myself. 

"We, Chan and I, are just childhood friends. When I was younger, I was shunned for who I am by everyone excluding my parents. You probably know by now, I'm only a half-werewolf. Up until recently, I was never able to transform into my Lycan form. All the other pacts avoided me, ostracized me from the day I was born. No one accepted me, the monster that I am, except for Channie. He was my only friend. He was the only who saw me for who I am. I promise you, I don't feel the same way he does about him the way he does me, but he is still my childhood friend and my love for him is unconditional. The only one I see is you Hyunjin. It has always been you. You're the first person I have ever loved, and I sure as hell want you to be the last because I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you Hyunjin. More than a friend should. More than a lycan should to a vampire. But I love you." 

"You're lying. That's what everyone does. They lie. Don't you think I've lived long enough to know that people are the only true evil in this world?"

"I'm not lying Hyunjin. You've got to believe me... Please. I don't know what else I can do to make you believe me." I was once again on my knees, begging him to take me back. 

"Do you know what the sad part is? I don't know either Felix. I don't know what could possibly make me forgive you. I'm done." Hyunjin's voiced cracked, as a tear dropped down his cheek. He got up, walking slowly out the classroom. I reached out for his hand, hoping he would turn around and tell me he was joking. Tell me he would take me back, even if it took a lifetime. Tell me that some part of him still loved me. But he pulled his hand away without hesitation. The feeling of his ice cold fingers lingered on my palm as he left. 

Was this the end of my story? I could feel the wolf in me, crying for him. I wanted him. No, I needed him. My body started to burn, my bones all ringing with amplified pain. I felt my eyelids growing heavy, and the next thing I knew I couldn't wake up. 

A/N: Hey readers, im not dead thank god. sorry for the super overdue update, i completed my national exams and recently got my results. For those singaporeans, I just had my O lvls and received my results. I got 4As and 2Bs. At first glance, these seems like really good results(especially for SG standards) , but it isn't if you've been preparing for 4 years. I had to take some time off in order to gather myself since my emotions had been all over the place as I place huge importance on my studies. I am so sorry for this extremely late update, I am currently writing this in work. But thank you for all the readers who had kept on supporting me ;-; I owe you so so much. I love you all so so much. 

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