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Minho Pov

"I love him more than you can imagine." I practically scoffed at the audacity. How dare he, after making Hyunjin cry, ask me to tell him on the well-being of him.

If he cared so much he should've been there from the start. He shouldn't have left for someone else, childhood friend or not.

"Ask someone else, I'm not an information counter." I wanted to spit on him but knowing the sweet being Jisung was, he would've hated for me to do that.

Instead, I turned around and walked ahead. I wasn't about to let him hurt Hyunjin more than he already has. This is why wolves disgust me. They do things without remorse, and to think I actually thought he was different.

"P-please. I'm sorry for hurting him. Please let me see him." I heard his voice crack, and I didn't want to turn around to see his crocodile tears.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I almost jumped till I realised I wasn't alone in the movie theatre today.

"Minho, I think he's being sincere." Jisung looked at me softly, like he feels bad for him.

"Yah Han Jisung. Are you actually falling for his antiques? He's so obviously trying to trick us so that he can hurt Hyunjin again."

"Please, I-I'd never hurt him on purpose. I love him." I felt like laughing out loud, he could be a stand up comedian. What pure utter lies were coming out of his mouth.

But Jisung seemed to be bought over. He looked so sorry for him it was as if he was the one in the wrong.

"Minho... Whether or not he's trying to trick us, everyone deserves a second chance. Look at him. He's crying on the floor for God's sake." Jisung was rubbing my shoulders as he looked at me pleadingly. I'm an elder vampire, I am not about to sacrifice one of my kind to a lowly hybrid.

"There is no God, there is just Lee Minho. And for my sake, I won't."

"Lee Minho if you do not give him a chance I will break up with you right here right now." Okay, now I usually don't give a shit about this kind of things because come on man, I'm immortal. I'll find someone else down another century. But even so, I felt the earth stop rotating the moment he said that.

I looked at him with wide questioning eyes, what does he mean by that? Is he serious?

"Yes I'm serious." Jisung said with his arms crossed and he looked at me, waiting for me to make a decision.

What would I choose? My freaking cinnamon roll or my sassy baby?

"Ugh okay fine, but I'll have you know Han Jisung. If he makes Hyunjin cry again, I will not hesitate to kill him and there's nothing you can say or do to stop me."

I then turned to look at Felix, who till now hasn't risen his head.

"Lift your head up you bozo." I squatted down to his level and looked him in the eye. For once, I didn't know if I was going to regret this when I could feel his pain radiating from his eyes.

But that didn't mean I went easy on him. I dragged my finger under his chin slowly, making sure my fingernails were pricking his skin softly.

"Now you listen to me and you listen well Felix. When you see him, I want you to make sure you tell him, you make him feel that he's never going to ever lose you again. Ever. And if I hear from him even a slither of doubt, I'm coming for your Royal jewels. Capisce?"

I could hear exactly how fast Felix's heart was beating but he nodded his head steadily. He got up from his knees and ran. He ran as far as his legs took him and god I hoped he knew where Hyunjin would be after all this time

Felix POV

I ran as fast as I could. I needed to find him. I needed to find Hyunjin. I needed to explain myself.

I needed to make sure he knows.

That I love him.

I could feel the wind blowing through my hair, my heart pounding. I didn't know where he was, but I had a good feeling.

The place where it all started. The stares, the laughter, the smiles and little petting. The memories, the beginnings of both the bad and good.

My legs seemed to know it too because before I knew it, I stood before that very building. It seemed so dark and eerie under the night sky. But I could feel his presence, I could smell him. He's here.


I couldn't risk anymore time wasted. If I can smell him, that just means it's the same on his end. He's probably already running away from me.

The desperation was kicking in, I could feel like breathes getting shorter and quicker. My eyes dilating, the adrenaline kicking in. I was getting hotter by the second, sweat dripping down me.

My heart beat faster, my veins was dilating further and all of a sudden I felt my ribs and shoulders all slowly and painfully dislocating itself. I screamed in agony from the pain. It's the first I've ever felt. They started to rearrange accordingly as I felt myself getting warmer, my fur growing longer, my muscles thickening and flexing. Tears threatened to fall but yet I felt a surge of pride I never had before, which didn't allow the tears to fall. My body was sore all over but yet I felt stronger and more alive than ever.

I was forced onto all fours at this point. Everything was red in my vision. My smelling was enhanced and instantly I could smell how far Hyunjin has gone. I looked at myself with wide eyes.

I'm a hybrid. I've never been able to change into my wolf. It didn't make sense. And not only that, but I'm a Moon wolf. My fur, white as snow, might even bring shame to it. My wolf was rarer than a blue moon. But this wasn't the time to be thinking about that.

Instead I ran after the scent. I naturally maneuvered my way through the hallways and quickened my pace. He was close, my wolf was already howling in anticipation.

I didn't expect it, but the door I ended up in front showed Class 1A

The place where it really all began. Did he not move?
Didn't he run?

I opened the door with my claws.

There he was.

Crouched on a chair. Crying.

I felt a surge of electricity through my body, a feeling I never had before. My pupils dilated and my breathe hitched. My mind went blank and I felt like I had been taken over.


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