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You're so cute~~ What are you going to do about Hyunjin?? Stay strong, hwaiting! 
Hmm well, I don't even know if Hyunjin wants me at this point since he has Minho but I won't give up! Maybe... I don't know.  

Why did you have to pick Chan? :(
You guys don't know Channie,  if I didn't give him his chance he would've never let me go. Besides, he is my childhood friend, how can I deny him? :( we should live good lives and help people 

Cutieeee do you think Hyunjin loves you? And do you love him? 
I used to think that he loves me, but now everything is kind of a blur... I love him. I really do, but maybe it'll just be all in vain. Have you seen the way he kisses Minho? I could never compete with him...  

From a scale of chocolate to strawberries, how much do you love Hyunjin?
I don't really understand this scale? But I love strawberries! So I'll go with strawberries >< 

G'day mate! How smart are you? You basically made a house when you were like a child. How far would you go for a cookie? Do you think you're cute or sexy? 
Hey there sugar, Aussie English feels got me good. Hmm I would say I'm definitely pretty smart as my homeschooling education has brought me up to at least 2 grades above everyone else. Everything in school is a piece of cake to me. I think I'm cute! And I want to stay that way! 


How you know (I'm not big) I'm a crackhead? Also I'm mad at you, sorry(nOT) but I am. hOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY FELIX BABY! Also... What are you going to do with Felix? 
Yo honey, crackheads don't leave no crackhead out. I know a crackhead when I see one ;) And also, Felix isn't your baby. He isn't mine but... maybe in like 20 years...hopefully? I don't think I can do anything, he obviously loves Chan more than he will ever to me. I just hope that Chan doesn't hurt him. 

What do you think your family is going to say when they find out the thing you have with Felix? 
I don't have anything with Felix... So I suppose mama and papa would be happy :') 

Is water wet?
YES, YES. WATER IS W E T! THANK YOU FOR ASKING. WATER IS DEFINITELY WET! If you even for a second think otherwise, you don't deserve to live. I would personally come over and suck the blood out of you and leave you dry. 

If a fly looses its wings is it called a walk?
Har de har de har. wow you're so funny *rolls eyes*

Shoot shag marry. You choose the players. 
Author chose Minho, Chan and Felix. Easy game. Shoot Chan because that little shit shouldn't exist, who knows why the author even added him. Felix and I were gonna have our perfect ending zzzzz. ANyways, you already know the other 2. Need I explain? 

If I took Hellavator's choreo, what song(s) do you want it to be synced up to??? 
I Love You Barney, Sample of my Pasta, Baam 

On a scale of food to dancing, how much do you love Felix?
Definitely dance :) Nothing beats dancing... 


You better let Felix see Hyunjin. It's not a question. Same for Jisung. 
HONeY, I do what I want. You ain't paying my bills are you? Besides, I'm just protecting my son. 

Why do you love Jisung?
That's for me to know and for you to find out in a special chapter. 

What's your ideal date?
Amusement part date definitely. It'd feel nice to have Jisung screaming for dear life and clinging onto me. 

Future plans with Jisung after all this is sorted out?
Well I was thinking I could mar- wait sorry author doesn't want me to leak out this information sweets. 

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