Rebellious I

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He watched as she worked away and noticed that she hadn't bothered to change he kept staring at her until she looked up and once more her eyes met with his before she looked back down irritated

He walked toward her
"A beautiful girl like yourself isn't meant to be working out in the hot sun, I have chambers and lace clothing back in the castle and they're all yours if you apologize and do as told" he smirked down at her

She looked up at him and bit her lip extremely annoyed

"I'd rather burn at the stake then apologize, I most definitely won't do as you say and for what it's worth the sun and hay fields are gladly the Perfect home from me" she snapped as she packed up the next hay bag for the stables

Klaus rolled his eyes he wanted to yell or scream WHY didn't she ever listen?! He kept thinking to himself

He sighed
"So be it you stubborn little wolf"

She rolled her eyes as she made her way to the stables
"Don't call me that" she called out

He went back inside as as he attended to his duties he couldn't help but look out the window every so often to check on Andrea

Andrea kept working till sun down and as she looked up at the moon she was full

She wasn't about to let anyone see what she would become, nor let anyone have the pleasure of seeing her bones crack nor her pain as she was to turn to the last crescent wolf

So seeing as the guards were distracted she ran off into the forest

By the time Klaus went to check his heart skipped a beat when he noticed that Andrea was no longer in place so speeding downstairs he walked past the forest on his way to the fields and just as he was about to call for the guards he heard a heartbeat.

Following it scielently he soon was lead behind a tree where he peered through its side and found sight of Andrea
Looking up at the moon

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