Time Goes By

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The years passed by and Andrea continued to live with the Mikaelsons...with Klaus by her side. Life seemed like it could not go wrong and though the village lost some people it gained some more and there was always someone speaking of Andrea- no; of Hayley's good graces as the village always identified her as Hayley and how amazing her and Niklaus were. There wasn't a single person whom did not approve of the two.

The day was a late sunny afternoon as Andrea was found at the field with a familiar face...Juliet. The daughter of Andrea's dear friend William before he had passed away...she had saved the baby Juliet during the massive fires and now...Juliet was 5 years of age and a gorgeous healthy happy 5 year old maiden.

Klaus leaned against a tree using its shade as he watched as Andrea ran around the field with Juliet, playing with her happily a smile on his face.

"Fantasizing again dear brother?" Asked the sweet soft voice that belonged to Rebekah as she walked to Niklaus with a pitcher of water and 3 small cups along with some sweet bread.

The original hybrid looked to his little sister and shook his head as his smile faded slightly however not completely as he then looked to that which she was holding.

"Well are we feeling generous today?" He then asked as the pleasant smell of sweet bread hit him as the Mikaelson sister set that bread down onto a blanket she had placed on the ground under the tree.

"Only for that sweet girl that has come to visit" she replied as she smiled speaking of Juliet's visit looking to the small red haired girl who played out in the sun with Andrea.

The Mikaelson family adored Juliet and seeing her with Niklaus and Andrea truly did make everyone else wish for them to have a child, oh how they would be extraordinary parents. Rebekah and her brother went silent for but a moment as they watched Andrea chase around the sweet little girl.

"She would be a perfect bride brother.." ushered the Mikaelson girl as her brother let out a sigh.

"She would if it was not for mother's curse upon us" he replied quietly referring to his immortality. He wanted Andrea as a bride but he knew that in time she would die..and he would be widowed and unable to move on from her and so they both came to the conclusion to not being wed as much as they longed to...the same applied for children. They would have none.

Rebekah then sighed and placed a kiss to her older brothers cheek as she then left to the manor once again leaving Niklaus to his lonesome.

He liked to observe Andrea as she played with Juliet because at that time he would think. Think of what a life where they were just two people..two normal people whom could marry and have a million children living happily forever more. He was almost so lost in his fantasy that he'd not noticed as Andrea called out to him.

"Are you to come? Or shall I drag you?" The little wolf  laughed sweetly as Juliet looked to Klaus with a giggle. Immediately the hybrid ran by Andrea and Juliet's side taking them both into his embrace.

Juliet giggled as her long straight red hair spread around, Andrea laughing and placing kisses to her cheeks beginning to braid her hair as Klaus kissed Andrea's cheeks and neck contently as the fun games continued all the way till nightfall.

The crescent moon lit the sky as the night came and stars shot up everywhere causing the sky to look like it was straight from a shining bright night sky painting. It was under the dark blue sky and the stars that Andrea Klaus and Juliet laid on the field, Juliet asleep in between Klaus and Andrea as the two held hands.

"Okay...names" Andrea whispered in a laugh as she looked to the stars as the two spoke of what their futures may have been, referring to what their children's names may have been.

"If it's a boy maybe...Dominic...how about...you?" she continued as she looked to back up at Klaus with a little laugh as her eyes twinkled the stars reflecting from them. Klaus took a minute as he looked at the sky tensing up lightly as he exhaled sharply.

"Henrik" he whispered, Andrea obviously already knew all about Henrik and she knew how Klaus became when it was brought up so avoiding making things sad and ever so miserable, the little wolf placed a kiss to the original's cheek sweetly as the two felt Juliet curl up onto them both of them smiling down at her at the same time.

"What about a girl..? What would we name our girl..?" Whispered Andrea as she buried her head onto Klaus's shoulder. As they both stopped to think as Andrea let out a yawn.

"Katherine...Kaitlyn...Elizabeth?" She mumbled as Klaus shook his head with a laugh as they both continued their thoughts.
A moment passed by shortly soon afterwards and Klaus still thought when all of a sudden it hit them both as they looked at each other and whispered in sync


The two then laughed at one another as they heard each other then continuing to talk about what the kids would be like and look like..the thought making them both slightly sad to the fact that they would not be able to ever have children.

"Maybe...in another lifetime.." Andrea mumbles as she closed her eyes and sighed.

"Maybe.."Niklaus replied as he held both Andrea and Juliet close both falling asleep in his arms.

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