This Is Goodbye...

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Time caught up to Andrea and Klaus far too fast.
The seven decades had gone past and not a single person questioned that the Mikaelson family remained so young and was nearly the seventy eighth year and Klaus hadn't let Andrea out of his sight...he knew her time would come and...he wouldn't loose her.

It was early in the morning and as Niklaus remained asleep in the bed that they shared...Andrea was out by their bedrooms balcony. The sun was about to come up and that would mark Andrea's last day...she did not want to forget her lover or her best friend but it would happen. Perhaps if she ran it would make everything simpler. If she left now then there would be not a point in anyone looking for her...if she left she could simply...disappear and no one would be hurt in that process. Her emerald eyes looked straight out to the sunrise now becoming watery as a tear streamed down her pale cheek. Andrea had to go...she couldn't face Niklaus...she couldn't say would she be able to do it? He'd given her everything she'd ever wanted and now there was nothing she could do to stop her fate.
The crescent wolf looked back at the sleeping last time, she ushered a goodbye then stepped up onto the balcony throwing herself from it.

Of course when she fell it didn't kill her. She was immortal for the time being and so standing up once more, Andrea's eyes flashed a deep yellow and she turned to a wolf running off to the woods.

The morning sun came to place and it was as Lucien, Aurora, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and Finn enjoyed their breakfast that Klaus stormed in shouting for Andrea. No one knew where she was and frankly that was when Elijah thought it best that they leave her be...they all knew the day...they had been counting the days. The years...the decades...Andrea would not make it to see tomorrow's morning sky.
"Where is she?!" Klaus shouted slamming on the table startling the girls and Lucien. "Niklaus what does it matter?! She is to die tonight anyways!" Elijah replied coldly. The Nobel brother had loved Andrea at one point...but she belonged to Niklaus and now because of Niklaus's selfish actions...they would all loose her. "I SAID WHERE IS SHE?!" The hybrid yelled out in aggression as he grabbed Elijah slamming him against the wall. This caused Rebekah to sigh and stand then snap Klaus's neck from behind.  "We need something to do with him.." the blonde sister mumbled lowly. The others agreed as they stood up. Finn And Kol went to the guards to put out a search for the girl as Rebekah grabbed Aurora and Lucien for a plan of her own. Elijah dealing with Niklaus.
The day was long and hard as not a person could find Andrea. Love stories would be torn...Aurora and Lucien would be forced to become someone whom they were not. The sun served as a clock and it was beginning to slowly come down...Klaus had been locked in his bedroom for the time being because he'd gotten much to aggressive nearly biting Elijah..
The day had turned to sunset and Andrea now looked up at the sky. She'd been in the woods the entire time...but what good would that do to her?
She couldn't just go without saying a proper thank you...even if it was only to Klaus..that was what she needed and so the deep yellow eyed werewolf began running back to the manor.
Rebekah's plan had been put into action and now she only had to wait and as she looked at the sun setting sky...her blue eyes teared up at the thought of not seeing Andrea ever again...
The room Klaus and Andrea shared was now...a mess as he'd teared it apart to bits and the hybrid now sat by the corner just thinking. Trying to accept it all...he was looking down as the handle to his room opened. His deep glossy blue eyes looked at the door...he didn't bother moving as he'd lost the motivation...all of it...but to his surprise it was Andrea.
The brunette walked in as she wore a deep green emerald dress...right then Niklaus stood up and ran to her side hugging her tightly then placing kisses to her cheeks as the two began to tear up "Im sorry...I'm so sorry...I ...I couldn't say goodbye.." Andrea sobbed falling to her knees as Klaus held onto her still both of them now on the ground. "Shhh it's alright my's okay.." the hybrid replied as he held her close to him...tears escaping his deep blue eyes.
They didn't move from the floor for the rest of the time...Andrea just held onto Klaus tightly...her head resting on his shoulder. They didn't know what to say to each other..."how are we supposed to do this...?" The crescent wolf whispered quietly. "I wish I knew.."

"I was born to love know that?" The little wolf whispered quietly as she looked up at Klaus.

"I was born for you to save me..." he replied kissing her cheek not wanting to ever let her go..."I'm sorry.."

"For what?""for doing this to you..."

Andrea shook her head cupping onto Klaus's cheek as she slowly grew weaker.."Don't be gave me a story..." she replied as she leaned in to place a kiss to his lips softly. He retuned the kiss and tears ran down his cheeks...the tears he had been trying to hold in...looking at them Andrea wiped them away as she looked up at him her eyes watery
"We'll meet again...I promise...okay?" She silently vowed as Klaus let out a weak smile and a nod.
The two went quiet after that as Andrea held onto Klaus making herself get more comfortable...she didn't know when she would wake up but she would and she knew one way or another she would reunite with her love.
"This isn't goodbye...this is only see you soon.." she whispered as slowly Andrea's emerald green eyes shut.
"Little wolf..? Andrea?! Andrea!" Klaus cried out as he noticed her going quiet...he looked down at her and knew she was gone...he kept cradling her in his arms beginning to weep over her body, his one love was gone..and that was all his fault..."I'm so sorry" he sobbed as he buried his head into her chest crying out even louder and more aggressive as he sobbed into her shoulder. Andrea grew pale and cold as her body was lifeless and limb.
The Mikaelson siblings..upon hearing his found out that Andrea was gone.
The boys looking down bowing their heads in respect to the brave little wolf...going to their knees as if to bow for her majesty...

Rebekah walked into Klaus's room placing her hand to his shoulder only glancing at Andrea once..

"I'm sorry Nik...I'm so sorry.." she whispered silently as she lifted his chin so that he could face her...their blue eyes met and as a tear went down Rebekah's cheek...

she now had Klaus compelled.

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