Could He...?

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As Niklaus stormed back to Andrea's room he thought about all the possible ways he could make it right, fix his act and maybe just maybe Andrea wouldn't completely hate him

When he walked to her room he stood in front of the doorway and thought, debated, rather to go in or leave the emerald green eyed girl alone

It took awhile until he finally made his choice he opened the door and sped over to the girl who had once before been a white wolf

She tried pushing him off but in the end wasn't successful and all that remained was a stare between the two

He looked to her eyes but found that he couldn't concentrate, he couldn't do it...he couldn't compel her and that frustrated him deeply

"Dammit!" He said letting go of her and stepping back looking to the ground

Hayley could've screamed at him could've asked him to leave and she knew that she herself could have fought back more then she did
She could've done all those things but...she didn't...

As she saw him look at the ground she took a deep breath and walked over to him as he looked back up at her
And in a quick motion, put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it in a gentle manner

He looked at her and was alittle confused he wondered if he had managed to compel her or of it was some sick joke she was planning on him or maybe if for some strange reason...she meant good intentions for him and if she did....why?

He sighed
"I'm sorry...." He mumbled but she didn't answer until she kneeled down infront of him and whispered "so am I..."

There was a long silence between the two and none wanted to break it or move so they didn't until later Elijah the eldest brother walked into the room

"Do forgive my apologies but Niklaus is wanted in the field for something" Spoke Elijah

"Right...of course" Andrea said clearing her throat slowly moving her hand from Klauses shoulder and getting up

The original hybrid sighed and nodded then got up and walked out of the room.

As Andrea was left alone in her room she walked over to the window and looked out of it and into the field where her attention turned to Klaus and so she watched him give his orders as she tilted her head thinking to herself.....did she really like him..?

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