You And I

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Klaus followed Andrea right into the woods and as she saw him from the corner of her eye, Andrea stopped Lilac.

"I thought you didn't know how to ride" spoke the hybrid as he looked at Andrea with a raised eyebrow.

"Guess I just wanted you to think that" replied the crescent as she chuckled.

The emerald eyed wolf looked straight ahead

"Here follow me I know somewhere where we could go"

Spoke Andrea as she and Lilac went into the forest deeper into the trees.

The original hybrid hesitated not even for a second,he felt that he could  trust the crescent wolf and besides if  anything he would just  be able to kill  any harm.

The hybrid and Ember followed into the forest which lead deeper into the woods where there were so many trees the sun's light barely went through.

Klaus looked around but couldn't find Andrea as Ember looked around the woods for Lilac.


Spoke Klaus first in a worry then he began to shout as he looked around in a panic.

"Here! I'm right here!" Said a voice that came behind a tree before appearing in front of Klaus with Lilac.

A sudden relief washed over Klaus as he looked at her.

"You must be careful there could be hunters here! If something were to happen to you I-" the blue eyed Mikaelson paused.

He was making himself look like he cared for the Labonair and as much as he did, if anyone knew they would use her against him.

"I would loose my gift from the wolves!"

"Gift..... right well your gift will be more careful" said the Labonair as she as she walked back to where she had come from with Lilac.

"And try not to get lost" she snapped looking back at the hybrid.

"I'm not stupid" replied Niklaus as he followed after her and sighed.

Andrea went past trees and like magic as she came out the sun shawn down on a huge field of lavenders that stood infront of her as she got off Lilac.

Klaus followed after her and looked to the field of lavenders as a faint smile was wiped across his face as he too got off Ember.

The little wolf ignored him and walked down to field as she took off her helmet and lied down onto the lavender filled field as she looked up at the bright blue sky.

The original looked at Andrea as he leaned against a tree.

"You can stop staring it's quite strange if you'd like to gaze upon me just sit down next to me." Snapped Andrea as she looked to the clouds.

Niklaus smirked charmingly

"Very well then" he responded as he went down and laid next to Andrea looking at the clouds.

A silence fell between the two until Andrea looked at a cloud and asked

"What do you see?"

Klaus looked at a cloud and he squinted his eyes then replied

"A crown"

Andrea tilted her head to the side and then she too saw the crown

"It must be nice to live the life of luxury....getting whatever your heart desires" commented the little wolf

"Not exactly" replied Klaus

"I can have many material things however it still occasionally feels....a bit lonesome" he confessed.

"The way I see it, one is lonely rather they have riches of none"

" the end of the day one is usually left... completely and utterly alone"

Andrea looked at Klaus as he spoke then slowly reached for his hand.

"Well....maybe it's about time we both stopped being alone..." She
Mumbled looking over at him.

The hybrid looked at Andrea's hand then sighed

"Things aren't that easy Miss Labonair"

"They aren't if you don't make them..." Replied the little wolf as she slowly moved her hand away.

Before Andrea could return her hand by her side....Klaus took it and held it.

"It is not I who makes it this way...." He spoke looking at the little wolf as he got closer to her.

The little wolf's eyes looked at Klaus's blue orbs before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

The original gently cupped Andrea's cheek returning the kiss as he looked down at her.

Andrea pulled back and smiled hiding the blush on her cheeks as she leaned her head onto Klaus's hand.

She opened her mouth to speak but then looked at the sky seeing that it was no longer morning, but now almost noon.

"Dammit! I must go back with Rebekah! The count De Martel is joining for afternoon tea and I must go!" Exclaimed Andrea as she got up and put on her helmet running back to Lilac.

"Well love it looks like we should get going" Klaus smirked then went to Ember

"Race you?" Andrea smiled mischievously as she looked Klaus's way.

"You're on love" he smirked as he turned to look at her.

"Ready set go!" She said almost instantly as she and Lilac ran off into the woods.

"Hey!" Snickered the hybrid as he followed close behind. 

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