Darkness Once More

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Weeks passed and Andrea and Niklaus became closer than ever almost always seen together since Andrea was now Rebekah's right hand.

One peaceful morning
Klaus and Andrea layed outside under their tree right outside the castle walls and as Andrea sat looking out into the view, Klaus painted her onto his canvas.

The little wolf looked over at him.

"Yet another painting?" She asked with a chuckle.

The hybrid cracked the small smile that he rarely let anyone see.

"I can't help it love" he chuckled softly as he set his paintbrush down then went next to her.

Andrea's emerald eyes turned to face his before she leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Right then Elijah walked over.

"Niklaus a word"

The hybrid turned to face his brother and judging by the stern yet concerned look they both shared it was obvious that something was up.

Klaus turned to Andrea and kissed her then he got up.

"I'll see you again at dinner alright darling?"

The burnette nodded as she looked over at Elijah then back out at the view.

Klaus and Elijah made their way back to the castle right in time to see one of Rebekah's maids begin to run out to fetch Andrea.

"Mary" spoke Andrea as she turned to face the blonde haired maiden with a small sweet smile.

"What can I do for you?"

The blonde haired maiden stopped to catch her breath then took a breath in then responded

"Lady....Rebekah wishes for me to escort you to her... you've got your visit to the village today m'lady"

The Labonair got up and smiled brightly then nodded

"Let's go shall we?"

Mary nodded and both began to walk back finally meeting Rebekah at the front.

"Andrea love, are you ready?"

The burnette smiled brightly and nodded

"Yes of course"

Rebekah and Andrea made their way to the horse pulled carriage and got in as they began making their way into the village.

Usually for Andrea, coming to the village was her absolute favorite thing to do, the people adored her and she always brought treats and presents as such for the people.

There would be laughter and dancing, there would be workers from the fields that would always call Andrea Hayley.

The village was her safe place, a place where she could go to relax and just enjoy the simple life.

Sadly that wouldn't be the case that day.

Upon entering the village Andrea looked around to the dull quiet atmosphere which gave her goosebumps.

The villagers that walked past looked pale and sick.

"What.... happened..?"

The crescent looked at Rebekah who also seemed extremely confused.

"I.... I don't know" she replied as she looked around at the once happy village.

The carriage stopped in front of a huge crowd and Andrea got off right away finding a familiar face in the crowd.

She made her way over to a tall man with slick black hair and pale skin.

He went by the name of William and he was one of the field workers that Andrea had become close to.

"What.... Happened?"

William let out several coughs before replying

"The high fevers have returned...."

Andrea gasped covering her mouth her heart dropping at the moment.

She knew those fevers would bring starvation and huge problems to the people.

Not to mention......death.

"Half the village has already been infected and there have been 5 deaths so far" William spoke sadly.

Andrea didn't know how to react so there she stood trying to find something comforting to say.

Rebekah came behind her and placed a hand on the crescents shoulder and sighed.

"We are helping as best as we can love...."

Andrea sighed then nodded and went to William.

"Tell me what the others and yourself need and I'll help"

Andrea went on to help out in the field and with the crops and foods for the rest of the day.

By sunset Andrea was at the fields once again helping out with the crops and hay when a familiar alert voice came from behind.


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