To Us My Darling

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The day went on along without anyone knowing where Klaus had went but Andrea remained looking for him walking out by the hay fields as she walked past Rebekah and Aurora who were braiding one another's hair under a tree.

They glared at Andrea and a smile crossed the Mikaelson sisters face.

"Andrea love care to join us? I would love to place some dandelions into your hair"

"No thank you your grace I've to seek your brother" Andrea bowed because even if her and Rebekah had become close, Rebekah was still of higher status.

Rebekah however hated the bows to her but whatever could she say, this was who she was, not Rebekah Mikaelson but instead Rebekah De Guis.

"Niklaus?" Rebekah asked raising an eyebrow as Andrea nodded rather aggressively.

"Last I saw he was with Lucien Castle" Aurora sweetly said as she gave the brunette a fiery smile.

"Thank you Miss De Martel" Andrea replied gratefully as she began running back towards the manor.

"Klaus? Niklaus?! Are you here?" Andrea called out her heart racing for reasons she could not explain, she was growing more anxious by the moment.

She walked towards the art hall where she was sure Klaus would be however to her surprise he was still not.

As she began to walk out Andrea walked past painting after painting looking to them.

One of the lovely Rebekah, one of Aurora on Lucien's lap as he held her to him softly and one of a dame.

The dame looked straight ahead and she was painted in complete black the only other colour appearing to be her pierce yellow eyes which entranced Andrea.

The crescent looked to the painting until feeling a hand on her shoulder.

She jumped and turned around immediately backing away until laying eyes on the hybrid before her.

They shared a strong eye contact before Andrea let out a smile and sigh of relief hugging him tightly.

"I've been looking for you absolutely all day where have you-" "that is of no matter...I've a surprise for you this evening my love"

Andrea glared her beaming emerald hazel like eyes to him before she sweetly smiled to his request

"Do I get a clue?"

He chuckled and shook his head trying to not look at all nervous.

"I do not wish to ruin it for you my off to your chambers, Ive something waiting there for you and once you are all...set up we can head off to your surprise"

Andrea's smile grew as she nodded placing a kiss to the hybrids cheek

"I shall see you shortly then" she answered as she ran off to her room

Awhile soon passed by and Klaus awaited his muse dressed in his finest with the bottle of magic drink in his pocket his heart pounding as he tried to keep composed.

The maiden walked out after, her hair all down flowing down her back and shoulders as she wore a long sleeved dark red dress her shoulders showing completely as a golden heart locket with a dark red ruby in the center rested on her neck.

Klaus looked to the werewolf and his eyes lit up at her beauty, even he could rarely believe that the gorgeous woman before him was his and it was times like this where the hybrid felt he wasn't worthy of such an angels love.

"Shall we?" Andrea asked as she held her hand out to him with a soft smile noticing he seemed to have zoned out.

"y-yes" he nodded slightly startled as she caught himself back into reality taking her hand into his kissing it softly.

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