You're A New Face

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The days had gone to months the months to years and the years to centuries but...things had changed from the night the hybrid had lost his great love...

Rebekah had compelled them all...Aurora..Lucien and her brothers...she'd had a plan all on her own. She of course hadn't wanted her brother to suffer the lose of his love, the blonde Mikaelson hadn't meant any harm but little had she known that she had changed the entire tale of Klaus and Andrea's the story you know now...
Rebekah had compelled Aurora and Lucien to believe they had never been together..Aurora would have been Klaus's love and Lucien...the weak poor fool who Tristan abused of..Elijah, Kol and Finn to not remember Andrea at all..and Klaus, what she had done to him changed his life completely.
The blonde sister had compelled him to believe Aurora had been his love...the one who left him when he and his family had to flee from Mikael.

The Mikaelson story then went on..the way you know..with the daggers and the betrayal only one thing...Rebekah knew all along that Andrea was out there somewhere and indeed she was...
The little wolf slept...for centuries and centuries..safely hidden away...she woke up..sometime in the many decades that followed and as foretold...she didn't remember anything...only two things..

That she was a crescent wolf and that her name was Hayley, Hayley Marshall...the rest of her story was not based on fact...she never did have foster parents who abandoned her...the Mikaelson family had been the ones who abandoned her...but she would never know that.
So now there was Klaus, a man who's heart had been hardened by what life had given to him. A man who knew no love and Hayley, a woman who history and time had forgotten about. A woman who had no family, and no place in the world..

Whoever could have thought that centuries later the two, would meet again...

Hayley had come to meet up with a familiar Lockwood, her friend Tyler in Mystic Falls where...coincidentally Klaus so happened to be causing trouble.
The crescent girl minded to her own business as then she heard a voice from behind her, the voice of someone she had known but who was she kidding of course she didn't know him...she'd heard of all the terrible things he'd done and so imminently she wiped off any sense of comfort the voice gave her...

"You're a new face" The hybrid spoke.

And the rest after that...well it all happened the way you know...

The End

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