A Time For Us

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Weeks passed and the little wolf grew even closer to Klaus.

It was early one morning when Andrea, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and Klaus were out in a field right outside of the castle.

Kol and Elijah were at practice fencing out in the sun as Rebekah and Andrea sat down under a tree as Andrea braided Rebekah's long blonde hair.

Klaus sat at the other end of the tree watching Andrea and Rebekah smiling faintly. 

As the crescent braided Rebekah's hair she noticed Klaus watching from the corner of her eye but as she looked back at him he looked  back at Elijah and Kol.

Andrea chuckled faintly and got back to braiding as Rebekah clapped and giggled to her brothers fencing. 

Upon Andrea focusing back on Rebekah's hair the blue eyed hybrid looked back at her with a small goofy smile.

This time Andrea turned back to him and smiled facing him just in time for their eyes to meet.

The little wolf smiled at Klaus brightly as he smiled back faintly.

"Could you two stop making lovey dovey eyes at one another and focus on my hair?" Chuckled the blonde Mikaelson sister.

"Right right" laughed Andrea as she finished off the braid.

Niklaus got up and went over to Kol and Elijah joining in on the fencing.

Andrea and Rebekah watched as Klaus drew his sword at his brother's.

"That looks fun" mumbled Andrea as she watched the brothers dodge one another's hits.

"Nonsense it is not very lady like" replied Rebekah as she folded her hands onto her lap. 

"Perhaps not but it's still pretty fun" chuckled Andrea.

"Let's try it, no one has to know we were holding the weapons Rebekah" convinced Andrea as she looked over at two swords that layed not too far from them.

Rebekah hesitated for a moment she knew it was wrong to do it but she wanted to.....very very badly and so she did.

The Mikaelson girl nodded and got up.

"Very well let's do it"  she said grabbing one of the swords then throwing the other one to Andrea.

The crescent caught the sword and smiled at it before looking back at Rebekah.

"On guard!" She smirked and narrowed her eyes.

Rebekah laughed faintly then tried to hit at Andrea's waist before she got blocked.

Both girls laughed as they fenced blocking and dodging the hits.

Awhile passed and as they got tired and set the swords down they turned and saw that Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol were watching them.

"Using swords? Really sister? I expect much better from you, ladies aren't to use swords and you know that" scolded Elijah as he looked at Rebekah.

The smile that had been on Rebekah's face disappeared and became a frown as she looked at the ground.

Andrea looked at Elijah and crossed her arms hearing him.

"Elijah with all due respect she had the urge and so she did it, swords are a good thing to know to wield lady or not and no one else was watching. I'm pretty sure you've done some terrible things yourself so that really gives you no right to shame your sister."

Rebekah looked up at Andrea then at Elijah.

"If she likes to fence and she does it in private then encourage it instead of shame her for it."

Elijah looked at Rebekah then at Andrea

"My apologies dear sister" he mumbled before putting the sword down and walking back to the horse drawn carriage with Kol.

"Thank you..." Whispered Rebekah as she looked at Andrea

Andrea nodded and watched as Rebekah walked to the carriage to meet up with her brothers.

That day was a day Rebekah wouldn't forget.

After that day she continued to fence despite what anyone would have to say and many many years later Klaus himself would be teaching her and a young Marcel Gerard how to fence. 

As for Andrea, as she began to clean up the swords and stow them away Klaus walked over to her and helped her.

"No one speaks to my brother the way you did Miss Labonair" he chuckled as he looked at her with his classic Klaus smirk.

"Yeah well someone should have, it may not be right for a lady to use a sword but whom should care what others have to say about such things?" She replied standing up right looking at him.

"You're not like most ladies I've met Andrea" Niklaus said looking into her emerald eyes getting closer.

A long silence fell upon them filled with soft yet intense stares as Andrea cupped Klaus's cheek leaning in.

He looked at her eyes longingly, like she was the most important treasure in his world.

The hybrid leaned in placing a passionate kiss onto her lips.

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