Worthy Of Your Title

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Flames lit around the village where a familiar little wolf was helping to try to put it out as well as helping people out of the burning houses.

It was right as she was told that William was trapped in one of the houses closer to the fields that she ran off to the house as Klaus Rebekah and Elijah showed up.

Klaus looking around in a silent panic worrying about Andrea.

Elijah and Rebekah grabbed buckets of water and began to put the fire out in desperate rushes.

Klaus ran to the familiar Field workers of Hayley

"Where is she?" He asked aggressively trying as hard as he could to stop his eyes from glowing deep red.

The field workers looked at one another then they pointed towards the house by the hay field.

The hybrid ran towards the house every step he took causing his heart to beat even faster. Upon reaching the house he stood in front of it ready to run inside right as it began to crumble causing the roof to begin to fall down onto the house.

Everything collapsed with a trapped Andrea gasping for air as she coughed trying to stay conscious.

Klaus fell his heart drop right as the house began to drop all on itself.

Listening closely with teary water eyes the hybrid slowly listened to the 2 faint heartbeats that came from inside the crumbling house.

Instantly Klaus ran into the house coughing before letting out a painful scream


Not too far away, the crescent wolf looked up her vision now blurry as she stood keeping something closely stowed away into her chest.

As she tried to call back she found herself not to be able to speak only letting out a strong cough.

Klaus looked around trying to see best he could to follow the sound of the distant heart beats and coughing getting louder in his ear.

"Kl...aus!" Screamed the weak voice that belonged to Andrea.

Upon moving a huge pillar of wood away from the fiery flames Klaus looked ahead barely able to see panicking frantically.

"Andrea? Andrea?!" He screamed looking around before spotting a curled up brunette in the corner feeling his heart skip a beat upon seeing her.

The hybrid ran over to Andrea picking her up and upon doing so, realized what the thing she was holding oh so close was.....a baby letting out small coughs.

Klaus held tightly onto Andrea and the child before speeding out right as the house fell apart completely.

Andrea barely able to breathe as they got out, the villagers waiting for the hybrid along with Rebekah and Elijah.

Once out away from the flames, Klaus laid Andrea onto a wagon as Elijah and Rebekah kept the worried crowds of villagers back.

"What on earth were you bloody thinking?! You could've been killed!" Klaus raised his voice at the werewolf extremely worried his voice full of expression.

"William....was in there I didn't want him to burn alive.....I got there too late..." Whispered Andrea behind a cough as she sipped some water her voice weak.

"He was dead....right by the child's crib...I thought it too and as I left...it...coughed and I grabbed it....and we got trapped" the crescent finished as her eyes watered looking down at the infant in her arms.

Niklaus sighed and looked at her then softly cupped her cheek.

"Let us get you two back to the manor...alright?"

The brunette nodded slowly going to the front of the wagon with the child not aware she was being watched by someone in the crowd.

The ride to the castle was silent as one of the field workers was bringing Klaus Andrea the child and Rebekah back to the castle as Elijah stayed back to help out.

Once arriving to the castle Rebekah turned back behind her to see Andrea asleep into Klaus's shoulder.

"Shall I take the child...?" She whispered as Klaus looked to her.

He hesitated then slowly nodded handing the small child to her as the little wolf slowly awoke.

"My sister will get the baby cleaned up....I shall stay with you"

The crescent slowly nodded and Klaus helped her off the wagon.

A hour passed and Klaus kept his word not leaving Andrea alone not even for a second and as he helped lace up her soft dress for bed laying down in bed next to her she looked at him.

"Thank you..." she spoke finally her voice somewhat back to normal.

He nodded holding her close to him as her eyes began to shut slowly.

Klaus rocked her slowly and she finally drifted off to sleep.

Quietly the door opened and Rebekah crept her head in.

"Brother....we wish a word with you"

The Hybrid looked at Rebekah giving her a look awaiting one good reason on why he should do as she asked.

".....the witch you have been seeking has presented herself"

Klaus's face turned shocked as he slowly got up placed a kiss on Andrea'a forehead before walking out with Rebekah closing the door behind him to meet the witch who's assistance he needed.

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